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Europeans 2024, live: immigration, Ukraine, ecology… What the candidates on the main lists defend

While the official campaign spots of the 38 candidate lists for European elections have been broadcast since Tuesday, the candidates of the main lists have returned to their positions on different subjects.

The essentials

  • The official campaign for the European elections opened on Monday May 27, two weeks before the election on Sunday June 9.
  • Tuesday evening, eight heads of the list detailed their plans. at the microphone of LCI their positions on the recognition of a Palestinian state, the war in Ukraine, the economy, immigration and immigration. éecology : Marion Maréchal (R!), Jordan Bardella (RN), François-Xavier Bellamy (LR), Valérie Hayer (Renaissance), Rapha& euml;l Glucksmann (PS/PP), Marie Toussaint (EELV), Manon Aubry (LFI) and Léon Deffontaines (PCF).
  • The campaign spots for the 38 candidate lists have been broadcast since Tuesday morning on public television and radio channels. While the communist Fabien Roussel takes the stage in a kitchen to talk about purchasing power, unknown and atypical lists are also entitled to discussion. their air time.


23:51 – A massive investment plan of 1,000 billion euros to make Europe competitive ?

END OF LIVE – This is the idea put forward this Tuesday evening at the microphone of LCI by Val&rie Hayer, the head of the Renaissance list at the Europeans. The Euro MP is concretely defending a "massive investment plan of 1 trillion euros" to invest in sectors that are "absolutely strategic” &agrav; namely transport, health é or even energy. To finance all this, the idea of ​​a "new loan" is advanced, but also that of making those who can pay more, such as the digital giants or even by offering “a booklet” ;eacute;savings to Europeans" so that they can invest their savings in strategic industries.

23:31 – In Ukraine, a "red line" &agrav; do not cross according to Léon Deffontaines

Shocked by the heavy sanction inflicted on the deputy LFI who brandished a flag à the National Assembly this Tuesday, L&on Deffontaines declaredé on LCI & be favorable à the recognition of a Palestinian state on the 1967 borders and wanting "the release of political prisoners". On Ukraine, he pleaded; for the delivery of weapons à kyiv, but has established a "red line" : "the refusal to send troops and the refusal of French weapons delivered which will affect Russian civilians". On the economic side, he declared: want the EU to revive the economy around three pillars: protectionism, planning, production. Finally, regarding ecology, he has to new affirmation that Europe was not ready for the end of thermal engines in 2035 and defended the idea ;a mix of "nuclear and renewable".

23:03 – "We can being on the verge of an overflow which could also be a nuclear overflow"

Questioned by LCI on various subjects, Jordan Bardella notably returned to Ukraine. Saying he is against an army and diplomacy at the European level, the boss of the RN estimated that that we should not strike outside Ukraine to protect it, fearing an escalation. "We are perhaps on the verge of an overflow which could also be a nuclear overflow", a- he asserted, pleading instead to "make people understand " Russia that it has nothing left to do win in Ukraine and that it must withdraw its troops.

22:32 – Marion Maréchal against the idea of ​​taxing high wealth and super profits

For a Palestinian state, but not with Hamas his head, against a warlike escalation in Ukraine and in favor of a “triple border” – extra-European, European and national – which would make it possible to deter, block and expel people who have nothing to do with it. to do on French soil, Marion Marchal also spoke Tuesday evening on LCI on the idea of ​​taxing high wealth and superprofits. "I am opposed to it," she asked. And to justify: "Tax the creators of wealth" would lead above all to à "dissuading businesses from remaining on European soil".

22:02 – Palestine, Ukraine and immigration& ;hellip; Here's what to remember from Manon Aubry's appearance on LCI

At the microphone of LCI, Manon Aubry calledé Emmanuel Macron recognized a Palestinian state, but also recognized a Palestinian state. decree an embargo on the shipment of weapons to destination of the Jewish state. Asked about the integration of Ukraine into the country the EU, the head of the LFI list said it was opposed to this idea, believing that for enlargements to work, “social, fiscal and environmental harmonization is necessary.” On immigration, Manon Aubry deplored the situation. EU policy, "inhumane" and "ineffective" according to her. And to defend while some associate immigration with insecurity : "When it was necessary to welcome Ukrainian refugees çit went very wellé because we organized things", also accusing the far right of having fabricated this resentment against immigration.

21:30 – Gaza, reindustrialization of Europe, Ukraine… What Glucksmann said in L'Événement

On the set of L'& Event, on France 2, the head of the socialist list for Europeans estimated that that we need to raise our voice in the face of what is happening Benjamin Netanyahu" and advocate for the recognition of a Palestinian state. "There will be no peace until there is Palestinian rights recognized", declaredé Raphaël Glucksmann for whom "today, all promises are vague". Coming back more on Europe, he said he was in favor of a Europe that is "respected" and which becomes "powerful". So, how to build a powerful Europe ? "We have a program. We want European ecological protectionism."

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Raphaël Glucksmann also explainedé want "Europe to once again become a continent of producers". On Ukraine, he argued that Russian assets should be seized and allocated to Russia. Ukraine. In favor of Ukraine's accession to the EU Europe, he pleaded for "the unification of the European continent". Finally, Raphaël Glucksmann said he wanted to tax the richest, saying that “this would bring in up to' 200 billion euros per year.

21:04 – Israel's response, war in Ukraine, immigration and economy… What François-Xavier Bellamy said

Deploring the incident that occurred at At the National Assembly earlier in the day, François-Xavier Bellamy approved on LCI the fact that Israel defended itself after the attack of October 7, before tempering: " Israel has [however] the duty to defend itself in accordance with international law. " On Ukraine, he judged; that Paris was “not there”. “We are delivering too little, too slowly, too late,” he lamented. Questioned on the difference of point of view between LR and the National Rally regarding immigration, François-Xavier Bellamy tackled the problem. : "The RN, on these subjects as on so many others, ends up changing its position." On the subject of the economy, he underlined: that his group was the only one "& to say that we will get out of this by reducing the weight of fiscal constraints, the weight of charges.

20:35 – Palestine, nuclear weapons, purchasing power, immigration… What Marie Toussaint said on LCI

Guest in "You have 15 minutes" from LCI, the head of the list of environmentalists Marie Toussaint first returned this Tuesday evening to the situation in the Gaza Strip. She called &agrav; an immediate ceasefire and denounced the "silence of France and the European Union". Advocating the sharing of nuclear weapons in Europe, Marie Toussaint estimated that &agrav; this subject that "what we need to build today is a common diplomacy". On purchasing power, Marie Toussaint said she was in favor of a reduction in "VAT for products that are good for the climate, for health" and &agrav; refuse any pause regarding environmental standards. Finally, on the establishment of legal immigration, the ecologist estimated that "this is not the subject of the EU, it is responsible for asylum. However, she is guilty of non-assistance à person in danger. Saying she was vigilant about security problems, she nevertheless called for security measures to be taken into account. "à do not conflate those who come to ask for asylum with insecurity.

20:05 – Which list are you closest to ? Take the test

The decisions of European deputies are often poorly known to French voters. So here is a tool that will allow you to see which MEP is coming from. you are closest: what will inform your choice on June 9 ?

19:33 – The eight candidates from the main lists on LCI à from 8 p.m.

After their heated debate on Monday evening, the eight candidates from the main lists are expected this Tuesday on LCI, at from 8 p.m. Tour à In turn, they will have 15 minutes to convince the viewers. No debate therefore, it is more of a speech to present their program and respond to questions. questions.

19:02 – How much does a MEP earn? ?

Did you know ? On the European Parliament website, the salary of a MEP is higher than that. is detailed. While it's preciseé that all deputies have the right to the same compensation, it amounts to: 38.5% of the remuneration of a judge of the Court of Justice. Thus, as of July 1, 2023, this compensation monthly rate amounted to 10,075.42 euros gross, or 7,853.89 euros net "after deducting social security contributions and European taxes", is it indicated" ;eacute;. A figure from which, however, the national income tax must still be removed, which differs from country to country. the other. 

18:31 – The day after the debate on BFMTV, Jordan Bardella continues his & ;eacute;lonely escape

According to the latest Ifop-Fiducial survey carried out for Le Figaro, LCI and Sud Radio this Tuesday, the head of the National Rally list continues its rise and further widens the gap with Valerie Hayer, who leads the list Renaissance. Jordan Bardella thus obtains 34% of voting intentions, compared to only 15.5% for the Macron camp list, followed closely by the socialist list of Raphaël Glucksmann (14%). Next comes La France insoumise (7.5%), just ahead of Les Républicains (7%), Éecologists (6%), Reconquête! (6%) and the Communist Party (2.5%).

17:03 – "Fighting against anti&eacute ;mitism and Islamophobia" : the "Representative Democracy" by Hadama Traoré

The list of the "Representative Democracy" addresses its campaign spot "to the Jews below, to the Muslims below, to the French below and ' all those who are far from power" and calls à fight together against all prejudices, hence let them come. According to the founder of the party, Hadama Traor, “the Representative Democracy project aims to fight against the antis.” ;mitism and Islamophobia."

16:41 – "Without bees, no Europe&quot ; : the Citizen Hive presents its list to Europeans

"Without bees, no Europe. We already have won, the citizen hive has already pollinisé “the Europeans”, begins Lorys Elmayan, head of the list of the Citizen Hive. This list defends an environmentalist, animalist program and calls for action. a democratic overhaul of the European Union: "We invite you to write with us the Constitution that we want for Europe, a Constitution that no longer allows elected officials to vote for laws that Europeans do not approve of. , we learn in the official spot broadcasté this Tuesday.

15:39 – 18% of French voters want to leave the European Union

Euroscepticism is stronger among the French than among Europeans overall, according to an Ipsos survey for& nbsp;the Foundation for Political Innovation. Thus, while 13% of Europeans surveyed in the 27 member countries say they want to leave the EU, they are 17% among French voters. They are even more numerous in Bulgaria (22%), the Czech Republic (20%) and Austria (19%). On the other hand, only 3% of Portuguese are talking about leaving the Union.


Teilor Stone

By Teilor Stone

Teilor Stone has been a reporter on the news desk since 2013. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining Thesaxon , Teilor Stone worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my teilor@nizhtimes.com 1-800-268-7116