Me Abdelghani Merah speaks for the victim. HOCINE ROUAGDIA
Les avocats de la défense viennent de s’entretenir avec l’accusé avant le démarrage du procès HOCINE ROUAGDIA
Mes Marine Santimaria et Victoria Morgante HOCINE ROUAGDIA
Me Marine Santimaria assiste l'accusé. HOCINE ROUAGDIA
Fabrice Civis est accusé de tentative de meurtre le 1er octobre 2022. La scène se serait passée aux abords de la boîte de nuit l’Eden située, boulevard Sergent Triaire.
“I admit to having shot him but deny having wanted to kill him,” the accused told President Pasta who had just questioned him to find out his position at the start of the attempted murder trial that began this Monday before the Gard Assize Court. In the prisoners' box, Fabrice Civis, 41, must explain shots fired near the Eden nightclub located near the train station on October 1, 2022, which seriously injured another man against the backdrop of a fight related to a dispute that the court will explore for two days.
This Monday, before the start of the trial, the presiding judge gave a reminder of the procedure with a summary of the circumstances of the case and some information on the gunshot wounds: the intestine and gallbladder were perforated and the projectile exited through the buttock.
The accused pleads accidental shooting
On the accidental aspect of the gunshot, the presiding judge notes that the ballistics expert indicated that an involuntary shot was excluded because a certain force on the trigger was required to trigger the shot, a force apparently incompatible with an accidental shot.
In the oral report, the presiding judge summarizes the position of the investigating judge who ordered the indictment of the forty-year-old to be tried for criminal acts, in this case attempted murder. An intention to kill that is “deduced from the weapon used, the shooting zone and the distance,” notes President Pasta. Fabrice Civis has been in prison since October 2022, “that's two years and four months,” he says from the prisoners' box. Apparently his pretrial detention is going smoothly and has not had any incidents.
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