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Associations, register now! The prize for gender equality is launched in the Gard

Le festival féministe des Amis du Prolé avait remporté le Premier prix en 2024. – CD30

Les associations porteuses d'un projet peuvent s'inscrire d'ici au 1er mars. Un jury se réunira pour désigner les trois lauréats qui bénéficieront d'un accompagnement.

The “Prix pour une Égalité femmes-hommes dans le Gard” aims to provide financial support and sponsorship for an innovative action, of interest to the Gard region and promoting gender equality in its concept or implementation.

200% Deposit Bonus up to €3,000 180% First Deposit Bonus up to $20,000

The project may, for example, concern diversity, professional equality, awareness-raising among young people, the fight against gender stereotypes, the place of women and men, whether in the academic, professional, social, cultural, sports fields….

From 2 to 5,000 euros of endowment

This competition is open to all associations with a project taking place in the Gard region. Three associative structures can be rewarded according to the selected projects. They are then sponsored and financially supported by the Departmental Council for the realization of their actions, with 2,000 to 5,000 euros of endowments.

Call for associations for departmental days

During the month of March, the departmental network of partners and the Departmental Council organize the Departmental Women's Rights Days. This action has been sponsored by Sansévérino, since the first edition in 2017. Associations committed to women's rights are invited to join the events organized around the international day of March 8. To be part of the departmental program, they simply need to list their actions by completing and returning the form accessible via the link before February 7, 2025.

How to participate ? Interested associations must submit a project presentation file (including a cover letter and presentation, a precise description of the planned project, as well as the planned budget) either directly online at aidesauxfemmes.gard.fr before March 1, 2025. Or by post (postmark as proof) until February 16, 2025 to the address: Gard Departmental Council; Coordination Department – ​​General Management; 3 rue Guillemette 30044 Nîmes Cedex 9.

The winning associations will be designated during the Departmental Women's Rights Days with an awards ceremony organized on the afternoon of March 7.

Teilor Stone

By Teilor Stone

Teilor Stone has been a reporter on the news desk since 2013. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining Thesaxon , Teilor Stone worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my teilor@nizhtimes.com 1-800-268-7116