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DIRECT. New Caledonia: a possible agreement between Macron and the separatists ?

The head of state arrived in New Caledonia to launch a "mission" of dialogue and put an end to the violence which has been raging on the island for more than a week. This Thursday, bilateral talks with economic players and local elected officials lasted for a long time. 3 hours. Announcements could be made at the end of the day by the president.

The essentials

  • Emmanuel Macron arrived in New Caledonia, accompanied by of the Minister of the Interior and the Armed Forces. A quick trip to launch a "mission" dialogue.
  • On site, the President of the Republic announced that the soldiers deployed in New Caledonia will remain there "as long as necessary, the first thing is' ;#39;order, calm, peace, and the situation which is still ongoing today, 'obviously concerns me" he declared. 
  • The Head of State estimated that that the state of emergency should not be extended &agrav; condition that everyone "calls à lift the roadblocks, notably the political forces on the island. "I appeal " responsibility of all the leaders here present" he continues. 
  • Emmanuel Macron also promised "decisions" and "announcements" &agrav; at the end of this day of Thursday May 23, 2024 & Nouméa. It also excludes that "appeasement" goes through a "backtrack" institutional. In other words, the government will not review the results of the three referendums which took effect. maintaining the overseas territory in the French Republic. 
  • This Wednesday, the first evacuations took place. around a hundred tourists were there; evacuated from New Caledonia thanks to flights chartered by their authorities. 
  • Since the start of the riots, six people have died. A man died after trying to kill him. to pass a roadblock, Saturday May 18. The other victims are three Kanak civilians and two gendarmes, one of the members of the police was killed. victim of an "accidental shooting" from one of his colleagues.


The meetings between Emmanuel Macron and the independentists have just ended. The Head of State will now review all political and economic actors according to information from New Caledonia La 1ère, while he is no longer from 1 a.m. à Nouméa.

Read also 

11:33 – All the big independentists present at the event the meeting with Emmanuel Macron

The meeting between Emmanuel Macron and the Independentists brings together all the components of the movement. Several leaders of the first independentist party in the archipelago, the Caledonian Union (UC), including the president of the Caledonian Congress Roch Wamytan, as well as executives of the Palika party including its spokesperson Jean-Pierre Djaïwé are present. The leader of the CCAT, a contested independentist collective, Christian Tein is also there.

11:33 – All the major independentists present at the event the meeting with Emmanuel Macron

The meeting between Emmanuel Macron and the Independentists brings together all the components of the movement. Several leaders of the first independentist party in the archipelago, the Caledonian Union (UC), including the president of the Caledonian Congress Roch Wamytan, as well as executives of the Palika party including its spokesperson Jean-Pierre Djaïwé are present. The leader of the CCAT, a contested independentist collective, Christian Tein is also there.

According to s news from Le Monde, Emmanuel Macron is getting ready for the news. meet "figures" of the independentist camp.

11:17 – Talks with political forces begin for Macron

Emmanuel Macron wants to put in place a "global agreement" between local, independentist and loyalist officials. The objective ? Break out of a political deadlock since December 2021 on the last referendum concerning independence. The independentists had contested the the holding of the vote, when the Kanaks decreed a time of mourning. In the absence of agreement, the reform of the electoral body was postponed. engaged. A project which ignited the powder between the different local elected officials. This is the last straw that overflowed. the vase in New Caledonia for more than a week.

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10:40 – No announcements from Emmanuel Macron before the end of his trip

Emmanuel Macron continues his exchanges in New Caledonia. He will only unveil his political measures “until now”. the outcome" of his visit to the island. The Head of State intends to move forward on a path of hope. It's a new pact that we must build together" he declared. this Thursday from Nouméa.

10:20 – Macron with the loyalists then the independentists

The President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron will speak separately with the loyalists, then the independentists during two separate meetings. An approach which illustrates the persistent tensions between the Caledonian political forces, despite the crisis. the arrival of the Head of State on the island.

09: 51 – France did not giveé its green light for the evacuation of New Zealand tourists

While Australia and New Zealand have started to take action. à charter flights to evacuate their nationals on vacation and stranded on the archipelago, these special flights cannot continue this Thursday. "Unfortunately, we have not yet received authorizations from France for flights today" indicates the New Zealand Minister of Foreign Affairs. It says "share the frustration" tourists still there.

09:15 – The "teenage house" on fire on the island

While Emmanuel Macon arrived for several hours in New Caledonia, a series of meetings to try to restore order and peace on the archipelago, the home of the teenagers " Casado" &agrav; Dumbéa is on fire this Thursday, as indicatedé by local media Radio Cocotier. A place of welcome and care dedicated to to young people aged 12 & 18 years old in psychological suffering.

09:02 – "The days and weeks to come will still be difficult" concède Macron

"We have points that are difficult à resume but they will be resumed" assures the President of the Republic from Noumea this Thursday. "We will go to the end, the days and weeks to come will still be difficult" he added. According to the latest report, 300 guards à view have been é ordered since the start of the violence on the archipelago.

08:32 – Three senior officials with Macron

In addition to Gérald Darmanin, Sébastien Lecornu and Marie Gévenoux, the three ministers, Emmanuel Macron is also accompaniedé of three senior officials for his visit to New Caledonia. This "&eac;contact team" as he likes to call it, is made up of Eric Thiers, chief of staff of the Minister of National Education, R&eacute ;my Bastille which was é secretary general of the high commission in New Caledonia and Fr&déric Potier, one of the directors generalé executives of the RATP, worked on the Caledonian file in 2014 when he worked for Manuel Valls.

If Emmanuel Macron calledé &agrav; a "constructive appeasement" upon his arrival on Caledonian soil, he completely refuted the idea of ​​going back on the result of the three results ;férendums which took action; the maintenance of the overseas territory in the Republic.  "Appeasement cannot be a return to the past. Appeasement cannot be about not respecting popular expression which has already become widespread. played. Appeasement cannot be to somehow deny a path that already has its beginnings. été done" indicated&eac; the president.

During his visit to the central police station in Nouméa, the head of state spoke about an absolutely unprecedented "insurgent movement" in New Caledonia. "No one saw it coming with this level of organization and violence". He also insisted on "greet cold blood" and the "professionalism" of law enforcement. "We will go to the end, the days and weeks to come will still be difficult" he continues.

08:09 – Macron at the Nouméa police station

The President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron is now at the central police station in Noumea. The purpose of this visit is to take the temperature with local law enforcement and find out their morale. 

08:06 – The state of emergency will not be extended if everyone "calls à lift the roadblocks"

This Thursday, from Noum&eac;a, Emmanuel Macron also indicatedé that the state of emergency "should not be extended" &agrav; condition that everyone calls à lift the blockades on the island. "I appeal " responsibility of all the leaders here present. The state of emergency will only be lifted, very clearly, if everyone, in their own responsibility, takes action. calls à lift the roadblocks" he said. 


Teilor Stone

By Teilor Stone

Teilor Stone has been a reporter on the news desk since 2013. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining Thesaxon , Teilor Stone worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my teilor@nizhtimes.com 1-800-268-7116