L’objectif était de présenter aux futurs étudiants les différents parcours possibles dans le supérieur au travers du regard d’étudiants/jeunes diplômés. Repro TC
200% Deposit Bonus up to €3,000 180% First Deposit Bonus up to $20,000The association aims to promote equal opportunities in rural areas.
The association “From Aveyron to Grandes Écoles” went to the Jean Vigo high school in Millau to meet three final year classes. An initiative aimed at enlightening students on post-baccalaureate opportunities through concrete testimonies from Aveyron students and young graduates.
Among them, Gabriel Negre, a graduate of ISAE-Supaero, and Théo Costes, a dual master's student at Sciences Po Toulouse and TBS Education, shared their experiences and answered the high school students' many questions. Enriching exchanges that helped demystify higher education, while offering a realistic overview of student life.
The association, whose main mission is to promote equal opportunities in rural areas, also acts through mentoring programs. A commitment welcomed by Ms. Nayral-Goudal, teacher and organizer of the event, who emphasizes the importance of such initiatives to open up the field of possibilities to these future students.
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