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Marine Lemoine: "For Alestrêm, you have to have a big physique and courage!"

Marine Lemoine: "For Alestrêm, you have to have a big physique and courage!"

Marine Lemoine se projette déjà sur le prochain championnat du monde d'enduro débutant au Portugal. M. L. – M.L.

After 12 hours of racing, for her first participation, the Auvergne police officer Marine Lemoine won the race in the Pink category on a KTM 4T. And she intends to come back next year once the night is over…

The day after the race, what surprised you in this 10th Alestrêm ?
“It's extreme because we start cold, on Saturday morning, in a selection special and it's not easy to manage the arms that stiffen up quite quickly. Usually in enduro, we always have 10/15 minutes of liaison to warm up but here, we take the bikes out of the park and the time is there straight away. The evening prologue is the same, cold, with the obstacles that follow one after the other. And the same on Sunday with a mass start of ten, and you have to manage the energy of the day with 7 hours of motorcycling… I didn't think it would be so intense in fact. The time against you also puts extra pressure. My heart almost gave out at the end”.


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Victory for Teodor Kabakchiev on Sherco!

"  We had never had rain for a whole weekend and this made for a very tough event for the riders but also for the teams, details Greg Florin, president of the motorcycle club, founder of the competition and co-organizer with Jérémy Marin-Cudraz. The courses had to be adapted to the weather conditions, traffic jams had to be managed… It was a real challenge! And now there is a lot of cleaning and restoration work to do.
Only the official Sherco riders, Mario Roman and Teodor Kabakchiev, completed the Extrêm. It was the latter who won the 10th event.

So why this decision to engage in this format ?
” The extreme, the crossing, it's not my strong point in enduro. It was a preparation for the future enduro world championship, to see where I was physically, if I was able to hold out over time and overcome the obstacles which are much harder than what we find in enduro. This allows me to be reassured about the season which begins in April in Portugal (4 sleeves).”

Despite the absence of the prologue on the banks of the Gardon, what memory do you have of the atmosphere ?
“I was surprised by the good atmosphere. Also the mutual help to get the motorbikes through because of the weather conditions. It was really harder with this rain.”

At 26 years old, and a French enduro champion title in 2022, how did you get into motorcycling ?
“I come from horse riding. I've always ridden motorbikes with my dad, pony riding with my mom. And actually, I got tired of horses. I was French champion and even if it's not the horse that does everything, depending on the budget we are more or less advantaged. There, on a motorbike if you're not good, you're not good. And that, I really liked. And then in enduro, you race against yourself. Cross is a bit of a war at the start, there you are all alone and it's a real personal challenge. I loved being marshal in 2018 in Brioude (43) during a French championship and that's when I understood that this is what I wanted to do.”

What appeals to you in the enduro ?
“We go alone in our special, and we do our time. It's truly a personal challenge, surpassing ourselves. But for Alestrêm, you have to have a big physique and courage! “

Teilor Stone

By Teilor Stone

Teilor Stone has been a reporter on the news desk since 2013. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining Thesaxon , Teilor Stone worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my teilor@nizhtimes.com 1-800-268-7116