En ville comme en milieu rural, des expositions multiples à la pollution, constate Santé publique France. Midi Libre – MICHAEL ESDOURRUBAILH
Santé publique France has published a unique study that measures the impact of air pollution on the health of the French, and assesses its economic weight. In Occitanie, it is estimated to cause up to 2,800 cases of preventable respiratory diseases in children, and 4,300 new cases of cardiovascular, respiratory or metabolic diseases in adults.
“Air pollution is a set of gases and particles suspended in the air (indoor or outdoor) whose concentration levels vary depending on emissions and weather conditions, and which are harmful to health and the environment” : Santé publique France (SPF) does not stop at a definition of air pollution.
In a study published on Wednesday, January 29, the national public health agency methodically assesses the impact of pollution on the health of the French, and its cost.
“Everyone is affected by ambient air pollution and its impacts. The assessment of this impact on chronic diseases and its economic consequences, the result of a partnership, is a first in France. This work, the aim of which is to inform and guide the decisions of authorities at the national and local levels, highlights the health and economic benefits of collective and sustainable action to improve air quality”, indicates Caroline Semaille, Director General of Public Health France, in the summary transmitted by SPF.
The result is worrying.
200% Deposit Bonus up to €3,000 180% First Deposit Bonus up to $20,000Between 12% and 20% of new cases of respiratory diseases in children
“The study estimates that between 12 and 20% of new cases of respiratory diseases in children (i.e. between 7,000 and almost 40,000 cases, depending on the disease and the pollutant considered) and between 7 and 13% of new cases of respiratory, cardiovascular or metabolic diseases in adults (i.e. between 4,000 and 78,000 cases, depending on the disease and the pollutant considered) are attributable annually to long-term exposure to ambient air pollution linked to human activities”, indicates SPF.
And yet, “reducing concentrations of fine particles and nitrogen dioxide to levels equivalent to WHO guideline values would prevent a large proportion of these cases.”
Occitanie is not spared
In Occitanie, "if ambient air pollution levels were to fall in all the region's municipalities to reach the WHO guideline values, between 160 and 2,800 new cases of respiratory diseases in children, and between 240 and 4,300 new cases of cardiovascular, respiratory or metabolic diseases in adults, could be avoided on average each year", the study estimates.
Going further in the analysis, concerning the cases considered as "éavoidable" due to fine particle pollution: 240 lung cancers, 1,400 COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), 4,300 high blood pressure, 480 myocardial infarctions, 580 strokes, 750 cases of type 2 diabetes, 2,800 cases of asthma in children.
On nitrogen dioxide pollution: 780 cases of preventable asthma in 0-17 year-olds, and 300 in 18-39 year-olds. For pneumonia, 160 cases of preventable asthma in under-12s years.
In the region, “ambient air pollution by fine particles and nitrogen dioxide is present in urban areas, but also affects rural areas” recall the investigators.
The economic impact is major: it is estimated at “12.9 billion euros related to fine particles”, “or almost 200 euros per year and per inhabitant”, and at “3.8 billion euros for nitrogen dioxide, or 59 euros per year and per inhabitant”.
Above all, “if the World Health Organization's guideline values were respected, these benefits would be respectively 9.6 billion euros (or 148 euros per year and inhabitant) and 1.7 billion euros (or 26 euros per year and per inhabitant)”.
European Directive
While “40,000 deaths are attributable to fine particles in France each year”, and air pollution kills 300,000 Europeans at the same time, Santé publique France does not want to remain inactive.
The administration recalls that the new European directive on ambient air quality, which came into force on December 11, 2024, sets new, stricter targets for several pollutants, to be achieved by 2030.
“In the context of the recent adoption of the new European directive on ambient air quality and Clean Air for Europe programme, these new data reaffirm the public health issue surrounding air pollution, and encourage us to sustainably continue efforts to reduce pollution at all its sources and across the entire territory”, states SPF.