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2024 legislative elections, live: Mélenchon candidate ? “A little tense” debates on the left

“Legislative elections 2024, live: Mélenchon candidate ? Debates "a little tense" & on the left”

Jean-Luc Mélenchon is citedé to stand as a candidate for legislative elections Marseille, which could convince the mayor of the city, Benoît Payan, to present himself against the opposition. him. The Popular Front hopes to achieve this goal. an agreement "in the coming hours", despite" some tension.

The essentials

  • The 2024 legislative elections will take place on Sundays June 30 and July 7. The electoral campaign will therefore be brief. The parties have until June 16 to unveil their candidates.
  • The Socialist Party, the Communist Party, the ecologists and La France insoumise have found the yesterday an "agreement in principle" on the distribution of constituencies during legislative elections. Their new "Popular Front" now negotiates a common program. According to the communist Fabien Roussel, an agreement could be found in the coming hours, even if “in the coming hours” bats are a little tense.
  • The rumor of Jean-Luc Mélenchon's candidacy in the legislative elections does not make things any easier: according to Libération, the founder of LFI is considering running in the 5th constituency of Bouches-du-Rhône. If that were the case, the diverse left mayor of Marseille, Benoît Payan, could run against him, the daily assures.
  • Eric Zemmour announced yesterday evening the exclusion of Marion Maréchal from her Reconquêparty, denouncing a "betrayal" after she called &agrav; support the RN-LR alliance in the legislative elections. Three other MEPs newly elected under the colors of Reconquête were also elected. excluded: Nicolas Bay, Guillaume Peltier and Laurence Trochu.
  • For his part, Eric Ciotti is resisting: while the LR political bureau voted &agrav; unanimously his exclusion yesterday, the deputy des Alpes-Maritimes contests the legitimacy of the of the procedure and states that he will be "in [his] office" at party headquarters today. He sharply attacks people. those who pushed him outside after his announcement of an alliance with the National Rally: "We have seen the return of all those who have caused the right to lose for decadesé quot;, he denounces on France 2, before targeting more precisely some of his former colleagues: quot;When I see this poor Mr. Bertrand or Mme Pécresse who humiliatedé the right with 4%…"


14:21 – The Popular Front hopes to present an agreement "in the coming hours", according to Roussel

After finding an agreement in principle on the number of constituencies allocated to each formation, the left-wing parties must still divide up these constituencies. However, Fabien Roussel admits that "the debates are a little tense" : "We have to choose the best among us, but they are perhaps not the same as in 2022", points out the communist. However, he hopes to “present” the press in the coming hours" an agreement, "on the program" and on "the’commitment that in each of the constituencies, we will have a single candidate".

"As long as we discuss, it's not done, as long as it's not done, there's always a risk of not getting there& quot;, tempers Roussel.

2:00 p.m. – Mélenchon candidate for legislative elections é Marseille ?

According to information from Libération, Jean-Luc Mélenchon would consider running for the legislative elections in the 5th constituency of Bouches-du-Rhône. A constituency previously held by outgoing LFI MP Hendrik Davi. this rumor. If it were true, I think Jean-Luc would have at least called me, says World the latter, who nevertheless decided to decide to postpone the launch of his campaign by a few hours.

Hendrik Davi is close to Clémentine Autain and one of those who wasé called the "frondeurs" of LFI a few months ago, due to their opposition à the new leadership team of the party.

Except that according to Libération, a candidacy of Mélenchon in Marseille would be viewed very negatively by the mayor of the city, Benoît Payan (DVG), to the point that the latter could decide to run against the rebellious. "If Benoît Payan goes, he has a good chance of winning", says an elected official of the Marseille left.

Jean-Luc M&eacutelenchon has been candidate for the 4th constituency of Bouches-du-Rhône, before being replaced by Manuel Bompard in 2022.

13:17 – Bellamy will vote for the RN in the event of a duel against the Popular Front in the legislative elections

"The real danger for France is the arrival to power of Jean-Luc Mélenchon", believes the head of the LR list to the Europeans on Europe 1. The one who has just been designated interim president of his party, following the exclusion of Eric Ciotti, declares that in the event of a duel between the RN and the Popular Front in the 2nd round of the legislative elections, he will &quot ;éobviously" dam à left. He says he is ready to take action. "everything to prevent La France insoumise from coming to power in this country".

12 :54 – Which Prime Minister for the Popular Front ? "We need a profile that is not divisive", claims Autain

The Popular Front has not yet designated a candidate. candidate for the post of Prime Minister in the event of victory in the legislative elections and cohabitation, affirms Cl&eac;mentine Autain. "We will decide on a candidacy which makes consensus à inside this diversity of the left and the ecologists, declares the deputy insoumise on Franceinfo. "We need a profile that is not divisive", says Autain, who wants a figure "capable of bringing people together".

12:28 – "I'm leading this campaign", confirms Gabriel Attal

"The President of the Republic said it yesterday during his press conference (…): as Prime Minister, head of “For the majority, I'm leading this campaign,” declares Gabriel Attal on France Inter. The Prime Minister insists on one point: Emmanuel Macron “hasébeené Elected in 2022. He is president for another three years. The result of the legislative elections on June 30 will not change anything. These elections are not a referendum for or against the President of the Republic, it is the choice of apos;a majority and a government."

12:05 – More than 63,000 proxy requests in two days

After the surprise announcement of anticipated legislative elections at the beginning of summer, Thousands of voters rushed to make a proxy. The two rounds will in fact take place on June 30 and July 7, that is to say & a moment whenù many French people will be on vacation. No question, however, of giving up à vote, for such a decisive election. According to the Ministry of the Interior, more than 63,000 power of attorney requests have been processed. made in two days, a record number.

11:44 – New LR political office to "validate the exclusion" by Ciotti

A new political office will be held "by video" to "validate the exclusion" by Eric Ciotti, as well as that of the president of the Young Republicans, Guilhem Carayon, indicates LR in a press release. Eric Ciotti indeed contests her exclusion, arguing that the political office which voted for her yesterday had not been in charge. summoned in accordance with the party's statutes: a political bureau cannot be convened only by the president of LR where ù at the request of a quarter of the members of the National Council.

However, the LR executives claim this time to have "veryè largely collected more than a quarter of the signatures of the LR national advisors who cover the national territory" with a view to this new political office.

11:29 – 60 à 70 LR candidates invested by the RN in the legislative elections

 According to information from the JDD, 60 à 70 candidates from the ranks of the Republicans will be nominated by the National Rally for the early legislative elections. "We signed", affirms an LR who followed Eric Ciotti in his approach to alliance with Jordan Bardella's party. But among them, only "6 or 7" outgoing LR deputies. One of them is the deputy; Meyer Habib (8th constituency of French people established outside France).

The RN would also invest Guilhem Carayon, president of the Young Republicans, but also the vice-president of the Thé o Michel, or even Charles Prats.

11:15 – "It's OSS 117" ! Florence Portelli deplores a rather grotesque "vaudeville" around Ciotti

The Republican vice-president looks back on yesterday's events at the Republican headquarters and the exclusion of Eric Ciotti, who denounced a “putsch” : “He is used to the poor man's putsch,” mocks Florence Portelli on France Inter.””When you barricade yourself in a headquarters and you don't know that the secretary general has a spare set of keys, it is quite worrying about her ability to manage the security problems of the French. It is quite grotesque, it is OSS 117! I apologize in advance to people who are disgusted by politics, because we are still offering them a rather grotesque farce and I obviously dissociate myself from such stupid gestures.”

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11:01 – Popular Front: "all agree to condemn the terrorist massacres" of October 7, assures Bompard

The coordinator of La France insoumise reveals on Europe 1 some points of agreement on foreign policy between the different members of the Popular Front with a view to the legislative elections: "We all agree to say that we must recognize the & ;rsquo;State of Palestine, that it is necessary to decree an embargo on arms deliveries so that the massacres in Palestine stop. Gaza; We all agree to condemn the terrorist massacres which took place in the country. committed by Hamas, it’s obvious", declares Manuel Bompard.

He also evokes a consensus on helping the Ukrainian people to survive. defend themselves, including through arms deliveries, but with a red line. on the sending of French troops on the ground.

10:51 – Mélenchon Prime Minister ? Olivier Faure wants "a profile that is not divisive"

Yesterday evening, Jean-Luc Mélenchon indicatedé on France 2 that he felt "ready" &agrav; To be Prime Minister in the event of cohabitation, but did not want to impose himself. "I understand he's ready. He was é the Nupes candidate for this function and à At the time, he had a certain legitimacy. very strong, he 'the man of the 22%", reacts Olivier Faure on RMC. "Today it's a little different. I can see that we are trying to make LFI reappear as the danger, but LFI was 10% for Europeans, it was 14% for the PS", recalls the socialist.

“We have a country that is divided, very divided,” Faure notes. “When the new coalition is in the majority, it will have to come together and choose from among its members the person who is best able to repair the strained ties, to ensure that we can calm this country, reassure it and renew the threads of dialogue with the French. This assumes that we have a profile that is not the most divisive, but that on the contrary allows us to unite this country.”

10:20 – The first tract of the majority presidential election unveiled: everything for Gabriel Attal

The first leaflet from the Macronist camp says a lot about the strategy adopted in this legislative election campaign: the Prime Minister appears alone, in close-up, on a blue background . Once again, Gabriel Attal appears brandished as "the anti-Bardella weapon", confirming the statements of Emmanuel Macron, who confided in &agrav; her foal the responsibility to lead the campaign. A strategy which has not yet proven itself during the European elections.

10:01 – Unemployment insurance reform will be implemented by decree " by July 1, Attal announces

Yesterday at a press conference, Emmanuel Macron was procrastinating on the reform of unemployment insurance, ensuring that it was "indispensable" but that it would arrive rather after the vote: "Afterwards, does çit have to go through the Assembly? e ? Does çthis have to go through a decree ? We will see it the next day", declared the head of the  apos;State.

Another story this morning from the side by Gabriel Attal: on France Inter, the Prime Minister announces that a "decree will be issued by July 1", that's-& that is to say between the two rounds of the legislative elections.

09:51 – François Ruffin feels "capable" to be Prime Minister

"I feel capable of it. If ever there is a consensus that should lead to à a name, I'm ready for it take the place we want to transform people's lives, declares François Ruffin à France Blue Picardy. Sunday evening, a few minutes after the announcement of the dissolution of the National Assembly, the deputy of the Somme was é the first &agrav; call à a "Popular Front" &agrav; LEFT. A few days later, the expression was ratified and the coalition of the left moved forward on its program. But no figure was included. designated to claim the post of Prime Minister in the event of victory in the legislative elections leading to cohabitation.

"When I started" the idea of ​​the Popular Front is still with the figure in mind. both by Léon Blum, but also by Léo Lagrange, who was é Minister of Recreation à at that time and who, in one month, managed to achieve this goal. bring light to workers, that is to say their first paid leave, declares François Ruffin .

09:45 – Zemmour wanted to "present as many candidates as possible" face &agrav; the LR-RN alliance in the legislative elections, according to Maréchal

Marion Maréchal explains on TF1 the reasons for her disagreement with Eric Zemmour, which resulted in her being excluded from the party. According to her, the boss of Reconquête made "the choice to present as many Reconquête candidates as possible against the coalition of the RN, allyé &agrav; of the Republicans, in the legislative elections. However, "if we divide the votes, we take the risk of strengthening Macron's coalition, the coalition of the left and the far left", regrets the Eurod" ;eacute;putée.

This one reminds that she spent "48 hours" &agrav; try to negotiate an agreement with the RN, but that Jordan Bardella's party "does not wish to work directly or indirectly with Eric Zemmour and his structure because they did not have confidence in him.& ;quot;

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Emmanuel Macron announced the dissolution of the National Assembly just minutes after the announcement of the first estimates of the results of the European elections on Sunday, June 9. A “serious, heavy” decision taken in light of the National Rally's overwhelming victory in the European elections. “I trust the French people to make the fairest choice for themselves and for future generations. “I have heard your message, your concerns, and I will not leave them unanswered,” declared the President of the Republic. With this decision, and the call for Article 12 of the Constitution of the 5th Republic, Emmanuel Macron has de facto acted on the organization of early legislative elections aimed at forming a new National Assembly.

The French will therefore be called upon to do so. vote à new elections which will arrive quickly, very quickly since the Constitution provides for new elections within 20 years. 40 days following dissolution. Emmanuel Macron has already stopé the dates of the vote: the first round of the 2024 legislative elections will be held on Sunday June 30, followed by the second round a week later on Sunday July 7 2024. That is, less than three weeks after the announcement by the Head of State. Why so early ? Well, because within the time limit provided for by the Constitution, the agenda for the coming months is busy. particularly with the start of the Olympic Games and the following summer and school vacation period, which limited the options for organizing the ballots. 

From the day after the announcement on the dissolution of the National Assembly and the organization of elections the legislative, the different parties have entered into the campaign, which will be express with &àgrave; barely three weeks between the announcement and the polls. The first key step is is that of the submission of applications, the deadline for which is Friday June 14, to allow for the submission of applications. the official campaign to begin on Monday June 17 and respect the two weeks of campaigning before an election.

Now is the time for negotiations before the launch of the official campaign. The left has beené the first one called &agrav; a union and even à the formation of a "new popular front" from June 10. After meetings and several days of discussions, the four left-wing forces announced that they would take action. having found an "agreement in principle" on the distributions of the 577 constituencies with a view to the legislative elections to present a single candidate from the first round. According to this agreement LFI will present 229 candidates, the PS will have 175, EELV will have 92 and the PCF will have 50. "The essential work on the program is still under discussion" quot;, according to the socialists who affirm that there will be "no concession on our values".

Alliances are also being discussed on the right, but they are causing a stir. The president of the Les Républicains party has proposed an alliance with the Rassemblement National, which has shown itself inclined to a rapprochement. But that was without taking into account the majority of LR members who are opposed to the alliance and are demanding the dismissal of Eric Ciotti. The Zemmourist party Reconquête has also tried to get closer to the RN via Marion Maréchal, but the Lepéniste party has refused. an alliance for fear that the more radical ideas of the Zemmourist would harm him.

Face &agrav; these two alliances in formation, the majorityé presidential office reacts. Emmanuel Macron seek à expand its majority to the forces he considers to be part of the Republican arc, notably the socialist left and the Republican right. He especially castigated the extreme left and the extreme right and denounced "unnatural" alliances.

The first polls on the results of the 2024 legislative elections have started. &agrav; be published the day after the announcement of the dissolution of the National Assembly. The studies currently give the advantage to the National Rally with more than 30% of voting intentions. The union of the left arrives following à second position with just over 20% and the majority presidential vote is only given in third position below the 20% mark. The same studies therefore logically grant more seats to the RN.

According to the Toluna Harris Interactive study for Challenges, M6 and RTL, the RN would win between  235    265 sièages (compared to 89 currently) & the National Assembly, Renaissance and its allies would move on to 125 à 155 years (compared to 249 today), the Nupes would obtain 115 years. 145 seats (against 153) and the Republicans would move to 40 à 55 seats (compared to 74). This survey was carried out carried out online from June 9 to 10, 2024.

Teilor Stone

By Teilor Stone

Teilor Stone has been a reporter on the news desk since 2013. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining Thesaxon , Teilor Stone worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my teilor@nizhtimes.com 1-800-268-7116