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2024 legislative elections, live: already a Ciotti-Bardella clash on the program ?

“Legislative elections 2024, live: already a Ciotti-Bardella clash on the program?”

This Monday, the deputy Outgoing RN, Jean-Philippe Tanguy, reaffirmed that Jordan Bardella's party wanted to repeal the pension reform raising the legal age to 64 years "à “fall,” he said. A decision yet the antipodes of what the candidate defended. the primary LR Éric Ciotti in 2021.

The essentials

  • The 2024 legislative elections will take place on June 30 and July 7. The parties had until Sunday, June 16 to participate. 6 p.m. to submit applications. This Monday, June 17 marks the kickoff of the official campaign, which will end on June 28. 
  • This Monday, the deputy leaving the RN, Jean-Philippe Tanguy, explainedé at the microphone of BFMTV that Jordan Bardella's party wishes to repeal "à autumn" legal age 64 years from the start to retirement in the event of victory of the National Rally. A point which shows, more than ever, the antipodean programs that were defended until now. presents Eric Ciotti with the LR and the National Rally of Jordan Bardella. Enough to lead the two new allies into clash ?
  • While Les Républicains (LR) continue to be divided over the strategy to adopt in these 2024 legislative elections, between supporters and opponents of an alliance with the RN, it is the previous legislative elections that are catching up with the party president. Eric Ciotti is in fact the target of an investigation for misappropriation of public funds during his campaign for the 2022 legislative elections, following a report from the Anticor association, franceinfo learned this Monday. Éric Ciotti reacted early in the afternoon, denouncing "an éobvious" political manipulation.


16:24 – The former head of Renaissance at the Assembly confirms his candidacy

Sylvain Maillard, who also lost his position with the dissolution of the National Assembly on June 9, will indeed be there on June 30 and July 7. "Faced with extremes, I ask à your confidence in the 1st constituency of Paris again, he explainedé on X, proposing: "Let us be united for a majorityé presidential policy which liberates and protects."

16:09 – Finally, G& ;rald Darmanin will have a candidate Les Républicains face à him

LR put forward a combination of circumstances to explain the absence of a candidate in the 10th constituency of the North, which is none other than that of the Minister of the Interior , Gérald Darmanin. Finally, the party has just announced in a press release: that the tenant of Beauvau will face the LR candidate J&eac;rôme Garcia. The one who had accusedé Darmanin and Les RéRepublicains for having passedé an agreement, so that there would be no candidate facing the Minister of the Interior, was the LR candidate in 2022.

15:55 – After Kylian Mbappé and many others, Thierry Henry calls à make "bar at the extremes"

The world of football is mobilizing, à a few weeks of the first round of legislative elections. At a press conference, the Bleuets coach took the lead by responding to the question that would undoubtedly be asked: "Before we begin […] Just to say that I share everything that has been ´ said on the subject that you know well, if we get into politics. I share what was done; said by the players and the coach,” he declared, quoting “Marcus, Ousmane, Kylian, the coach”. And Thierry Henry added:  "I think there is something important. What can block the extremes is to vote so… hellip; Go vote! Personally I am against everything that divides and a little more for what can unite."

15:53 ​​- Who are the candidates in the legislative elections in the 11th constituency of Seine-et-Marne ?

The deputy outgoing, the boss of the socialists Olivier Faure, was naturally é reinvested by the New Popular Front in his constituency. Here is the complete list of candidates for the 2024 legislative elections:

  • Anne de la Torre (Workers' Struggle)
  • Olivier FAURE (New Popular Front)
  • Thomas Ianz (UDI)
  • Vincent Paul-Petit (LR-RN)
  • Dominique Mahé
  • Flore Creantor

15:42 – One week after the dissolution of the Assembly, proxies are on the rise

409 226. This is the number of proxies already in place. carried out in one week, after the announcement of the dissolution of the National Assembly and therefore the organization of ;éearly legislative elections. The figure revealed by Beauvau is strong. This is 6.5 times more than during the 2022 legislative elections. the same period, i.e. between 20 and 14 days before the election, insists the ministry which is also delighted that "91% of proxies have & oacute;summer éestablished via a partially or totally digitalédialis" À Note, however, that in 2022, the legislative measures were announced a long time ago and followed the previous ones. the presidential one. The context was therefore very different, which can partly explain this rush towards proxies, beyond that. Of course, we are sure of the renewed interest of the French in the election while France is experiencing a difficult political situation. eacute;dite.

15:33 – The Minister of Sports welcomes the "exemplary remarks" by Kylian Mbappé

At a press conference on Sunday, the football prodigy said: &be "against the extremes" and call "young people à go vote, insisting on the fact that the extremes are at the gates of power. A speech today welcomed by the Minister of Sports, Amélie Oudéa-Castéra. "Kylian spokeé in an absolutely exemplary manner yesterday, with his words. He wanted to speak à youth in a totally unprecedented and decisive moment for the future,” she said. on the sidelines of new tests on the Seine, where ù the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics will be held in a few weeks.

15:26 – Apr&amp The opening of a preliminary investigation against him, Éric Ciotti reacts

"I don't feel concernedé by this affair. My serenity is total", estimatedé in a press release Éric Ciotti this Monday while a preliminary investigation is ready for "embezzlement of public funds" aimed at été open, we learned earlier today. Denouncing "obvious political manipulation", he insisted on reassure his voters. "Nothing will make me give in and back down, no one will be able to intimidate me or muzzle me. I have thick leather and trust it. justice,” he added.

15:13 – Jordan Bardella and Éric Ciotti far from being on the same wavelength on pensions

On BFMTV this Monday, Jean-Philippe Tanguy, outgoing RN MP, confided that if the RN wins the legislative elections, the pension reform raising the legal age to 64 “will be repealed in the fall”. A point that the president of the far-right party, Jordan Bardella, had himself previously described as “important”. But what does Eric Ciotti think about it ? As the continuous news channel recalls, still a candidate in the LR primary in 2021, he defended a more radical reform than the one finally adopted last year by the Borne government. The discussions included raising the retirement age to… 65 in 2027, aligning the public sector with the private sector, eliminating special schemes and setting up a long-term career plan that would not have given access to retirement before the age of 63.

14:26 – No LR candidate against Gérald Darmanin in the North

The candidate nominated by Les Républicains in the 10th constituency of the North, where Gérald Darmanin is a candidate for his reelection, renounced his Sunday à to present themselves, said the party federation in the North, reports BFMTV. "It's not a strategy, but a combination of circumstances", explainedé the president of LR in the North, Antoine Sillani, according to comments relayed by franceinfo. G&rald Darmanin will nevertheless face the challenge. a various right-wing candidate, an RN and a Reconqueste during the legislative elections.

14:11 – The RN wants to repeal the pension reform "à autumn" in the event of victory, affirms Jean-Philippe Tanguy

The deputyé Outgoing RN Jean-Philippe Tanguy indicated, this Monday on BFMTV, that the pension reform "will be repealedé e à autumn" if the far-right party wins the legislative elections. He justified his choice by the fact of not wanting to "make a mess" during the Olympics. Remarks which come after the step aside by Jordan Bardella on the subject. The president of the RN had in fact returned to the promise to repeal this reform in the event of victory in the legislative elections, considering that this subject was "important" but not "priority", as reported by Le Monde.

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Fundamentally, the RN supports "the reform which had beené proposed by Marine Le Pen, à know that the people who started à work early, before the age of 20, subject to a certain number of quarters & obviously, will be able to leave before the age of 60", recalled´ Jean-Philippe Tanguy.

13:55 – Olivier Faure and Sandrine Rousseau support Jérôme Guedj, confrontedé à a dissident candidacy

If Jérôme Guedj faces a dissident candidacy in the 6th constituency of Essonne, where he is a candidate à his re-election, the deputy The outgoing socialist can nevertheless boast of the support of influential personalities in his country. left, particularly within his party. "The candidate of the Popular Front in this constituency is Jérôme Guedj", affirmedé the first secretary of the PS this Monday on franceinfo. "He's the only one who can have our support", addedé Olivier Faure.

"A Popular Front candidacy facing à “is unworthy of him”, also reacted the environmentalist deputy Sandrine Rousseau, this Monday on X. As a reminder, Jér& ocirc;me Guedj refused to be invested under the banner of the New Popular Front for these legislative elections, facing the opposition the presence of rebels in the union of left-wing parties.

1:41 p.m. – Ciotti's campaign manager denounces “even the worst stink ball” after the investigation targeting the boss of LR

While Eric Ciotti is targeted by an investigation for embezzlement of public funds as part of his campaign for the legislative elections in 2022, his campaign director denounced "another stink ball thrown by a competing candidate, who had lost the elections in 2022 and who is now corresponding to the local office of" apos;Anticor", in a written message communicated à franceinfo.

According to information from franceinfo, this investigation was carried out opened by the Nice prosecutor's office à following a report made by a representative of the anti-corruption association. This referent was indeed a candidate for the legislative elections in 2022, in another constituency in the Alpes-Maritimes than that of Eric Ciotti. "All this will be defeated in the coming days and it will remain as one of those deceptions which have marked this legislative campaign and which will not have an impact on the result to date. come", assuredé the campaign director of the president of the Republicans, describing this report as "ridiculous and pathetic given the stakes".

According to information collected this Monday by franceinfowith the public prosecutor of Nice, the Nice prosecutor's office opened an investigation on May 31 for misappropriation of public funds in which the president of LR is targeted, and more particularly his campaign during the 2022 legislative elections. The investigation results from a report from the anti-corruption association Anticor. As explained by franceinfo, this report concerns the misappropriation of parking cards at the port of Nice. They were allegedly granted free of charge to relatives of Eric Ciotti by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

12:44 – "Sadness!" : J&rôme Guedj reacts to the dissident candidacy facing &agrav; him

The deputyé Outgoing socialist J&rôme Guedj deplored, this Monday on him in the 6th constituency of Essonne, where he is a candidate à his election. "Sadness! A dissident candidacy facing à me, supported by my substitute (25 years of activism together). The only reason: the refusal to understand my fight for values,” he wrote on the social network.

Attacked during the European campaign by LFI, J&rôme Guedj refusedé to be invested under the banner of the New Popular Front due to the presence of rebels in this alliance. Hella Kribi-Romdhane announced, in a video published Sunday on Facebook and relayed by Le Nouvel Obs , his candidacy in this constituency "in the name of the New Popular Front". This is a candidate from the Générations.s party. His replacement is the rebellious Philippe Juraver. However, as Le Figaro notes, the agreement between the parties of the New Popular Front provides that this constituency be reservedé eacute;e to the socialists.

12:28 – Rachida Dati judges the comments of Kylian Mbappé "soothing" and "ébalance"

Guestà react this Monday on Sud Radio to the words of Kylian Mbappé, who calledé the day before à going to vote against "the extremes", Rachida Dati judged that the words of the footballer "soothing" and "ébalanceés". "I foundé “that it was nuanced, and that ultimately, it was very political,” he added. the Minister of Culture, saying of the Blues star that “he is a young man who is quite humble”.

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Emmanuel Macron announced the dissolution of the National Assembly only a few minutes after the announcement of the first estimates of the election results European events on Sunday June 9. A "serious, heavy" decision. taken in light of the overwhelming victory of the National Rally in the European vote. “I trust the French people to make the fairest choice for themselves and for future generations. “I have heard your message, your concerns, and I will not leave them unanswered,” said the president. the President of the Republic. By this decision, and the appeal to Article 12 of the Constitution of the 5th Republic, Emmanuel Macron has de facto acté the organization of early legislative elections aimed at compose a new National Assembly.

The French will therefore be called upon to do so. vote à new elections which will arrive quickly, very quickly since the Constitution provides for new elections within 20 years. 40 days following dissolution. Emmanuel Macron has already stopé the dates of the vote: the first round of the 2024 legislative elections will be held on Sunday June 30, followed by the second round a week later on Sunday July 7 2024. That is, less than three weeks after the announcement by the Head of State. Why so early ? Well because within the time limit provided for by the Constitution, the agenda for the next few months is busy. particularly with the start of the Olympic Games and the following summer and school vacation period, which limited the options for organizing the ballots. 

From the day after the announcement on the dissolution of the National Assembly and the organizational structure & Legislative elections, the different parties have entered into the campaign, which will be expressly with them. barely three weeks between the announcement and the polls. The first key step is is that of submitting applications, the deadline for which is Friday June 14, to allow for the submission of applications. the official campaign to begin on Monday June 17 and respect the two weeks of campaigning before an election.

Now is the time for negotiations before the launch of the official campaign. The left has beené the first one called à a union and even à the formation of a "new popular front" from June 10. After meetings and several days of discussions, the four left-wing forces announced that they would having found an "agreement in principle" on the distributions of the 577 constituencies with a view to the legislative elections to present a single candidate from the first round. According to this agreement LFI will present 229 candidates, the PS will have 175, EELV will have 92 and the PCF will have 50. "The essential work on the program is still under discussion" quot;, according to the socialists who affirm that there will be "no concession on our values".

Also on the right, alliances are being discussed, but they are creating a stir. The president of the Les Républicains party proposed an alliance with the National Rally which showed itself to be a strong candidate. inclined &agrav; a rapprochement. But that was without taking into account the majority. LR members who oppose the alliance and demand the dismissal of Eric Ciotti. The Zemmourist Reconquˆte party also attempted to to get closer to the RN via Marion Maréchal, but the Lepéist party refused to do so. an alliance out of fear that the more radical ideas of the Zemmourist would serve him badly.

Face &agrav; these two alliances in formation, the majorityé presidential office reacts. Emmanuel Macron seek à expand its majority to the forces he considers to be part of the Republican arc, notably the socialist left and the Republican right. He especially castigated the extreme left and the extreme right and denounced "unnatural" alliances.

The first polls on the results of the 2024 legislative elections have started. à be published the day after the announcement of the dissolution of the National Assembly. The studies currently give the advantage to the National Rally with more than 30% of voting intentions. The union of the left arrives following à second position with just over 20% and the majority presidential vote is only given in third position below the 20% mark. The same studies therefore logically grant more seats to the RN.

According to the Elabe study for BFMTV and La Tribune Sunday June 12, the RN would become the majority group with 220 and 270 seats (compared to 89 currently). The left alliance would form the second force with 150 to 500 troops. 190 seats (compared to 153) and the majority group presidential election would lose power with 90% 130 seats (compared to 249). The Republicans would move on to 30 or 40 seats (compared to 74).

Teilor Stone

By Teilor Stone

Teilor Stone has been a reporter on the news desk since 2013. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining Thesaxon , Teilor Stone worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my teilor@nizhtimes.com 1-800-268-7116