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< img class = "responsive-Img" SRC = "https://images.midilibre.fr/api/v1/images/View/67A64309CC0C9A676365ADB9/LARGE/Image.jpg?v=4" alt = "spaces specially developed to meet the needs of autistic children." >Spaces specially fitted out to meet the needs of autistic children. < P Class = "Article-Full__CoPo" >L & AMP;#39; Gustave-Courbet school in Nîmes welcomes a unit of Autism maternal teaching to seven children, for global school, educational, social and medical care. & Amp; nbsp;

< P >< EM > “This UEMA (Autism Maternal Education Unit) is much more than a place of teaching, it is a space where each child will have the opportunity to develop Its potential at its own pace, while being supported in a benevolent and stimulating environment “, explains Arnaud Lessut, director of the Gustave-Courbet nursery school, in Valdegour in Nîmes. Since November, five young autistic children, soon seven, have been welcomed for global school, educational, medical, social care … The space was inaugurated this Friday morning in the presence of the families of accompanied children. 

< iframe width = "600" height = "450" ​​style = "Border: 0;" ALLOWFULLSCREEN = "" lOading = "Lazy" RetrierPolicy = "No-Referrer-When-Downgrade" src = "https://www.google.com/maps/embed?p=!1m18! 1435195888594! 2d4.322468976562089! 3D43.83212204083966! 2m3! 1F0! 2F0! 3F0! 3m2! 1i1024! 2i768! 4F13.1! 3m3! 1M2! 740778938F0356! 2S%C3%89 CODOLE%20%C3%A9lementary%20gustave% 20courbet! 5E0! 3m2! 1SFR! 2SFR! 4V1738949136981! 5M2! 1SFR! 2SFR "> < P >This structure is the fruit of a partnership of the City of Nîmes, the Ministry of National Education, the Regional Health Agency and Areram (Association for children's rehabilitation and adult rehabilitation in medico-social difficulties ). It responds to the obligation of the 2005 law on equality of chance which proclaims the right to schooling all children. The unit is not only integrated into the building, but truly in school itself. This project embodies < EM > “Our values ​​of equality of opportunity, inclusion and respect for differences” , continues Arnaud Lessut, who wishes to create “a place of learning and success for all “. 

< H2 Class = "TXT-INT" > “Values ​​of equality” < P >< EM > “The stars I see in the eyes of parents give all the meaning of this day” , Smores Véronique Gardeur-Bancel, assistant to Education, and who hopes that < EM > “Each child, without distinction, can benefit from the best conditions to learn and flourish” . The existing devices were addressed to children in elementary schools, it is the first concerning kindergarten. 

< P > Beyond the care, < EM > “Happiness” that the academic director of national education services for children welcomed is due to developments designed according to needs. The UEMA has two rooms, a classroom and a quieter corner. Sound insulation, light processing, neutral painting … Everything is implemented for children's comfort. In addition to a specialized teacher, UEMA can count on two specialized educators, an educational and social accompanying person, a neuropsychologist, a psychomotrician. Children are followed by the doctor from Areram and transport can be taken care of. 

< P > The unit remains open to the school. Children eat in the canteen with other students and share the playground. < EM > “This opening is a major advance for the company, according to Frédéric Adrian, director of Areram. < EM > This is the incarnation of Values ​​of the inclusive school, the reception of all, respect for singularities and the ambition to offer each child a school career. All children by developing the culture of diversity and cooperation. “

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Teilor Stone

By Teilor Stone

Teilor Stone has been a reporter on the news desk since 2013. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining Thesaxon , Teilor Stone worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my teilor@nizhtimes.com 1-800-268-7116