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Legislative elections 2024: “You don’t impress me”, muscular exchange between Attal and the LFI candidate listed S

“Legislative 2024: "You don't impress me", é muscular exchange between Attal and the LFI candidate on file”

On the move & Avignon, the Prime Minister, Gabriel Attal, was sharply questioned in the middle of the street by a man who was none other than Raphaël Arnault, the candidate registered for the election. S of LFI.

The essentials

  • Violent altercation Avignon. This Friday, Gabriel Attal wasé arrested by Raphaël Arnault, the candidate listed&eac; S of LFI, in the middle of the street when he had come to support the local candidate of the presidential camp. "I fight everyone who fuels à division and &agrav; “hate,” saidé Gabriel Attal à Raphaël Arnault who questioned him: “Why didn't you designate' when there was violence from the far right ? Why did you not fight firmly when there was plans for terrorist attacks on our country ?" Annoyed, the Prime Minister lost his temper. : "I denounce all extremes, and you are one of them. […] We will beat you and beat the far right in the second round."
  • The leaders of the New Popular Front specifiedé the costing of their program during a press conference this Friday. The left forecasts 400 billion euros in spending distributed between 2024 and 2027, but ensures based on its forecast year by year. ;eacute;that "receipts cover expenses" every time".
  • For these legislative elections, 1,055,067 proxies were cast. recorded between June 10 and June 20, according to figures communicated by the Ministry of the Interior. "So we already have this solution. exceeded the figure of 2022 for the first round of legislative elections where 1,021,350 had been éestablished", indicates Place Beauvau.

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18:22 – In the event of "political blockage", "all that will remain is resignation" &agrav; Emmanuel Macron, judge Marine Le Pen

While visiting her constituency, Marine Le Pen was questioned about her possible call for Emmanuel Macron to resign in the event of a crushing defeat for the presidential party in the legislative elections. Stating that she would not call on the president to resign, because she is “respectful of institutions”, she nevertheless stressed that “when there is a political blockage, there are three possibilities: there is a reshuffle, there is a dissolution or there is the resignation of the president”. And to analyze: “The reshuffle, in this circumstance, would not seem extremely useful to me. The dissolution has just been carried out, it is no longer possible for a year. The only option left for the president to potentially emerge from a political crisis is to resign.”

17:47 – Corinne Lepage, former Minister of the Environment, puts her back à back the RN and LFI

In a post “publican, universalist, environmentalist can only fight the National Rally”. Before adding that "a universalist and secular republican who can only fight La France insoumise". And the ex-minister announced: “I refuse what the extremes want to impose on us  a choice between them. I choose the Republic and the construction of a desirable future."

17:13 – In a final survey, the RN digs à new gap

According to the daily Ifop-Fiducial survey carried out for LCI, Le Figaroand Sud Radio, the National Rally gains a new point and is credited with 35% of voting intentions in the legislative elections. According to today's projections, it could thus obtain between 200 and 240 seats, i.e. a good majority. relative. Face &agrav; The New Popular Front is stable, with 29% of voting intentions (between 180 and 210 seats), compared to 21.5% of voting intentions for the Macron camp (80 and 110 seats). egrave;ages). In 2022, the majority presidential election was credited with 26% of voting intentions, recalls LCI.

After his heated altercation with Prime Minister Gabriel Attal, Raphaël Arnault deploredé on on an "aggressive" Prime Minister. On X, he denounced the fact that "Gabriel Attal [had] systematically cut him off from speaking while [while he was] trying to discuss very calmly, notably by questioning him about the government's non-fight against the far-right. And the candidate appeals to the voters: "Do not tremble before the ballot box."

16:14 – "I would like to become president of the National Assembly again", confides Yaël Braun-Pivet

At the microphone of France Bleu, Yaël Braun-Pivet, who occupied until'à the dissolution of the post of president of the National Assembly, did not hide the fact that his desire to recover his position, once the legislative elections have passed. "I would like to become president of the National Assembly again", she made it clear. “Not only do I know that I am capableé to bring into dialogue the different political forces that exist in our country, and, without boasting, the oppositions have always recognized that I was this woman of respect and dialogue, she emphasized.

On the move & Avignon this Friday afternoon, the Prime Minister was questioned in the middle of the street by the candidate listed as a candidate. S of LFI, Raphaël Arnault, who has been talked about a lot in recent days. "I fight everyone who fuels à division and &agrav; “hate,” saidé Gabriel Attal. And Raphaël Arnault questions: "Why did you not designateé when there was violence from the far right ? Why did you not fight firmly when there were plans to ;terrorist attacks on our country ?" Annoyed, the Prime Minister lost his temper. : "I denounce all extremes, and you are one of them. Start by being clear in your speeches rather than fueling hatred in our country." And Gabriel Attal concluded: "We are going to beat you and beat the far right in the second round."

15:42 – A deputyé of Lozère threatenedé of death

On  X, the deputyé outgoing Liot, Pierre Morel-À-L'Bailiff, candidate à his re-election in the sole constituency of Lozère, revealed having received a death threat. The one who has denounced "for years, the rise of violence in France" is alarmed: "La Lozère is therefore not spared."

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15:23 – Où make your proxy for the legislative elections ?

More than a million proxies have already been issued. été do. If you also wish to do one, you must: either go to a police station (police or gendarmerie), or directly by going to the government website. If you want to do everything online, note that you need to have an identity. already certified France Identité. Otherwise, it is possible to fill out an online form, then have your identity certified. &agrav; the national police or à the police station. All information is à find here. 

15:01 – After the attack on his candidate à Saint-Étienne, the RN suspends its local campaign

The investigation into violence in meetings continues its course at this time. Saint-Étienne, where the candidate of the National Rally, in the 2nd constituency of the Loire, wasé violently taken à part Thursday, during a towing session on a market. In the aftermath of the attack, the departmental federation of the RN took the radical decision to suspend the campaign in this constituency, relays France 3, estimating that the security of its activists and sympathizers is no longer assured.

The public prosecutor clarified that: that the 70-year-old candidate, Herv&eac; Breuil, would have been the subject of insults on Thursday and was kicked in the back. While a medical certificate grants him 2 days of ITT, an examination by the UMJ was carried out. required for confirmation of the medico-legal consequences of these facts concerning him,” said the prosecutor, who specifies that the hospitalization of the candidate is above all linked to his éstate of health  "prior to the facts", which "justifies in-depth examinations to assess the impact that those -these may have been on his person.

14:44 – Gabriel Attal taxes the "programs of the extrê mes" of "grinders à middle classes"

When traveling to another location Marseille this Friday, Gabriel Attal had a word for the tax revenues mentioned earlier in the day by the New Popular Front. The Prime Minister said he found it "funny to explain that we are going to act for the purchasing power of the French çais" while considering "massive tax increases". And the left union is not the only one with having taken it for his rank. Gabriel Attal qualifiedé "the extreme programs, the Nupes and National Rally programs, grinders & middle classes". 

14:16 – Gérald Darmanin specifies that he will leave the Place Beauvau in the event of defeat of the majority

After having announced &agrav; France Interthat he will resign "that same evening" from his post as Minister of the Interior if he is defeated in the legislative elections, where he is a candidate in the 10th constituency of the North, G&ald Darmanin specifiedé its position à l'AFP. "If ever the RN or LFI came à “If I win, I will under no circumstances be Minister of the Interior, even for a few more weeks,” he said. &agrav; the press agency.

“If we lose the elections nationally, we no longer have legitimacy," the minister, affirming that he "would not work with Mr. Bardella or Mr. Mélenchon". "If ever the President of the Republic were to have a majority, it is he who would choose his government. I imagine there will be a government change and obviously, in that case, I will be at home. at the disposal of the President of the Republic, he continued. 

14:06 – "A grinder à middle class" : Gabriel Attal tackles the program of the New Popular Front

While the New Popular Front has specifiedé the costing of his program during a press conference this Friday, the Prime Minister qualified it as of "crusher à middle class" when traveling to another location Marseille, as reported by BFMTV. “These are tax increases on the middle class,” Gabriel Attal, calling on the parties making up the New Popular Front à withdraw from "the alliance of shame". 

13:49 – If he is defeated in the legislative elections, G&rald Darmanin will resign "the same evening"

&amp ;quot;If I am beaten, I will obviously resign that same evening,» said this Friday the Minister of the Interior to France Inter. Gérald Darmanin is a legislative candidate in the 10th constituency of the North. "If there is a majority, the President of the Republic will choose his government, and whether the ultra-left or the ultra- right wins, it is obvious that from Monday morning, I will no longer be a minister,” he added.

13:27 – In the event of victory, the NFP will "present a major law before 2027 on retirement & 60 years"

During the press conference to detail the costing of the program of the New Popular Front, the details puté outgoing rebellious Eric Coquerel announcedé this Friday that the left was going to "present a major law before 2027 on retirement & 60 years" if she managed à win the legislative elections. A law which "will be based on the work that we will do with the social partners", he indicated.  

Socialist senator Alexandre Ouizille also clarified that that the program of the New Popular Front provides for "125 billion" euros of public spending in 2026, and "150 billion at the end of 2027″, noting however that this last year will be marked by a presidential election. "Revenue covers expenses" every time, he assured. 

At a press conference this Friday, the leaders of the New Popular Front specified the figures for their program. Socialist senator Alexandre Ouizille indicated that the first measures of the left will cost, if it wins the legislative elections, 25 billion euros in public spending in 2024. They will be offset by the creation of a wealth tax with a “climate component” which will bring in 15 billion euros in 2024, and a tax on superprofits which will bring in the same amount over the same period.

The deputy outgoing rebellious Eric Coquerel, former president of the Finance Committee of the National Assembly, then detailed the costing of the program for the year 2025, estimating that it "could reach 100 billion euros". Several tax measures, including the "removal of tax loopholes" and the establishment of a more "progressive" income tax. with "14 tranches", will bring, in 2025, 100 billion euros into the state coffers. 

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Emmanuel Macron announced the dissolution of the National Assembly only a few minutes after the announcement of the first estimates of the election results European events on Sunday June 9. A "serious, heavy" decision. taken in light of the overwhelming victory of the National Rally in the European vote. "I trust the French people to make the fairest choice for themselves and for future generations. “I have heard your message, your concerns, and I will not leave them unanswered,” said the president. the President of the Republic. By this decision, and the appeal to Article 12 of the Constitution of the 5th Republic, Emmanuel Macron has de facto acté the organization of early legislative elections aimed at compose a new National Assembly.

The French are therefore called upon to take action. vote in new legislative elections which will arrive quickly, very quickly, since the Constitution provides for new elections within 20 years. ;agrave; 40 days following dissolution. Emmanuel Macron has already stop the dates of the election: the first round of the 2024 legislative elections will be held on Sunday June 30, followed by the second round a week later, on Sunday July 7, 2024. Either less than three weeks after the head of state's announcement. Why so early ? Well because in addition to the deadline provided for by the Constitution, the agenda for the coming months is full of questions. particularly with the start of the Olympic Games and the arrival of school holidays, which limited the options for organizing the ballots. 

From the day after the announcement of the dissolution of the National Assembly and the organization of elections the ;legislative, the different parties have entered into the campaign, which will be express with &àgrave; barely three weeks between the announcement and the polls. The first key step is is that of the submission of applications whose deadline was set for Sunday June 16, to allow for the submission of applications. the official campaign to begin on Monday June 17 and respect the two weeks of campaigning before an election.

For these 2024 legislative elections, the left has beené the first to call a union and even à the formation of a "new popular front" from June 10. After several days of discussions, the four left-wing forces found their solution. an agreement to present only one single candidate in the 577 constituencies in the first round. According to this agreement LFI will present 229 candidates, the PS will have 175, EELV will have 92 and the PCF will have 50.

On the right, alliances have also been announced, but with some turmoil. The president of the Republican party Eric Ciotti has proposed an alliance with the National Rally, which has shown itself inclined to a rapprochement. But the majority of LR members are opposed to this agreement and are demanding the dismissal of Eric Ciotti. The Zemmourist party Reconquête has also tried to get closer to the RN via Marion Marêchal, but the Lepêiste party has refused any alliance. Eric Zemmour has announced Only 330 candidates in 577 constituencies.

Faced with these two alliances in formation, the presidential majority reacted. Emmanuel Macron sought to broaden his majority to the forces that he considers to be part of the Republican arc, in particular the socialist left, which is resistant to the alliance with LFI, and the right of the Republicans, which rejects the agreement with the RN. He especially castigated the far left and the far right and denounced “unnatural” alliances.

The first polls on the results of the 2024 legislative elections began to be published the day after the announcement of the dissolution of the National Assembly. The studies currently give the advantage to the National Rally with more than 30% of voting intentions. The union of the left comes in second place in voting intentions with a little more than 20% and the majority presidential election is only given in third position below the 20% mark. The same studies therefore logically grant more seats to the RN.

According to the studies of the different institutes, the RN would become the majority group with 220 and 270 seats (against 89 currently). The alliance of the left would form the second force with 150 to 190 seats (against 153) and the majority group presidential election would lose power with 90 to 130 seats (against 249). The Republicans would go to 30 or 40 seats (against 74).

Teilor Stone

By Teilor Stone

Teilor Stone has been a reporter on the news desk since 2013. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining Thesaxon , Teilor Stone worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my teilor@nizhtimes.com 1-800-268-7116