On January 25, 2025, Anne, who was scammed out of 830,000 euros by a fake Brad Pitt on social media, returned to the case. On the set of C l'hebdo, she responded to those who accuse her of naivety, and reminded everyone that these scams are not only aimed at “fans”.
“It hurts, but at the same time, I'm in warrior mode today.” Scammed by a user who pretended to be Brad Pitt on social media, Anne returned to the affair on the show C l'hebdo, Saturday evening.
In particular, she wanted to emphasize the fact that this kind of scam could happen to anyone. The proof: she herself is not a fan of the actor, and yet, she fell into the nets of a “love scam”.
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“Yes, we are ashamed, but I accept it, not just for myself but on behalf of the other victims. There are many who keep quiet because they are ashamed,” laments the victim whose scam was revealed on Sept à huit in early January.
Since then, she has been subjected to a wave of harassment. But now more serene about this wave of hatred, she responds: “I want to tell these people, you shouldn't make fun, because you don't know each other's real story. We each have our own story, our own burden, our own backpack. People can't be objective when they don't know the story. You don't have the right to judge.”
Not a fan of Brad Pitt
She also wants to emphasize the fact that she wasn't a big fan of the actor. Yet this was what Brad Pitt's spokesperson had implied when he deplored the fact that “crooks take advantage of the strong connection between fans and celebrities”.
According to Anne, in her case this is not the case: “I want to say that I was not a fan. Oddly enough. He is handsome, but I have never been the type to fantasize about anyone. This story came to me as it could have happened to anyone else.” Assuring that this is not a case of a blinded fan, but rather an ordinary victim of what is called a “love scam”.