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Music Festival 2024: Paris, Lyon, Marseille... Our selection of concerts

Like every year, on June 21, the Music Festival and the summer solstice are celebrated. What to do in France? Here is our selection of concerts.

The essentials

  • Difficult à believe with this weather, but the Music Festival is today!
  • Like every year, it is June 21 that is celebrated. this ultra-popular event, which invites amateur and professional musicians to perform. perform for free in the streets, bars or restaurants, squares and parks.
  • Initiated in 1982 by the Ministry of Culture, under the leadership of Jack Lang, this festival coincides with the summer solstice, the longest day of the year.
  • La Fête de la musique aims à promote music in all its forms and à make musical culture accessible &agrav; all. Concerts are organized in large cities like Paris, Lyon, and Marseille, but also in smaller towns.


15:40 – Football VS Music

If tonight is indeed the F&ecirc The summer of music, like every June 21 for more than forty years, is also the Euro football tournament in Germany with an expected poster: France-Netherlands. Will the French team turn people away from street concerts ? The two can be combined, with giant screens installed at the same time. s in many cities.

15:21 – What to do à Toulouse for the Fête de la musique ?

In Toulouse too, many amateur and professional musicians are preparing ê agrave; invest the squares, parks, bars, restaurants and other quays. Here are some ideas if you're struggling to do this. make up your mind for this evening:

  • Rap à Saint-Aubin : around ten slam, hip-hop, rap and/or techno artists take over the Toulouse church & the initiative of the collective S34 Corporation.
  • Street art and éelectro à the Maison de Babayaga: in a house colored by street-art artists, the Plein Phare label offers an evening of DJ sets.
  • The Salvation Army at the Capitol : on the main Toulouse square, choir and fanfare.
  • A cappella at the Abattoirs : in the museum, the Frac Occitanie Toulouse offers a concert à capella of the choir Les voix des prideté.

15:05 – France Inter celebrates music à l'Olympia

For a new year, France Inter is taking over the legendary Olympia in Paris with a free concert open to the public. all (subject to availability, arrive early!), with Yamê, Justice, Luidji and Jamie xx.

14:38 – In Strasbourg, the Music Festival at the European Parliament

Among the ideas for outings for this Music Festival, that of celebrating the first day of summer… at the European Parliament in Strasbourg! In the agora of the institution will take place the Philharmonic Choir of the city, for an evening in the colors of Europe with covers of famous composers ;egrave;bres. From 6:30 p.m. & 8:00 p.m.; Free, upon registration.

14:04 – The weather is playing spoilsport

Difficult &agrav; believe that it is indeed there In France. The weather even got the better of the festivities in certain towns, such as in Paris. Saint-Jean, near Toulouse, which had planned demonstrations for Thursday evening for the Music Festival: "La mété o stormy and rainy weather tomorrow (Thursday) does not allow the equipment to be installed in complete safety, we regret to announce the cancellation of the F’ “Music Summer” planned for this Thursday, June 20, declaredé the town hall in a Facebook publication.

13:29 – RER, metros and trains open in Île -de-France all night

For the Music Festival, four RER lines linking Paris to the rest of the region will remain open all night: lines A, B, C and D. Lines A and B will serve all stations along their route, specifies &Ile-de-France Mobilités. The same goes for six metro lines: 1, 2, 4, 6, 9 and 14. 

12:50 – What to do in France ? The map of events

If hundreds of events are planned Seen – or improvised – to celebrate the Music Festival everywhere in France, it can be difficult to find your way around. To help you, you can do your research on the interactive map available above and offered by the Ministry of Culture.

12:18 – What to do à Lille for the Music Festival ?

The people of Lille will also be able to enjoy the longest day of the year in celebrating music across the city. Here are some ideas for concerts for the Music Festival in the northern metropolis:

  • Electro and baroque music Hospice Comtesse : spend the evening in the courtyard of the museum to the rhythm of electro music and baroque vocals, with Wild animal and Kureuil.
  • Rap à Saint-Sauveur station: on the program, hip-hop artists for an evening of 100% rap and urban music.
  • From techno to the Vauban garden: note for fans of the genre, the evening organized by the collective Tekno Tematek near the citadel of the Vauban garden.
  • The Grand Place in the colors of Brazil: all evening, come and dance with ;nbsp;the Batucada Capanga and its 45 percussionists.

11:45 – Why does the Music Festival take place on June 21 ?

Since its creation in 1982 by the Ministry of Culture, the Music Festival was organized by the Ministry of Culture. fixed at a unique and symbolic date: June 21, day of the summer solstice, but also the longest day of the year. Normally, we should be able to count on a sunny day…

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11:26 – Ideas es of outputs à Marseille for the Music Festival

In Marseille too, of course, dozens of demonstrations are planned in the streets, restaurants or bars, everywhere. on the occasion of the 2024 Music Festival. Here is a short selection of events:

  • A rock picnic in the park of the Saint-Michel chapel: for the third year consé eacute;cutive, the Fuvelain groups offer a musical and family picnic, rock and festive.
  • From the House à the town hall: lovers of electro and house music, meet in the courtyard of the town hall for the Nyctalope festival.
  • Rock à La Plaine : place Jean-Jaurès are organized no less than nine rock concerts, free of course, highlighting young local artists.
  • An electro DJ set at the château d'If: shuttles are set up to celebrate music at the Château d'If with Leo Pol's three-hour DJ Set.
  • Swan Lake à l'Opéra: for those who prefer classical, the Op'ra de Marseille offers classical ballet Swan Lake, by the National School of Dance.

11:02 – What weather for the Music Festival ?< /h3>

In this mixed month of June In terms of weather, the Music Festival, Saturday June 21, also promises to be disrupted by bad weather. According to forecasts from M&téo France, the evening will be cloudy over most of the country with rain forecast in Brittany and in the centeré ;nbsp;; with sun &agrav; the far south and Corsica. Side temperatures, in the evening, do not count more than 21 degrees in the north and 25 in the south.

< h3 class="app_edito_title_2">10:47 – What to do à Lyon for the Music Festival ?

Like all cities in France, Lyon is getting ready to celebrate the festival. celebrate music this Friday with many events planned. Here is our selection – far from being exhaustive – of concerts Lyon for the Music Festival:

  • Classic on the roof of Lyon : 80 musicians from the city's symphony orchestra take over the esplanade of the Fourvière basilica. A classical concert and a breathtaking view.
  • Football and house music: advice to fans of house music with this DJ set planned at Place Antoine Jutard, with, as a bonus, the France-Netherlands Euro match.
  • Reggae à La Roquette : Jamaïcaine music à honor Parc de la Roquette with local artists and the British Brother Culture.
  • Mémixture of genres place Saint-Jean: the Maison de la Jeunesse et de la Culture du Vieux- Lyon offers more than 6 hours of free open-air concerts with rock, jazz and pop.
  • Rap and urban music in the Chartreux garden: urban cultures à honor for the Music Festival, with hip-hop, reggae or dancehall concerts.

10:29 – France 2 postpones the Music Festival

Due to the France-Netherlands match à Euro football, France 2 announces that the big evening of the Music Festival, recorded on Friday, will be broadcast only on Saturday June 22. Expected, among others, are Slimane, Lara Fabian, Patrick Bruel, MC Solaar, Matt Pokora, Amir, Patrick Fiori, Vitaa, Santa, Mentissa, Hugues Auffray, Axelle Red, Roch Voisine, or Jeremy Frérot.

10:04 – What to do à Paris for the Music Festival ?

Like every year, hundreds of events will be organized throughout France. Obviously, Paris is no exception: numerous concerts are planned in the capital, with established artists or amateur musicians. Here is a selection of events for the Music Festival in Paris. Paris:

  • L'Elysée celebrates music: if you want to dance under the gold of the R& public – and at Emmanuel Macron – see you at the Elysée with Anastasia Rizikov, Canadian-Ukrainian pianist, Gilbert Montagné and a dj-set by Ofenbach and Agoria. 
  • France Inter à Olympia: for the Music Festival, public radio is organizing, like every year, a live concert. Olympia. Yamê, Luidji, Justice and Jamie are expected XX.
  • A 100% feminine electro evening at Gaîté Lyric : orchestrated by the app, the evening hosts a fiery evening with DJs Lola Ondikwa, Shino , cheetah, Lakna, Kaïlys, brigada and Shiivah.
  • Classic à the Hôtel de ville : the Paris Chamber Orchestra offers a concert on the square in front of the Hôtel de ville de Paris and will perform live extracts from Carmen by Bizet and the finale of Beethoven's 9th symphony.
  • From rock to the Pantheon : The lonely stone offers, in front of the gates of the legendary Parisian building, covers of the Rolling Stones, Jimi Hendrix, Aerosmith, Pink Floyd, AC/DC, Police, Red Hot Chili Peppers, or by Johnny Hallyday.
  • The Institute of the Arab World is celebrating: the famous trumpeter Ibrahim Maalouf will perform live his creation Pulsation.

If the weather and news almost made us forget it, the 2024 Music Festival is today! Hello and welcome to this live whereù You will find suggestions for events here. across France to celebrate this first day of summer with dignity.

Find out more

Why this date for the Music Festival ?

Since its creation in 1982 by the Ministry of Culture, the Music Festival has been a success. fixed at a unique and symbolic date: June 21, day of the summer solstice, but also the longest day of the year. Normally, we should be able to count on a sunny day…

The History of the Music Festival

We are in 1981, Jack Lang, then Minister of Culture, appoints Maurice Fleuret as director of music and dance. Together, they focus on the creation ;ation of an immense cultural event which would put, & across the country, music and creation across the country honor.

"There was a need for an event that would allow us to measure the place music occupied in individual and collective life. A spectacular movement of awareness, a spontaneous surge of awareness to alert public opinion and perhaps also… the political class. This is why the Ministry of Culture had the idea of ​​organizing a Music Festival in 1982. A festival “a non-directive person, which brings together all French people for whom music matters”, said Maurice Fleuret in Télérama, in 1983.

The very first Music Festival was launched on June 21, 1982, the symbolic day of the summer solstice. ;eacute;, the longest of the year in the Northern hemisphere.

Teilor Stone

By Teilor Stone

Teilor Stone has been a reporter on the news desk since 2013. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining Thesaxon , Teilor Stone worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my teilor@nizhtimes.com 1-800-268-7116