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2024 legislative elections, live: the anti-Semitic tweet of an RN candidate resurfaces, fury from Le Pen

“Legislative elections 2024, live: the anti-Semitic tweet of an RN candidate resurfaces, fury from Le Pen”

A candidate invested by the RN wasé excluded from the party by Marine Le Pen and Jordan Bardella. But he remains a candidate in these 2024 legislative elections.

The essentials

  • The legislative elections take place on June 30 and July 7.
  • This Wednesday, the anti-Semitic message of an RN candidate for the legislative elections was revealed. exhumed by journalists. Joseph Martin, far-right candidate in Morbihan, wrote these lines on Twitter in 2018: "The gas brought justice to the victims of Shoah". The RN immediately reacted and decided to move forward. of his exclusion from the party. He will therefore not defend the colors of the RN, but still remains a candidate, since the official submissions have taken place. Joseph Martin's message mentions Nazi crimes and Jewish genocide in condemnable terms. Remember that the publication of anti-Semitic comments is a crime.
  • The left is outraged and today condemns comments deemed "transphobic" of the president. While traveling in Finistère yesterday, Emmanuel Macron criticized one of the measures of the New Popular Front, which proposes to "change sex in town hall", a proposal that it considered ' ;quot;ubuesque". Jean-Luc Mélenchon responded to him, writing that "the President's comments on the change of official gender are unworthy".
  • The lists of candidates by constituency are now available

►Find your municipality or constituency to consult the lists of legislative candidates:   Live

17:12 – Alexis Corbière officially supported by the Socialist Party of Montreuil

In a press release, the socialist section of Montreuil considers that the candidate nominated by LFI and therefore campaigning under the label of New Popular Front is “the candidate of the Democratic Party”. union and sabotage. The PS denounces its recent communications which would “systematically target those who should be its partners in the historic gathering called” of his wishes by the people of the left. In these circumstances, the socialist section of Montreuil calls "à that reason be found, à that Alexis Corbière is widely re-elected", providing, in fact, his official support to the candidate who wasé évincé by La France insoumise.

16:46 – Anger of the Inter-LGBT association after the words of Emmanuel Macron< /h3>

On Tuesday, Emmanuel Macron denounced certain proposals that he called “gross” in the New Popular Front's program, citing the gender change in the city hall as an example. “What is gross is this president who is ready to do anything to gain a few votes from the far right,” the Inter-LGBT association deplored on X on Wednesday. And added: “Between defending LGBTQIA+ people and courting reactionaries, his choice is made. No to the instrumentalization of our identities."

16:11 – Armament: Jordan Bardella defends "a European preference"

Traveling to the Eurosatory defense exhibition this Wednesday, the boss of the RN estimated that that "armament is a major geopolitical issue for France, but also for Europe", giving his position: "I defend a European preference."

15:36 – Until à when can you make a proxy to vote in the legislative elections ?

Power of attorney requests have been on the rise in recent days. If you are also interested, but don't have time to take care of it today, please note that it is not available. There is no deadline until Election Day to apply. However, if you plan to do it in a police station, pay attention to the opening hours of the latter! The same, if you go through the Internet. Take care à make your arrangements so as not to realize, at the last moment, that you have forgotten; to have your identity verified in a police station.

15:07 – Anti-Semitic tweet: "We can't go back on an inauguration" , says Jordan Bardela

On the sidelines of a trip, the boss of the National Rally was questioned on the controversy surrounding the anti-Semitic tweet of one of its candidates. À a journalist who pointed out to him that the candidate is invested and that he has the RN logo, Jordan Bardella replied: "We cannot go back on an investiture that has been defeated. té deposited at the prefecture. And the Eurodéputé to add: "In any case, people who share my line, my values ​​and the political line of the National Rally will sit in the National Rally group."

14:52 – Gabriel Attal must present the program of the presidential camp tomorrow morning

The Prime Minister will hold a press conference Thursday morning at 9 a.m., relays BFMTV. Gabriel Attal will detail in detail; this occasion the program of the presidential camp with a view to the legislative elections.

14:35 – &amp ;Eacute;ric Ciotti shares a threatening letter

After proposing an alliance between the Republicans and the National Rally, Éric Ciotti attracted himself to the wrath of his party executives, who sought to à exclude it. Tuesday June 19, President LR shared a threatening letter on which is written "No RN, you understand" with a drawing of a gun and a target aimed at Ciotti. “Nothing will make me back down, neither hatred, nor threats, nor violence,” the politician. As a reminder, 62 candidates were accepted. invested by Eric Ciotti as part of a "rally of the rights". 

14:16 – Jordan Bardella reacts to the anti-Semitic tweet from one of his candidates

Joseph Martin, author of an anti-Semitic tweet in 2018, remains a National Rally candidate for the legislative elections, even if he does not vote ;benefits more from party support. During a trip, Jordan Bardella indicated: “I have no form of tolerance" with regard to this type of comments and people who make comments that are contrary to this the political line that I carry and à the one worn by the RN will not sit in the RN's group. The president of the RN explained: that the nominations for candidates had taken place “by the dozens and by the hundreds in a few hours" 

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14: 07 – "The matrix of the RN is anti-Semitism", judge Olivier Faure

A National Rally candidate lost the support of his party on Wednesday June 19,   the result of an anti-Semitic tweet which resurfaced. Olivier Faure, first Secretary of the Socialist Party reacted to X, formerly Twitter: "This is an RN candidate. The matrix of the RN is racism and anti-Semitism. Simple. His support for Govt Netanyahu is just a way of whitewashing himself and finding a new argument in the war of civilizations that is being fought against him. rsquo;he intends to lead against the French Muslims. Basic". The candidacy of Joseph Martin for the legislative elections cannot be withdrawn, but the man will be summoned ; with a view to its exclusion from the RN.

13:34 – The RN withdraws its support à a candidate after an anti-Semitic tweet

The National Rally withdrew his support à one of its candidates in Morbihan, Wednesday June 19, after the latter published an anti-Semitic message on X, formerly Twitter. In 2018, Joseph Martin published a post saying "the gas brought justice to the victims of the shoah”. The message, which was sent denounced on social networks, in particular by Marine Tondelier, national secretary of EELV, was deleted &agrav; midday. "He no longer has the support of the National Rally, he is suspended and will be summoned to court. with a view to its exclusion, indicatedé the RN à AFP, reports Le Parisien. However, the RN reminded that it was not possible to withdraw his candidacy.

12:48 – Emmanuel Macron supported by the Élysée after his remarks on the change of sex

Emmanuel Macron's entourage pleaded; his case with the AFP, reports BFM TV, Wednesday June 19. The day before, the president made controversial comments, calling the government “unruly”. the possibility to be able to change gender by going to a town hall, which the New Popular Front offers in its program. Several politicians and associations have thus criticized the The president has a record of progress on social issues. “tales like few of its predecessors”, arguedé her entourage. However, he "considers that free sex change in town hall is not a societal projecté which he defends in view of the complexity of of all the questions that this raises for the people concerned who must be supported when they decide to take such a step, added his entourage. 

12:17 – The majority candidatesé brought together by Gabriel Attal Wednesday evening

The candidates of the majority presidential campaign are expected by Gabriel Attal, Wednesday June 19 in the evening at the Renaissance campaign headquarters in order to "mobilize" the troops, indicates BFM TV. This meeting aims to "bring together and mobilize the candidates", " eleven days of the first round of legislative elections. The Prime Minister will also be the guest. of the 20 Hours news on TF1 on Wednesday. 

11:55 – Jordan Bardella's intentions on the international scene

Jordan Bardella is at the Eurosatory defense exhibition,   Villepinte, in Seine-Saint-Denis, Wednesday June 19. Questioned on the international context, he affirmedé : "the challenge is to continue the rearmament of our country". “I do not intend to call into question the commitments made by France on the international scene,” the president of the National Rally.

11:29 – LGBT defense associations defend ;pondent à Emmanuel Macron

On the social network about "sex change in town hall". "Emmanuel Macron invokes transphobia to attack the programs of his political opponents. The strategy is therefore clear: exploit minorities in the race for power, wrote SOS homophobia. underlined to him that "the president is now riding freely on anti-trans rhetoric". 

11:02 – An LFI candidate listed S is controversial

Raphaël Arnault, spokesperson for the anti-fascist Young Guard à Lyon, is the LFI candidate invested in the 1st constituency of Vaucluse. The 29-year-old man is stuck in prison S due to its proximity to with the radical ultra-left movement. It is also considered as "dangerous" by the police services, reports France 3 Provence-Alpes-Côte-d'Azur. Monday June 17, Olivier Faure, first secretary of the Socialist Party, indicated ; having "contest&eac;" this candidacy. "Let me get the convictions", replied Raphaël Arnault " his detractors, according to comments transcribed by RTL. "These are files that are supposed to be confidential from the police. Then, I have no reason to find myself in these registers.", he defended himself. < /p>READ MORE Learn more

Emmanuel Macron announced the dissolution of the National Assembly only a few minutes after the announcement of the first estimates of the election results European events on Sunday June 9. A "serious, heavy" decision. taken in light of the overwhelming victory of the National Rally in the European vote. "I trust the French people to make the fairest choice for themselves and for future generations. “I have heard your message, your concerns, and I will not leave them unanswered,” said the president. the President of the Republic. By this decision, and the appeal to Article 12 of the Constitution of the 5th Republic, Emmanuel Macron has de facto acté the organization of early legislative elections aimed at compose a new National Assembly.

The French are therefore called to vote in new legislative elections that will come quickly, very quickly, since the Constitution provides for new elections within 20 to 40 days following the dissolution. Emmanuel Macron has already decided Election dates: the first round of the 2024 legislative elections will be held on Sunday, June 30, followed by the second round a week later, on Sunday, July 7, 2024. That is less than three weeks after the Head of State's announcement. Why so early ? Well, because in addition to the deadline provided for in the Constitution, the agenda for the coming months is loaded especially with the start of the Olympic Games and the arrival of school holidays, which limited the options for organizing the polls.

From the day after the announcement of the dissolution of the National Assembly and the organization of elections the ;legislative, the different parties have entered into the campaign, which will be express with &àgrave; barely three weeks between the announcement and the polls. The first key step is is that of the submission of applications whose deadline was set for Sunday June 16, to allow for the submission of applications. the official campaign to begin on Monday June 17 and respect the two weeks of campaigning before an election.

For these 2024 legislative elections, the left has beené the first to call a union and even à the formation of a "new popular front" from June 10. After several days of discussions, the four left-wing forces found their solution. an agreement to present only one single candidate in the 577 constituencies in the first round. According to this agreement LFI will present 229 candidates, the PS will have 175, EELV will have 92 and the PCF will have 50.

On the right, alliances have also been announced, but with some turmoil. The president of the Republican party Eric Ciotti has proposed an alliance with the National Rally, which has shown itself inclined to a rapprochement. But the majority of LR members are opposed to this agreement and are demanding the dismissal of Eric Ciotti. The Zemmourist party Reconquête has also tried to get closer to the RN via Marion Marêchal, but the Lepêiste party has refused any alliance. Eric Zemmour has announced Only 330 candidates in 577 constituencies.

Face &agrav; these two alliances in formation, the majorityé presidential office reacts. Emmanuel Macron sought; à expand its majority to the forces he considers to be part of the Republican arc, in particular the socialist left reactive to the alliance with LFI and the right of the Republicans rejecting the agreement with the RN. He especially castigated the extreme left and the extreme right and denounced "unnatural" alliances.

The first polls on the results of the 2024 legislative elections have started. à be published the day after the announcement of the dissolution of the National Assembly. The studies currently give the advantage to the National Rally with more than 30% of voting intentions. The Union of the Left comes in second position in voting intentions with a little over 20% and the majority of votes. presidential vote is only given in third position below the 20% mark. The same studies therefore logically grant more seats to the RN.

According to studies by the various institutes, the RN would become the majority group with 220 and 270 seats (compared to 89 currently). The left alliance would form the second force with 150 to 500 troops. 190 seats (compared to 153) and the majority group presidential election would lose power with 90% 130 seats (compared to 249). The Republicans would move on to 30 or 40 seats (compared to 74).

Teilor Stone

By Teilor Stone

Teilor Stone has been a reporter on the news desk since 2013. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining Thesaxon , Teilor Stone worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my teilor@nizhtimes.com 1-800-268-7116