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In her latest book, Anna Roy opens up about her fight against obesity and his addiction to sugar.

Anna Roy “en obésité sévère” : comment la chroniqueuse de la Maison des maternelles a réussi à perdre la moitié de son poids

© France 2 In her latest book, Anna Roy confides about her fight against obesity and her addiction to sugar. Heartbreaking confidences.


  • Anna Roy is a columnist in La Maison des Maternelles on France 2
  • Agathe Lecaron's columnist then confides in her fight against obesity
  • And she returns to her addiction to sugar

Present in the show La Maison des Maternelles on France 2, Anna Roy is one of the columnists of Agathe Lecaron. Midwife, she does not hesitate to give her valuable advice to women who are expecting a child or who have become mothers. Followed by several hundred thousand subscribers on social networks, she has published several books, including Énorme, published by Larousse.

Inside this book, she reveals in particular how she struggled with her obesity. A weight that was too high and that pushed her to never get back on the scale:  “I'm too afraid of the result. I've known too much the anxiety of the scales that reflect by blinking, that blink for far too long, as if they themselves couldn't believe it,” she writes.

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Anna Roy: her fight against obesity

Anna Roy revealed to have been mounted up to “121.3 kilos.And what about the 126.8 a few months before ? Damn. At 68 kilos, one thousand two hundred years ago, when I was 26, I was doing great. At 73, still not too bad. 48 kilos to lose, I prefer not to think about it, shares Anna Roy. One weigh-in per month, that seems like good timing to me, she confides.

Face à Agathe Lecaron, she will talk about how she was dependent on sugar. “Because I have to stop deluding myself: I'm not fat, I'm obese. And even, in 'severely obese', as the medical authorities say. And that sugar is not a pleasure, but an addiction. It alienates me, drives me crazy, takes me out of myself. That by swallowing it, I run to my doom, by plane to reaction”. 

Putting an end to her sugar addiction

Very frank, Anna Roy is going to confide in Agathe Lecaron. “Symbolically, I wanted her to be the first: after all, she was the one who saved my life,” she said.

In 2015, the occupational physician she went to see told her that she was actually sick: “He clears his throat: 'Anna, you're 17 kilos heavier than you were a year ago, after all.' I don't give a damn. I don't see the flashing lights, not the numbers, not my reflection, not the problem. I let go of the banister. I let myself slide,” we can read. Very intimate but necessary confidences.

Teilor Stone

By Teilor Stone

Teilor Stone has been a reporter on the news desk since 2013. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining Thesaxon , Teilor Stone worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my teilor@nizhtimes.com 1-800-268-7116