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Result of the 2024 legislative elections: all the scores from the 1st round, already scenarios from the 2nd round

“Result of the 2024 legislative elections: all the scores from the 1st round, already from the 2nd round scenarios”

Nothing is decided; in these anticipated legislative elections: the results of the first round falling this Sunday give a clear advantage to the RN, but the withdrawals and the roadblock ;agrave; the far right can prevent it from obtaining a majority. &agrav; the outcome of the 2nd round…

►Find your municipality or constituency to consult the legislative results:   The essentials

The final result of the first round of legislative elections, which took place this Sunday, June 30, puts the RN and its allies in the lead , in capacity to obtain more than 289 ages, that is to say the majority absolute in the future National Assembly. Here is the latest refined estimate carried out by Ipsos Talan for France 2 shortly before 10 p.m., & ;agrave; nationally:

  • National Rally and Allies: 33.2%
    (204 &244 sièages RN, 26à 36 seatsèges LR)
  • New Popular Front: 28.1%
    (180 &agrav; 200 seats, including 58 &agrav; 72 LFI, 33 &agrav; 43 PS, 28 &agrav; 38 EELV, 6 &agrav; 12 PCF)
  • Renaissance and allies: 21.0%
    (60 & to 90 seats, including 53 & to 71 Renaissance, 13 & to 19 MoDem, 4 & to 10 Horizons)
  • The Republicans and various right-wingers: 10%
    (41 à 61 sièages)
  • Various Center/UDI: 1.8%
  • Various left: 1.7% (11 &agrav; 19 seats)
  • Far left: 1.3%
  • Reconquered: 0.6%
  • Others: 2.1%(22 à 30 seats)

What scenario for the 2nd round of legislative elections ? The number of triangulars is considerable: there are currently more than 280 cases of 2nd round elections with three candidates, perhaps 300 according to Ipsos. The question of the candidate's withdrawal came up. The third question therefore arises, whether or not to block the movement. the far right. The scenario of an extreme right with a majority absolute is probable, but it is more likely according to pollsters that the RN and its Ciottist allies form the first group of deputies without having a majority. Dams against the RN in the 2nd round being possible in more than 150 constituencies, the most likely scenario is that no political group obtains a majority. oacute; and that Emmanuel Macron and his party are seeking a "technical" coalition. for expanded governance for 3 years, with elected officials from the left, center and right.

Among the strong statements of the evening, Marine Le Pencalled&eac; the French çais "à give a majority absolute to the RN so that Jordan Bardella is appointed; Prime Minister by Emmanuel Macron. For his part, Jean-Luc Mélenchon announcedé that the NFP candidacies will be withdrawn in the event of a third position. Emmanuel Macron called ;, "facing the RN", à "a large gathering, clearly Democratic and Republican for the second round". Gabriel Attal called to the "withdrawal of our candidates whose retention in third position would have resulted in the election of a deputy National gathering", as long as a remaining candidate "defends like us the values ​​of the Republic".  The Republicans (independent of the RN) abstained from voting instructions for the 2nd round, in a press release ; published in the evening. Note that participation was very high. very high this Sunday, with a historic mobilization, higher than that of the previous year. 65%.

The number of those elected in the first round is important, including Marine Le Pen and Olivier Faure. François Hollande is in a favorable ballot in Corr&egraveze, like Elisabeth Borne, who could be elected thanks to the withdrawal of the candidate from left. Laurent Wauquiez is also on a favorable ballot in Haute-Loire, François Ruffin is when à him in difficulty in the Somme. Former minister Clément Beaune wasé beaten by the socialist Emmanuel Grégoire, éelected in the first round to Paris. The boss of the PCF, Fabien Roussel, is also eliminated. from the first round, just like former minister Jérôme Cahuzac.

Here is what pollster Ipsos Talan for France 2 anticipates as the results of the 2nd round of legislative elections, Sunday July 7. The numbers of seats are given here by party and not by political union (NFP, RN, Ens!).


01:05 – The results of the legislative elections Paris constituency by constituency (1/2)

END OF LIVE – The results are now in in the capital. Find the detailed results of the 1st round of legislative elections here. Paris: 

Paris 1st constituency :

  • Sylvain Maillard (ENS): 44.7%
  • Raphaël Kempf (UG): 32.2%
  • Delphine Voirin (RN): 10.03%
  • Laurence Sailliet (LR): 5.49%
  • Pierre Maurin (DVD): 4.54%
  • Marine Chiaberto (REC): 1.56%
  • Alban Ludovic Bertrand Pineau (DVC): 0.96%
  • Laurence Boulinier (EXG): 0.37%
  • Mathilde Contensou (REG): 0.14%

Paris 2nd district:

  • Marine Rosset (UG): 33.44%
  • Jean Laussucq (ENS): 23.42%
  • Gilles Le Gendre (DVC): 19.66%
  • Melody de Witte (RN): 11.06%
  • Félicité Herzog de Cossé Brissac (DVD): 6.76%
  • Romain Marsily (DVD): 2.19%
  • Ornella Evangelista (REC): 1.37%
  • Cécile Marie Lorans (ECO): 0.91%
  • Frédéric Mauriange (DVC): 0.77%
  • Charline Joliveau (EXG): 0.31%
  • Elise Magne (DVG): 0.11%

Paris 3rd district :

  • Léa Balage El Mariky (UG): 45.6%
  • Stanislas Guerini (ENS): 34.42%
  • Olga Podolskaia (RN): 8.84%
  • Paul Hatte (LR): 7.97%
  • Marie Courtois (REC): 0.93%
  • Côme Citroen (ECO): 0.82 %
  • Laurent Burtaire (EXG): 0.43 %
  • Grégory Fernandes (EXG): 0.27 %
  • Quentin Laporte (DVC): 0.22 %
  • Warda Baïliche (DVC): 0.19 %
  • Laurent Semat (DVG): 0.17 %
  • Thierry Alquier (DVD): 0.15 %

Paris 4th constituency:

  • Astrid Panosyan-Bouvet (ENS): 37.19 %
  • Geoffroy Boulard (DVD): 26.55 %
  • Théa Foudrinier (UG): 17.91 %
  • Arnaud Dassier (UXD): 15.55 %
  • Olivier Courtois (REC) : 2.15 %
  • Pierre Levenard (EXG) : 0.2 %
  • Karim Britel (DIV) : 0.19 %
  • Laetitia Lauron (DVG) : 0.16 %
  • Guillaume Cardon (DIV) : 0.11 %

Paris 5th constituency :

  • Pouria Amirshahi (UG) : 54.39 %
  • Rachel-Flore Pardo (ENS) : 30.05 %
  • Céline Chen (RN) : 7.04 %
  • Valentine Serino (LR) : 4.13 %
  • Thiaba Bruni (ECO) : 1.14 %
  • Yoneko Kikuchi (REC) : 0.9 %
  • Théo Faucon (DVC): 0.85%
  • Arnaud Borowski (ECO): 0.62%
  • Monique Dabat (EXG): 0.45%
  • Raymond Victor Bassil (DVC): 0.22%
  • Anne Chamayou (DVG): 0.19%

Paris 6th constituency :

  • Sophia Chikirou (UG) : 58 %
  • Gwënaelle Coulon (ENS) : 22.6 %
  • Élise Maryse Laplace (RN) : 7.27 %
  • Jean-Christophe Martin (LR) : 3.94 %
  • Louis Gundermann (DVC) : 2.68 %
  • Hippolyte Verdier (ECO): 2.07%
  • Amélie Jullien (REC): 1.06%
  • Veronique Brunet (EXG): 0.85%
  • Alain Jean Amouni (DIV): 0.77%
  • Thierry Sessin Caracci (DVG): 0.64%
  • Dima Lecrest (DVG): 0.13%

Paris 7th district:

  • Emmanuel Gregoire (UG): 49.62%
  • Clément Beaune (ENS): 32.98%
  • Céline Tacher (RN): 7.89%
  • Aurélien Véron (LR): 4.98%
  • Jason Reyes (REC): 1.07%
  • Stéphanie White (EXG): 1%
  • Philippe Mazuel (DVC): 0.99%
  • Sophie Lacaze (ECO): 0.88%
  • Aurélia Small (EXG): 0.48%
  • Anne Grau (DVC): 0.1%

Paris 8th district:

  • Eva Sas (UG): 50.78%
  • David Ouzilou (ENS): 28.38%
  • Vanessa Vicente (RN): 11.65%
  • Florent Brunetti (LR): 5.23%
  • Pierre-Louis Giscard d'Estaing (DVC): 1.56%
  • Jannick Trunkenwald (REC): 1.12 %
  • Anne Bernon (EXG): 0.51%
  • Christine Vial Kayser (DVC): 0.46%
  • Camille Adoue (EXG): 0.28%
  • Manuel Lutz (REG): 0.03%:

Paris 9th district:

  • Sandrine Rousseau (UG): 52%
  • Pegah Malek-Ahmadi (ENS): 23.3%
  • Marie-Josée Boulaire (RN): 11.43%
  • Jean-Baptiste Olivier (DVD): 4.62%
  • Elisabeth Stibbe (DVD): 3.01 %
  • Jade Farran (DVC): 1.35%
  • Marion Bottou (REC): 1.22%
  • Julian Rozenberg (ECO): 1.12 %
  • Florence Jacqueline Chantal Bedague (EXG): 0.78%
  • Sophie Chen (DVD): 0.55%
  • Blandine Chauvel (EXG): 0.51%
  • Marc Ely (EXD): 0.11%

01:04 – The results of the legislative elections Paris constituency by constituency (2/2)

Paris 10th constituency:

  • Rodrigo Arenas (UG): 50.66%
  • Benjamin Djiane (ENS): 23.94%
  • Agnès Pageard (RN): 11.39%
  • Patrick Viry (LR): 5.96%
  • Yann Wehrling (ECO): 2.66%
  • Alexia Ostyn (DVC): 1.29%
  • Roger Bertholon (REC): 1.27%
  • Charlotte de Vilmorin (DIV): 1.25%
  • Michel Goldstein (DVC): 0.94%
  • Marianne Noel (EXG): 0.64%

Paris 11th district:

  • Céline Hervieu (UG): 43.98%
  • Maud Gatel (ENS): 34.64%
  • Lindsay Fischer (RN): 10.15%
  • Jean-François Alexandre (LR): 6.96%
  • Anne-Marie Taranne (REC): 1.35%
  • Julie Lasne (ECO): 1.29%
  • Julien Vick (DVC): 0.71%
  • Marie Camp (DVC): 0.47%
  • Laurent Vinciguerra (EXG): 0.41%
  • Iwan Clemente (DIV): 0.04%

Paris 12th district:

  • Olivia Gregoire (ENS): 39.21%
  • Celine Malaisé (UG): 28.89%
  • David Attia (UXD): 14.53%
  • Jérôme Loriau (LR): 13.07%
  • Philippe Cuignache d'Apreval (REC): 1.67%
  • Alienor Billault Harle (ECO): 1.5%
  • Arnaud de Gontaut Biron (DVC): 0.8%
  • Muriel Monchal (EXG): 0.29%
  • Laszlo Ferréol (DVG): 0.04%

Paris 13th district:

  • David Amiel (ENS): 38.85%
  • Aminata Niakaté (UG): 37.11%
  • Sophie Rostan (RN): 14%
  • Frédéric Jacquot (DVD): 6.12%
  • Victor Chrzanowski (REC): 1.48%
  • Ingrid Allorant (ECO): 1.45%
  • Annie Poupon (REG): 0.42%
  • Corinne Roethlisberger (EXG): 0.4%
  • Anne-Laure Delinot (EXD): 0.15%
  • Corinne Paine (DSV): 0.01%

Paris 14th district:

  • Benjamin Haddad (ENS): 48.09%
  • Patrick Dray (LR): 17.76%
  • Louis Piquet (UXD): 17.53%
  • Hugo Rota (UG): 13.56%
  • Thomas Culerrier (REC): 2.11%
  • Eric Molinari (DVC): 0.73%
  • Marie Bourdy (EXG): 0.22%

Paris 15th district :

  • Danielle Simonnet (DVG): 42.05%
  • Céline Verzeletti (UG): 22.28%
  • Mohamad Gassama (ENS): 16.46%
  • Clotilde Guery (RN): 9.04%
  • François-Marie Didier (LR): 3.64%
  • Philippe Aragon (DVC): 3.03%
  • Aliou Pourchet (DVC): 1.7%
  • Christian Guillot (REC): 1.02%
  • Arnaud Charvillat (EXG): 0.49%
  • Pierre Augros (EXG): 0.23%
  • Laurent Chrétien Marquet (DIV): 0.05%

Paris 16th district:

  • Sarah Legrain (UG): 62.29%
  • Elsa Pariente (ENS): 19.52%
  • Christèle de Fromont de Bouaille (RN): 9.41%
  • Marie Toubiana (LR): 4.49%
  • Victor Huguet (ECO): 1.93%
  • Cecile Fischer (REC): 1%
  • Nordine El-Marbati (EXG): 0.81%
  • Marie-Noëlle Blondel (DVC): 0.56%

Paris 17th district:

  • Danièle Obono (UG): 64.07%
  • Kolia Bénié (ENS): 17.31%
  • Anne de la Brélie (RN): 8.95%
  • Angélique Michel (LR): 3.98%
  • Mathias Saint-Ellier (DVC): 1.82%
  • Michel Bouchou (ECO): 1.43%
  • Brigitte Rumeau (REC): 1.02%
  • Abdellah Aksas (EXG): 0.95%
  • Victor Fournier (DVC): 0.46%

Paris 18th district:

  • Aymeric Caron (UG): 50.37%
  • Pierre-Yves Bournazel (ENS): 32.54%
  • Valérie Tirefort (RN): 6.86%
  • Rudolph Granier (LR): 4.19%
  • Catherine Coutard (DVG): 1.54%
  • Philippine Long (DVC): 1.54%
  • Pierre Bravoz (DVG): 1.43%
  • Marguerite Pierre (REC): 1%
  • Annie Boubault (EXG): 0.38%
  • Audrey Le Boeuf (REG): 0.13%
  • David Thiele (EXG): 0.02%

If the election is above all national, the results of legislative elections must be observed locally. Beyond results in each constituency, those which also emerge in each constituency give valuable lessons on the political landscape in France in 2024. Find your constituency in the map below to consult the details of the results:  

  • 1st constituency of Ain
  • 2nd constituency of Ain
  • 3rd constituency of Ain
  • 4th constituency of Ain
  • 5th constituency of Ain
  • 1st constituency of Aisne
  • 2nd constituency of Aisne
  • 3rd constituency of Aisne
  • 4th constituency of Aisne
  • 5th district of Aisne
  • 1st district of Allier
  • 2nd district of Allier
  • 3rd district of Allier
  • 1st district of Alpes-de-Haute-Provence
  • 2nd district of Alpes -de-Haute-Provence
  • 1st constituency of Hautes-Alpes
  • 2nd constituency of Hautes-Alpes
  • 1st constituency of the Alpes-Maritimes
  • 2nd constituency of the Alpes-Maritimes
  • 3rd constituency of Alpes-Maritimes
  • 4th constituency of Alpes-Maritimes
  • 5th constituency of Alpes-Maritimes
  • 6th constituency of Alpes-Maritimes
  • 7th constituency of Alpes-Maritimes
  • 8th constituency of the Alpes-Maritimes
  • 9th constituency of the Alpes-Maritimes
  • 1st district of Ardèche
  • 2nd district of Ardèche
  • 3rd district of Ardèche
  • 1st district of the Ardennes
  • 2nd district of the Ardennes
  • 3rd district of the Ardennes
  • 1st constituency of Ariège
  • 2nd constituency of Ariège
  • 1st constituency of Aube
  • 2nd constituency of Aube
  • 3rd constituency of Aube< /li>
  • 1st district of Aude
  • 2nd district of Aude
  • < li>3rd constituency of Aude

  • 1st constituency of Aveyron
  • 2nd constituency of l 'Aveyron
  • 3rd constituency of Aveyron
  • 1st constituency of Bouches-du-Rhône
  • 2nd constituency of Bouches-du-Rhône
  • 3rd constituency of Bouches-du-Rhône
  • 4th constituency of Bouches-du-Rhône
  • 5th constituency of Bouches-du-Rhône
  • 6th constituency of Bouches-du-Rhône
  • 7th constituency of Bouches-du-Rhône
  • 8th constituency of Bouches -du-Rhône
  • 9th constituency of Bouches-du-Rhône
  • 10th constituency of Bouches-du-Rhône
  • 11th constituency of Bouches-du-Rhône
  • 12th constituency of Bouches-du-Rhône
  • 13th constituency of Bouches-du-Rhône
  • 14th constituency of Bouches-du-Rhône
  • 15th constituency of Bouches-du-Rhône
  • 16th constituency of Bouches-du-Rhône
  • 1st district of Calvados
  • 2nd district of Calvados
  • 3rd district of Calvados
  • 4th constituency of Calvados
  • 5th constituency of Calvados
  • 6th constituency of Calvados
  • 1st district of Cantal
  • 2nd constituency of Cantal
  • 1st constituency of Charente
  • 2nd constituency of Charente
  • 3rd constituency of Charente
  • 1st constituency of Charente-Maritime
  • 2nd constituency of Charente-Maritime
  • 3rd constituency of Charente-Maritime
  • 4th constituency of Charente-Maritime
  • 5th constituency of Charente-Maritime
  • 1st constituency of Cher
  • 2nd constituency of Cher
  • 3rd constituency of Cher
  • 1st constituency of Corrèze
  • 2nd constituency of Corrèze
  • 1st constituency of Côte-d'Or
  • 2nd constituency of Côte-d'Or
  • 3rd constituency of Côte-d'Or
  • 4th constituency of Côte-d'Or
  • 5th constituency of Côtes-d'Or
  • 1st constituency of Côtes-d'Armor
  • 2nd constituency of Côtes-d'Armor
  • 3rd constituency of Côtes-d'Armor
  • 4th constituency of Côtes-d' Armor
  • 5th constituency of Côtes-d'Armor
  • 1st constituency of Creuse
  • 1st constituency of Dordogne
  • 2nd constituency of Dordogne
  • 3rd constituency of Dordogne
  • 4th constituency of Dordogne
  • 1st constituency of Doubs
  • 2nd constituency of Doubs
  • 3rd constituency of Doubs
  • 4th constituency of Doubs
  • 5th district of Doubs
  • 1st district of Drôme
  • < li>2nd constituency of Drôme

  • 3rd constituency of Drôme
  • 4th district of Drôme
  • 1st district of Eure
  • 2nd district of Eure< /li>
  • 3rd constituency of Eure
  • 4th constituency of Eure
  • < li>5th constituency of Eure

  • 1st constituency of Eure-et-Loir
  • 2nd constituency of Eure-et-Loir
  • 3rd constituency of Eure-et-Loir
  • 4th constituency d 'Eure-et-Loir
  • 1st constituency of Finistère
  • 2nd constituency of Finistère
  • 3rd constituency of Finistère
  • 4th constituency of Finistère
  • 5th constituency of Finistère
  • 6th district of Finistère
  • 7th district of Finistère
  • < li>8th constituency of Finistère

  • 1st constituency of Corse-du-Sud
  • 2nd constituency of Corse-du-Sud
  • 1st constituency of Haute-Corse
  • 2nd constituency of Haute-Corse
  • 1st constituency of Gard
  • 2nd constituency of Gard
  • 3rd constituency of Gard
  • 4th constituency of Gard
  • 5th constituency of Gard
  • 6th constituency of Gard
  • 1st constituency of Haute-Garonne
  • < li>2nd constituency of Haute-Garonne

  • 3rd constituency of Haute-Garonne
  • 4th constituency of Haute-Garonne
  • 5th constituency of Haute-Garonne
  • 6th constituency of Haute-Garonne
  • 7th constituency of Haute-Garonne
  • 8th constituency of Haute-Garonne
  • 9th constituency of Haute-Garonne
  • 10th district of Haute-Garonne
  • 1st district of Gers
  • 2nd district of Gers
  • 1st constituency of Gironde
  • 2nd constituency of Gironde
  • 3rd constituency of Gironde
  • 4th constituency of Gironde
  • 5th constituency of Gironde
  • 6th constituency of Gironde
  • 7th constituency of Gironde
  • 8th constituency of Gironde
  • 9th constituency of Gironde
  • 10th constituency of Gironde
  • 11th constituency of Gironde
  • 12th constituency of Gironde
  • 1st district of Hérault
  • 2nd district of Hérault
  • 3rd district of Hérault
  • 4th constituency of Hérault
  • 5th constituency of Hérault
  • 6th district of Hérault
  • 7th district of Hérault
  • 8th district of Hérault
  • 9th constituency of Hérault
  • 1st constituency of Ille-et-Vilaine
  • 2nd constituency of Ille-et-Vilaine
  • 3rd constituency of Ille-et-Vilaine
  • 4th constituency of Ille-et-Vilaine
  • 5th constituency of Ille-et-Vilaine
  • < li>6th constituency of Ille-et-Vilaine

  • 7th constituency of Ille-et-Vilaine
  • 8th constituency of Ille-et-Vilaine
  • 1st constituency of Indre
  • 2nd constituency of Indre
  • 1st constituency of Indre-et-Loire
  • 2nd constituency of Indre-et- Loire
  • 3rd constituency of Indre-et-Loire
  • 4th constituency of Indre-et-Loire
  • 5th constituency of Indre-et-Loire
  • 1st constituency of Isère
  • 2nd constituency of Isère
  • 3rd district of Isère
  • 4th district of Isère
  • 5th constituency of Isère
  • 6th constituency of Isère
  • 7th district of Isère
  • 8th district of Isère
  • 9th district of Isère
  • 10th constituency of Isère
  • 1st constituency of Jura
  • 2nd constituency of Jura
  • 3rd constituency of Jura
  • 1st constituency of Landes
  • 2nd district of Landes
  • 3rd district of Landes
  • 1st district of Loir-et-Cher
  • 2nd constituency of Loir-et-Cher
  • 3rd constituency of Loir-et -Dear
  • 1st constituency of the Loire
  • 2nd constituency of the Loire
  • 3rd constituency of the Loire
  • 4th constituency of the Loire
  • 5th constituency of the Loire
  • 6th district of Loire
  • 1st district of Haute-Loire
  • 2nd district of Haute-Loire
  • 1st constituency of Loire-Atlantique
  • 2nd constituency of Loire-Atlantique
  • 3rd constituency of Loire-Atlantique
  • 4th constituency of Loire-Atlantique
  • 5th constituency of Loire-Atlantique
  • 6th constituency of Loire-Atlantique
  • 7th constituency of Loire-Atlantique
  • 8th constituency of Loire-Atlantique
  • 9th constituency of Loire-Atlantique< /li>
  • 10th constituency of Loire-Atlantique
  • 1st constituency of Loiret
  • 2nd constituency of Loiret
  • 3rd constituency of Loiret
  • 4th constituency of Loiret
  • 5th constituency of Loiret
  • 6th constituency of Loiret
  • 1st constituency of Lot
  • 2nd constituency of Lot
  • 1st constituency of Lot-et-Garonne
  • 2nd constituency of Lot-et-Garonne
  • 3rd constituency of Lot-et-Garonne
  • 1st constituency of Lozère
  • 1st constituency of Maine-et-Loire
  • 2nd constituency of Maine-et-Loire
  • 3rd constituency of Maine-et-Loire
  • 4th constituency of Maine-et-Loire
  • 5th constituency of Maine-et-Loire
  • 6th constituency of Maine-et-Loire
  • 7th constituency of Maine-et-Loire
  • 1st constituency of Manche
  • 2nd constituency of Manche
  • 3rd constituency of Manche
  • 4th constituency of Manche
  • 1st district of Marne
  • 2nd district of Marne
  • 3rd district of Marne
  • 4th constituency of Marne
  • 5th constituency of Marne
  • 1st constituency of Haute-Marne
  • 2nd constituency of Haute-Marne
  • 1st constituency of Mayenne
  • 2nd constituency of Mayenne
  • 3rd constituency of Mayenne
  • 1st constituency of Meurthe-et-Moselle
  • 2nd constituency of Meurthe-et-Moselle
  • 3rd constituency of Meurthe-et-Moselle
  • 4th constituency of Meurthe-et-Moselle
  • 5th constituency of Meurthe-et-Moselle
  • 6th constituency of Meurthe-et-Moselle
  • 1st constituency of Meuse
  • 2nd constituency of Meuse
  • 1st constituency of Morbihan
  • 2nd constituency of Morbihan
  • 3rd constituency of Morbihan
  • 4th constituency of Morbihan
  • 5th constituency of Morbihan
  • 6th constituency of Morbihan
  • 1st constituency of Moselle
  • 2nd constituency of Moselle
  • 3rd constituency of Moselle
  • 4th constituency of Moselle
  • 5th constituency of Moselle
  • 6th constituency of Moselle
  • 7th constituency of Moselle
  • 8th constituency of Moselle
  • 9th constituency of Moselle
  • 1st constituency of Nièvre
  • 2nd constituency of Nièvre
  • 1st constituency of the North
  • 2nd constituency of the North
  • 3rd constituency of the North
  • 4th constituency of the North
  • 5th constituency of the North
  • 6th constituency of the North
  • 7th constituency of the North
  • 8th North Constituency
  • 9th North Constituency
  • 10th North Constituency
  • 11th North Constituency
  • 12th North Constituency
  • 13th North Constituency
  • 14th North Constituency
  • 15th North Constituency
  • 16th North Constituency
  • 17th North Riding
  • 18th North Riding
  • 19th North Riding
  • 20th district of the North
  • 21st district of the North
  • 1st district of the Oise
  • 2nd constituency of Oise
  • 3rd constituency of Oise
  • 4th district of Oise
  • 5th district of Oise
  • 6th district of Oise
  • 7th district of Oise
  • 1st district of Orne
  • 2nd constituency of Orne
  • 3rd constituency of Orne
  • 1st constituency of Pas-de-Calais
  • 2nd constituency of Pas-de-Calais
  • 3rd constituency of Pas-de -Calais
  • 4th constituency of Pas-de-Calais
  • 5th constituency of Pas-de-Calais
  • 6th constituency of Pas-de-Calais
  • 7th constituency of Pas-de-Calais
  • 8th constituency of Pas-de-Calais
  • 9th constituency of Pas-de-Calais
  • 10th constituency of Pas -de-Calais
  • 11th constituency of Pas-de-Calais
  • 12th constituency of Pas-de-Calais
  • 1st constituency of Puy-de-Dôme
  • 2nd constituency of Puy-de-Dôme
  • 3rd constituency of Puy-de-Dôme
  • 4th constituency of Puy-de-Dôme
  • 5th constituency of Puy-de-Dôme
  • 1st constituency of Pyrénées-Atlantiques
  • 2nd constituency of Pyrénées-Atlantiques
  • 3rd constituency of Pyrénées-Atlantiques
  • 4th constituency of Pyrénées-Atlantiques
  • 5th constituency of the Pyrénées-Atlantiques
  • 6th constituency of the Pyrénées-Atlantiques
  • 1st district of Hautes-Pyrénées
  • 2nd district of Hautes-Pyrénées
  • 1st district of Pyrénées-Orientales
  • 2nd district of Pyrénées-Orientales
  • 3rd constituency of the Pyrénées-Orientales
  • 4th constituency of the Pyrénées-Orientales
  • 1st constituency of Bas-Rhin
  • 2nd constituency of Bas-Rhin
  • 3rd constituency of Bas-Rhin
  • 4th constituency of Bas-Rhin
  • 5th constituency of Bas-Rhin
  • 6th constituency of Bas-Rhin
  • 7th constituency of Bas-Rhin
  • 8th constituency of Bas-Rhin
  • 9th constituency of Bas-Rhin
  • 1st constituency of Haut-Rhin
  • 2nd constituency of Haut-Rhin
  • 3rd constituency of Haut-Rhin
  • 4th constituency of Haut-Rhin
  • 5th constituency of Haut-Rhin
  • 6th district of Haut-Rhin
  • 1st district of Rhône
  • 2nd district of Rhône
  • 3rd constituency of Rhône
  • 4th constituency of Rhône
  • 5th constituency of Rhône
  • 6th district of Rhône
  • 7th district of Rhône
  • < li>8th district of Rhône

  • 9th district of Rhône
  • 10th district of Rhône
  • 11th district of Rhône
  • 12th district of Rhône
  • 13th Rhône constituency
  • 14th Rhône constituency
  • 1st Haute-Saône constituency
  • 2nd constituency of Haute-Saône
  • 1st constituency of Saône-et-Loire
  • 2nd constituency of Saône-et-Loire
  • 3rd constituency of Saône-et-Loire
  • 4th constituency of Saône-et-Loire
  • 5th constituency of Saône-et-Loire
  • 1st constituency of Sarthe
  • 2nd constituency of Sarthe
  • 3rd constituency of Sarthe
  • 4th constituency of Sarthe
  • 5th constituency of Sarthe
  • 1st constituency of Savoie
  • 2nd constituency of Savoie
  • 3rd constituency of Savoie
  • 4th constituency of Savoie
  • 1st constituency of Haute-Savoie
  • 2nd constituency of Haute-Savoie
  • 3rd constituency of Haute-Savoie
  • 4th constituency of Haute-Savoie
  • 5th constituency of Haute-Savoie
  • 6th constituency of Haute -Savoie
  • 1st district of Paris
  • 2nd district of Paris
  • 3rd district of Paris
  • 4th district of Paris
  • 5th district of Paris
  • 6th district of Paris
  • 7th district of Paris
  • 8th district of Paris
  • 9th district of Paris
  • 10th district of Paris
  • 11th district of Paris
  • 12th district of Paris
  • 13th district of Paris
  • 14th district of Paris
  • 15th district of Paris
  • 16th district of Paris
  • 17th district of Paris
  • < li>18th district of Paris

  • 1st district of Seine-Maritime
  • 2nd district of Seine -Maritime
  • 3rd district of Seine-Maritime
  • 4th district of Seine-Maritime
  • 5th district of Seine-Maritime
  • 6th district of Seine- Maritime
  • 7th constituency of Seine-Maritime
  • 8th constituency of Seine-Maritime
  • 9th constituency of Seine-Maritime
  • 10th constituency of Seine-Maritime
  • < li>1st constituency of Seine-et-Marne

  • 2nd constituency of Seine-et-Marne
  • 3rd district of Seine-et-Marne
  • 4th district of Seine-et-Marne
  • 5th district of Seine -et-Marne
  • 6th constituency of Seine-et-Marne
  • 7th constituency of Seine-et-Marne
  • 8th constituency of Seine-et-Marne
  • 9th constituency of Seine-et-Marne
  • 10th constituency of Seine-et-Marne
  • 11th district of Seine-et-Marne
  • 1st district of Yvelines
  • 2nd district of Yvelines
  • 3rd constituency of Yvelines
  • 4th constituency of Yvelines
  • 5th constituency of Yvelines
  • 6th constituency of Yvelines
  • 7th constituency of Yvelines
  • 8th constituency of Yvelines
  • 9th constituency of Yvelines
  • 10th constituency of Yvelines
  • 11th constituency of Yvelines
  • 12th constituency of Yvelines
  • 1st constituency of Deux-Sèvres
  • 2nd constituency of Deux-Sèvres
  • 3rd constituency of Deux-Sèvres
  • 1st constituency of the Somme
  • 2nd constituency of the Somme
  • < li>3rd constituency of the Somme

  • 4th district of the Somme
  • 5th district of the Somme
  • 1st district of Tarn
  • 2nd constituency of Tarn
  • 3rd constituency of Tarn
  • 1st constituency of Tarn-et-Garonne
  • 2nd constituency of Tarn-et-Garonne
  • 1st constituency of Var< /li>
  • 2nd constituency of Var
  • 3rd constituency of Var
  • 4th district of Var
  • 5th district of Var
  • 6th district of Var
  • 7th constituency of Var
  • 8th constituency of Var
  • 1st constituency of Vaucluse
  • 2nd constituency of Vaucluse
  • 3rd constituency of Vaucluse
  • 4th district of Vaucluse
  • 5th district of Vaucluse
  • 1st district of Vendée
  • 2nd district of Vendée
  • 3rd district of Vendée
  • 4th district of Vendée
  • 5th constituency of Vendée
  • 1st constituency of Vienne
  • 2nd constituency of Vienne
  • 3rd constituency of Vienne
  • 4th constituency of Vienne
  • 1st constituency of Haute-Vienne
  • 2nd constituency of Haute-Vienne
  • < li>3rd district of Haute-Vienne

  • 1st district of Vosges
  • 2nd district of Vosges
  • 3rd district of Vosges
  • 4th district of Vosges
  • 1st district of Yonne
  • 2nd district of Yonne
  • 3rd district of Yonne
  • 1st constituency of the Territory of Belfort
  • 2nd constituency of the Territoire de Belfort
  • 1st constituency of Essonne
  • 2nd constituency of Essonne
  • 3rd constituency of Essonne
  • 4th constituency of Essonne
  • 5th constituency of Essonne
  • 6th constituency of Essonne
  • 7th constituency of Essonne
  • 8th constituency of Essonne
  • 9th constituency of Essonne
  • 10th constituency of Essonne
  • 1st constituency of Hauts-de-Seine
  • < li>2nd constituency of Hauts-de-Seine

  • 3rd constituency of Hauts-de-Seine
  • 4th district of Hauts-de-Seine
  • 5th district of Hauts-de-Seine
  • 6th district of Hauts -de-Seine
  • 7th district of Hauts-de-Seine
  • 8th district of Hauts-de-Seine
  • 9th district of Hauts-de-Seine
  • 10th district of Hauts -de-Seine
  • 11th constituency of Hauts-de-Seine
  • 12th constituency of Hauts-de-Seine
  • 13th constituency of Hauts-de-Seine
  • 1st constituency of Seine-Saint-Denis< /li>
  • 2nd constituency of Seine-Saint-Denis
  • 3rd constituency of Seine-Saint-Denis
  • 4th constituency of Seine-Saint-Denis
  • 5th constituency of Seine-Saint-Denis
  • 6th constituency of Seine-Saint-Denis
  • 7th constituency of Seine-Saint-Denis
  • 8th constituency of Seine-Saint-Denis
  • 9th constituency of Seine-Saint-Denis
  • < li>10th district of Seine-Saint-Denis

  • 11th constituency of Seine-Saint-Denis
  • 12th constituency of Seine-Saint-Denis
  • 1st constituency of Val-de-Marne
  • 2nd constituency of Val-de-Marne
  • 3rd constituency of Val-de-Marne
  • 4th constituency of Val-de-Marne
  • 5th constituency of Val-de-Marne
  • 6th constituency of Val-de-Marne
  • 7th constituency of Val-de-Marne
  • 8th constituency of Val-de-Marne
  • 9th constituency of Val-de-Marne
  • 10th constituency of Val-de-Marne
  • 11th constituency of Val-de-Marne
  • 1st constituency of Val-d'Oise
  • 2nd constituency of Val-d'Oise
  • 3rd constituency of Val-d'Oise
  • 4th constituency of Val-d'Oise
  • 5th constituency of Val-d'Oise
  • 6th district of Val-d'Oise
  • 7th district of Val-d'Oise
  • 8th district of Val -d'Oise
  • 9th constituency of Val-d'Oise
  • 10th constituency of Val-d'Oise
  • 1st constituency of Guadeloupe
  • 2nd constituency of Guadeloupe
  • 3rd constituency of Guadeloupe
  • 4th constituency of Guadeloupe
  • 1st constituency of Martinique
  • 2nd constituency of Martinique
  • 3rd constituency of Martinique
  • 4th constituency of Martinique
  • 1st constituency of Guyana
  • 2nd constituency of Guyana
  • 1st constituency of La Réunion
  • 2nd constituency of La Réunion
  • 3rd constituency of La Réunion
  • 4th constituency of La Réunion
  • 5th constituency of Reunion Island
  • 6th constituency of Reunion Island
  • 7th constituency of Reunion Island
  • 1st constituency of Mayotte
  • 2nd constituency of Mayotte
200% Deposit Bonus up to €3,000 180% First Deposit Bonus up to $20,000

00:51 – In Montpellier, what are the results of the 1st legislative elections ?

Who are the candidates who came out on top at Montpellier according to the different constituencies ? Here are the detailed results:

Montpellier 1st constituency:

  • Jean-Louis Roumegas (UG): 47.64%
  • Josyan Oliva (UXD): 24.54%
  • Patricia Miralles (ENS): 19.22 %
  • Eric Chaveroche (LR): 3.53 %
  • Stéphanie Lévy (DVD): 2.57 %
  • Alexandre Arguel (REC): 1.56 %
  • Morgane Lachiver (EXG): 0.94 %

Montpellier 2nd constituency:

  • Nathalie Oziol (UG): 58.22 %
  • Robert Le Stum (ENS): 17.04 %
  • Flavia Mangano (RN): 16.97 %
  • Sandra Houée (LR): 4.29 %
  • Christelle Boyer (UDI): 2.73 %
  • Didier Michel (EXG): 0.71 %
  • Hugo Leboon (DIV): 0.04 %

Montpellier 3rd constituency :

  • Fanny Dombre-Coste (UG) : 57.62 %
  • Laurence Cristol (ENS) : 21.93 %
  • Lauriane Troise (RN) : 15.28 %
  • Flavio Dalmau (ECO) : 3.16 %
  • Babeth Segura (REC) : 1.13 %
  • Serge Gachon (EXG) : 0.88 %

Montpellier 8th constituency:

  • Sylvain Carriere (UG): 52.09%
  • Cédric Delapierre (RN): 19.95%
  • Isabelle Autier (ENS): 16.87%
  • Bérangère Dubus (DVD): 6.79%
  • Sabria Bouallaga (ECO) : 3.61 %
  • Thomas Garnier (EXG) : 0.68 %

Montpellier 9th constituency :

  • Nadia Belaouni (UG) : 48.31 %
  • Patrick Vignal (ENS) : 23.33 %
  • Charles Alloncle (UXD) : 20.65 %
  • Anthony Belin (DVD) : 2.51 %
  • Frédéric Bort (REC) : 1.67 %
  • William Viste (DVD) : 1.6 %
  • Patrice Boccadifuoco (DVD) : 1.01 %
  • Nathalie Peiro (EXG) : 0.79 %
  • Géry Laly (DVD) : 0.13 %

00:39 – Attal in the lead in the 10th constituency of Hauts-de-Seine

Gabriel Attal came in first in the 10th constituency of Hauts-de-Seine with 43.85% of the vote, ahead of the New Popular Front which obtained 35.53% of the vote and the union of the extreme right with 13.21%. The Prime Minister will therefore find himself in a duel with the left for the second round of the legislative elections. Detailed results:

  • Gabriel Attal (ENS): 43.85%
  • Cécile Soubelet (UG): 35.53%
  • Sébastien Laye (UXD): 13.21%
  • Clément Perrin (LR): 5.08%
  • Herlander Ferreira Do Amaral (REC): 1.31 %
  • Laurence Viguié (EXG): 0.54%
  • Béatrice Guillemet (DVG): 0.26%
  • Nicolas Lemesle (DIV): 0.19%
  • Esteban Ygouf (DVG): 0.05%

00:32 – In Strasbourg, what results in the legislative elections ?

Who are the candidates who came out on top in the first round of the legislative elections? Strasbourg ? Response for each constituency:  

Strasbourg 1st constituency:

  • Sandra Regol (UG): 47.6%
  • Etienne Loos (ENS): 24.26%
  • Hombeline Du Parc (RN): 14.03%
  • Irène Weiss (LR): 6.43 %
  • Serge Oehler (DVG): 1.93%
  • Jamal Rouchdi (DIV): 1.09%
  • Luc Menard (REC): 1.01%
  • Patrick Arbogast (ECO): 0.98%
  • Odette Holtzer (REG): 0.91%
  • Albéric Barret (ECO): 0.73%
  • Louise Fève (EXG): 0.34%
  • Frédéric Seigle-Murandi (DVG): 0.25%
  • Dan Benhamou (EXG): 0.18%
  • Thomas Brant (DIV): 0.18%
  • Thomas Schlund (DIV): 0.1%

Strasbourg 2nd constituency :

  • Emmanuel Fernandes (UG): 48.99%
  • Rebecca Breitman (ENS): 20.93%
  • Virginie Joron (RN): 18.63%
  • Alexandre Wolf Samaloussi (LR): 5.94%
  • Cendrine Diemunsch (REG): 1.54%
  • Jean Marc Governatori (ECO): 1.35%
  • Fabienne Schnitzler (ECO): 0.97%
  • Elisa Clolot (DVG): 0.74%
  • Alain Richard (EXG): 0.57%
  • Clément Soubise (EXG): 0.33%

Strasbourg 3rd constituency:

  • Thierry Sother (UG): 39.73%
  • Bruno Studer (ENS): 31.54%
  • Stéphanie Dô (RN): 19.25%
  • Dera Ratsiajetsinimaro (LR): 3.85%
  • Thierry Parat (ECO): 1.56%
  • Gautier Perrin (REG): 1.45%
  • Alexandre Zyzeck (REC): 0.92%
  • Mohamed Sylla (DVG): 0.72%
  • Denise Grandmougin (EXG): 0.42%
  • Félix Kleimann (DVG): 0.35%
  • Hicham Hamza (DIV): 0.21%

00:25 – What are the legislative results? Saint-Denis ?

It was the left-wing candidates who came out on top. Saint-Denis in the first round of the legislative elections:

Saint-Denis 1st constituency:

  • Éric Coquerel (UG): 69.83%
  • Jean-Pierre Monfils (ENS): 13.71%
  • Julien Grazioli (RN): 8.69%
  • François Peguillet (LR): 2.29%
  • Gersende Le Maire (ECO): 2.05%
  • Nabil Bouard (DVD): 1.57%
  • Alain Aubry (EXG): 1.37%
  • Paul Uhalde (EXG): 0.44%
  • Emmanuel Bilongo Mambweni (DIV): 0.05%

Saint-Denis 2nd constituency:

  • Stéphane Peu (UG): 72.33%
  • Luc Colomas (RN): 11.14%
  • Samantha Uk (ENS): 7.57%
  • Anasse Kazib (EXG): 3.88%
  • Louis-Auxile Maillard (LR): 2.41%
  • Agnès Renaud (EXG): 1.59%
  • Maki Théa Marquand (ECO): 1.08%

00:16 – What results? Nice in the 1st round of legislative elections

In Nice, it was the right-wing candidates who came first in the different constituencies:  

Nice 1st constituency

  • Eric Ciotti (UXD): 41.04%
  • Olivier Salerno (UG): 26.62%
  • Graig Monetti (ENS): 22.79%
  • Virgile Vanier-Guérin (LR): 5.78%
  • Lalla Chama Ben Moulay (ECO): 2.81%
  • Alain Langouet (EXG): 0.62%
  • Jean-Claude Wahid Spach (REG): 0.27%
  • Maxime Bovis (DIV): 0.07%

Nice 3rd constituency

  • Bernard Chaix (UXD): 39.51%
  • Laure Quignard (UG): 28.58%
  • Philippe Pradal (ENS): 25.94%
  • Marie Françoise Caussin (ECO): 2.92%
  • Thibault Delhez (DSV): 1.56%
  • Marjorie Vivo (ECO): 0.76%
  • Estelle Jaquet (EXG): 0.73%

Nice 5th constituency

  • Christelle d'Intorni (UXD): 45%
  • Fabrice Decoupigny (UG): 23.66%
  • Gaël Nofri (ENS): 15.96%
  • Patrice Benoit (DIV): 11.47%
  • Axel Hvidsten (ECO): 3.18%
  • Agnès Benkemoun (EXG): 0.73%

00:15 – Other legislative results: Manuel Bompard

Manuel Bompard wasé& nbsp;éelected in the first round in the 4th constituency of Bouches du Rhône. The spokesperson for La France Insoumise, candidate for the New Popular Front, is credited with 67% of the votes in the first round of the legislative elections, according to partial results transmitted at the end of the evening and based on on 89% of the counting carried out.

00:12 – The LFI Clémentine Autain ré elected from the first round

The outgoing left-wing MP Clémentine Autain announces that she has beené re-elected in the first round on LCI, in the 11th constituency of Seine-Saint-Denis. According to partial results, she obtained 63.15% of the votes, far ahead of Renée Joly of the RN.

00:11 – In Toulouse, what are the results of the legislative ?

Five constituencies cover the city of Toulouse, what are the results of the legislative elections in each of them ?

Toulouse 1st constituency:

  • Hadrien Clouet (UG): 51.58%
  • Elodie Hobet (ENS): 25.88%
  • Lola Chambelin (RN): 16.93%
  • Evelyne Boujat (DVC): 2.45%
  • Jean-Marie Trouillet (REC): 1.65%
  • Alexis de Berranger (DIV): 0.92%
  • Olivier Le Penven (EXG): 0.59%

Toulouse 2nd constituency :

  • Anne Stambach-Terrenoir (UG): 53.65%
  • Jean-Luc Lagleize (ENS): 22.92%
  • Frank Khalifa (RN): 18.84%
  • Maxime Mayoral (ECO): 1.64%
  • Pauline Lorans (REC): 1.45%
  • Arthur Nestier (ECO): 0.75%
  • Clotilde Barthélémy (EXG): 0.75%

Toulouse 3rd constituency

  • Agathe Roby (UG): 40.27%
  • Corinne Vignon (ENS): 31.42%
  • Stéphanie Alarcon (RN): 17.5%
  • Clément Delmas (LR): 5.54%
  • Marie-Pierre Bouchet (DVC): 1.18%
  • Baptiste Robert (DVG): 1.15%
  • Philippe Soleri (REC): 1.14%
  • Domitilla Allorant (ECO): 1.1%
  • Malena Adrada (EXG): 0.41%
  • Philippe Maury (DVD): 0.26%
  • Christmas Némouthé (REG): 0.04 %

Toulouse 4th constituency

  • François Piquemal (UG): 53.39%
  • Margaux Pech (ENS): 26.92%
  • Audrey Larregle (RN): 15.66%
  • Jacme Delmas (DVC): 1.96%
  • Arthur Cottrel (REC): 1.53%
  • Patrick Marcireau (EXG): 0.54%

Toulouse 9th constituency :

  • Christine Arrighi (UG): 59.39%
  • Florian Delrieu (ENS): 20.18%
  • Caroline Beout (RN): 15.42%
  • Camille Clinet (DVC): 1.96%
  • Christelle Filippi (REC): 1.39%
  • Henri Martin (EXG): 0.94%
  • Nathanaëlle Loubet–Sruh (EXG): 0.73%

00:07 – Full results available Angers

In Angers, the left leaves with a good lead for the second round, the candidates of the Popular Front (UG – Left Union) arriving in the lead sometimes with a good gap on their pursuers.

  • Angers – 1st constituency (67.84% of voters)
  • Elsa Richard (UG): 40.52%
  • François Gernigon (ENS): 34.39%
  • Hugo Louvigne (RN): 16.99%
  • Séverine Lécuyer (LR): 6.26%
  • Marie Louise Dupas (EXG): 0.93%
  • Roselyne Pruniere (REC): 0.59%
  • Anthony Gouas (EXG): 0.32%
  • Angers – 2nd constituency (65.06% of voters)
  • Léo Metayer (UG): 36.8%
  • Stella Dupont (ENS): 29.21%
  • Thomas Brisseau (RN): 19.32%
  • Benoît Triot (LR): 8.98%
  • Bertrand Salquain (DVC): 4.43%
  • Philippe Lebrun (EXG): 1.26%
  • Angers – 6th constituency (63.91% of voters)
  • Sylvie Gabin (UG): 43.15%
  • Nicole Dubre Chirat (ENS): 30.61%
  • Tim Pavageau (RN): 18.01%
  • Anaëlle Chaussivert (LR): 5.4%
  • Yann Le Diagon (EXG): 1.56%
  • Eric Mercier (DSV): 1.27%
  • Angers – 7th constituency (68.56% of voters)
  • Guillaume Jouanneau (UG): 45.64%
  • Philippe Bolo (ENS): 29.28%
  • Clémence Lascaud (RN): 17.07%
  • Sandrine Boullais Challier (LR): 4.8%
  • Valérie Gorioux (REC): 1.28%
  • Céline L'Huillier (EXG): 1.06%
  • Régis Crespin (DSV): 0.86%

00:05 – What result in the 1st round of legislative elections? Grenoble ?

In the two constituencies which cover Grenoble, it was the left-wing candidates who came out on top in the first round of elections. legislative:  

Grenoble 1st constituency:

  • Hugo Prevost (UG): 52.49%
  • Olivier Véran (ENS): 25.71%
  • Alexandre Lacroix (UXD): 15.15%
  • Nathalie Béranger (LR): 5.57%
  • Rémi Adam (EXG): 1.08%

Grenoble 3rd constituency:

  • Élisa Martin (UG): 49.13%
  • Émilie Chalas (ENS): 18.36%
  • Christel Dupré (RN): 17.32%
  • Stéphane Gemmani (DVG): 8.31%
  • Coline Genevois (LR): 2.69%
  • Khemisti Boubeker (DVG): 0.93%
  • M'Hamed Benharouga (UDI): 0.85%
  • Isabelle Fassion (REC): 0.63%
  • Catherine Brun (EXG): 0.61%
  • Louiliam Clot (ECO): 0.53%
  • Baptiste Anglade (EXG): 0.43%
  • Samuel Le Fourn (EXG): 0.2%

30/06/24 – 23:55 – The complete results in the 1st district of Paris

The 1st district of Paris delivered its results. They are now available on the city page. 75.25% of those registered went to the polls. Here are the detailed results for the constituency:

  • Sylvain Maillard (ENS): 44.7%
  • Raphaël Kempf (UG): 32.2%
  • Delphine Voirin (RN): 10.03%
  • Laurence Sailliet (LR): 5.49%
  • Pierre Maurin (DVD): 4.54%
  • Marine Chiaberto (REC): 1.56%
  • Alban Ludovic Bertrand Pineau (DVC): 0.96%
  • Laurence Boulinier (EXG): 0.37%
  • Mathilde Contensou (REG): 0.14%

30/06/24 – 23:53 – Pierre Larrouturou in the lead in the 5th constituencies

In the 5th constituency of Essonne it was the New Popular Front which arrived. in the lead with his candidate Pierre Larrouturou and his 37.93 in the votes. Here are the detailed results:

  • Pierre Larrouturou (UG): 37.93%
  • Paul Midy (ENS): 32.48%
  • Laetitia Horvelin (RN): 15.27%
  • François Guy Trébulle (DVD): 9.92%
  • Marianne Billoir (ECO): 1.78%
  • Wendy Lonchampt (REC): 1.24%
  • Benoît Odille (DVG): 0.75%
  • Didier Paxion (EXG): 0.63%

30/06/24 – 23:48 – At least 37 RNs from the first round

The National Rally can be rejoiced for around forty candidates who have already been elected. été élus à the Assembly. A historic result for the far right.

30/06/24 – 23: 45 – In Le Havre, what result in the first round of the legislative elections ?

In Le Havre there are two different camps which came out on top in the results in each of the city's two constituencies: 

La Havre 7th constituency:

  • Agnès Firmin Le Bodo (HOR): 33.94%
  • Florence Martin Péréon (UG): 32.65%
  • Anaïs Thomas (RN): 25.8%
  • Jacques Forestier (LR): 2.26%
  • Catherine Omont (DVG): 2.22%
  • Jean-Paul Macé (EXG): 1.17%
  • Isabelle Ducoeurjoly (REC): 1%
  • Brush Véronique (DSV): 0.95%

Le Havre 8th constituency: 

  • Jean-Paul Lecoq (UG): 42.85%
  • Isabelle Le Coz (RN): 28.6%
  • Régis Debons (HOR): 23.69%
  • Benoit Naous (LR): 3.51%
  • Magali Cauchois (EXG): 1.35%

06/30/24- 11:43 PM – Another legislative result: LFI Clémence Guetté re-elected

Clémence Guetté announces on X to be re-elected in the first round in her constituency of Val-de-Marne. This close friend of Jean-Luc Mélenchon is once again a member of parliament.

06/30/24 – 11:40 p.m. – What result in the first round of legislative elections? Rouen ?

In Rouen, it was the candidates of the New Popular Front who came first in the two constituencies which took place. apos; extend over the city:  

Rouen 1st constituency:

  • Florence Herouin-Léautey (UG): 48.28%
  • Damien Adam (ENS): 25.83%
  • Grégoire Houdan (RN): 17.37%
  • Patrick Chabert (DVD): 5.31 %
  • Valérie Foissey (EXG): 0.98%
  • Christian Savey (REC): 0.94%
  • Marie-Hélène Duverger (EXG): 0.68%
  • Jody Horcholle (DVC): 0.34%
  • Richard Vacquer (DVG): 0.26%
  • Mikhail Stachkov (DIV): 0.01 %

Rouen 3rd district:

  • Edouard Bénard (UG): 50.76 %
  • Pauline Daniel (RN): 20.93 %
  • Letycia Ossibi (HOR): 17.85 %
  • Alexis Coppein (DVD): 7.7 %
  • Pascal Le Manach (EXG): 1.42 %
  • Anthony Vanhese (REC): 1.36 %

06/30/24- 11:37 PM – Eric Coquerel (LFI) re-elected in the first round

LFI MP Eric Coquerel announces that he has been re-elected in the first round in the 1st constituency of Seine Saint Denis. The MP for La France Insoumise is making his return to the National Assembly national.

06/30/24- 11:34 PM – Who came out on top in the legislative elections in Rennes ?

In Rennes, it was the candidates of the New Popular Front who came out on top in the first round of legislative elections in the four constituencies.

Rennes 1st constituency:

  • Marie Mesmeur (UG): 53.31%
  • Nicolas Boucher (ENS): 27.08%
  • Jeanne Rey Du Boissieu (RN): 12.69%
  • Joëlle Le Gall (LR): 3.93%
  • Valérie Hamon (EXG): 1.28%
  • Sébastien Girard (REG): 1.1%
  • Rosa Vasquez (DVG): 0.59%
  • Frédéric Mathieu (DVG): 0.02%

Rennes 2nd district :

  • Tristan Lahais (UG): 52.98%
  • Laurence Maillart-Méhaignerie (ENS): 27.3%
  • Bérénice Vanhaecke (RN): 12.37%
  • Christophe Decourcelle (LR): 6.52%
  • Florence Defrance (EXG): 0.8%
  • Olivier Hanne (ECO): 0.03%

Rennes 3rd district :

  • Claudia Rouaux (UG): 65.87%
  • Charlotte Faillé (ENS): 15.75%
  • Virginie d'Orsanne (RN): 12.99%
  • Victor Roulet (DVD): 2.27%
  • Jean-Louis Amisse (EXG): 1.86%
  • Mathieu Guihard (REG): 1.25%

Rennes 8th district:

  • Mickaël Bouloux (UG): 58.25%
  • Hermine Mauze (ENS): 24.52%
  • Kellie Lucco (RN): 10.65%
  • Mahé Gargam (LR): 4.88%
  • Maël Egron (REG): 0.89%
  • Fabrice Lucas (EXG): 0.8%

The Ministry of the Interior has just communicated to us the results of the legislative elections. Paris on 92.85% of registrants:

  • 1st constituency: ENS 44.79%; UG 32.15%
  • 2nd constituency: UG 33.09%; ENS 23.56% and DVD 19.74%
  • 3rd constituency: UG 45.60%; ENS 34.42%
  • 4th constituency: ENS 37.20%; DVD 26.54% and UG 17.82%
  • 5th constituency: UG éelect à 54.39%; ENS 30.05% 
  • 6th constituency: UG éelect à 58.14%; ENS 22.55% 
  • 7th constituency: UG 49.62%; ENS 32.98%
  • 8th constituency: UG éelect à 50.59%; ENS 28.49%
  • 9th constituency: UG éelected à 52.00%; ENS 23.30%
  • 10th constituency: UG élu à 50.44%; ENS 24.04% 
  • 11th constituency: UG 43.98%; ENS 34.64%
  • 12th constituency: ENS 39.19%; UG 28.74% and UXD 14.61%
  • 13th constituency: ENS 38.90%; UG 37.07%; RN 13.97%
  • 14th constituency: ENS 48.09%; LR 17.76%; UXD 17.54 and UG 13.57%
  • 15th constituency: DVG 41.94%; UG 22.62%; ENS 16.16%
  • 16th: UG élu 62.31%; ENS 19.53%
  • 17th: UG élu 63.98%; ENS 17.38%
  • 18&eme: UG élu à 50.42%; ENS à 32.56%

06/30/24 – 11:30 p.m. – Emmanuelle Ménard beaten in her constituency and Béziers

Emmanuel Ménard, outgoing MP and wife of the mayor of Béziers Robert M& eacute;nard, is beaten on both counts and will have a strong chance to win. make the second round against the RN, on its own ground:

  • 6th constituency of Hérault (66.97% of voters):
  • Julien Gabarron (RN): 41.11%
  • Emmanuelle Ménard (DVD): 27.23%
  • Magali Crozier (UG): 21.03 %
  • Sarah Fatima Daudé-Allaoui (ENS): 9.87%
  • Laurent Gilhodes (EXG): 0.76%
  • Réresults à Béziers (63.89% of voters):
  • Julien Gabarron (RN): 35.07%
  • Emmanuelle Ménard (DVD): 28.83%
  • Magali Crozier (UG): 25.51%
  • Sarah Fatima Daudé-Allaoui (ENS): 9.82%
  • Laurent Gilhodes (EXG): 0.78%

30/06/24 – 23:27 – Sandrine Rousseau re-elected as of 1st round à Paris

Sandrine Rousseau was é re-elected in the 9th constituency of Paris in the first round of these legislative elections. The environmentalist is back! the National Assembly.

06/30/24 – 11:26 p.m. – Ruffin in tê te à Amiens, but not in the constituency

Arrival second in his constituency, François Ruffin nevertheless arrived at the head of the first round of legislative elections in the city of Amiens with 52.89% of the votes. Here are the detailed results. Amiens:

  • François Ruffin (UG): 52.89%
  • Nathalie Ribeiro Ticket (RN): 25.91%
  • Albane Branlant (ENS): 19.05%
  • Jean-Patrick Baudry (EXG): 1.68%
  • Bruno Dumont (DVC): 0.47%

30/06/24 – 23:24 – Mathilde Panot reéélue

Mathilde Panot announces on X that she woné the vote in the 10th constituency of Val-de-Marne. The president of the LFI group & the National Assembly received the majority absolute in his constituency. She's back à the National Assembly.

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Results of the legislative elections 2024

Here are the latest estimates of the results of the first round according to the Ipsos Talan institute for France 2 this Sunday. The RN is therefore well ahead with more than 33% of the votes, ahead of the New Popular Front & close to 30% and Together – Majority &agrav; a little more than 20%:

Result in number of seats the outcome of legislative legislation 2024

Ipsos also carried out projections in number of seats è based on its estimates from the first round of legislative elections. Here are the ranges that should fall into place. each block à the outcome of the second round next week. The National Rally seems very close to the 289 seats necessary to obtain a majority. absolute:

The unknown of the triangulars and vote carryovers in the second round

Pollsters have a lot of trouble finding out what to do. refine their projection model for the 2nd round due to the local nature of the 577 ballots. But another parameter complicates the task of institutes in trying to estimate the results of the 2nd round of legislative elections: participation ;being strong – she is esteemed more than 66% in the first round – these elections are marked by the organization of numerous triangulars, probably close to 300. This happens when three candidates obtain ;at least 12.5% ​​of the votes of voters registered in the 1st round. But the more people vote, the more the qualification threshold drops. 

In the event of numerous triangulars, the results of the 2nd round of legislative elections become more and more uncertain. Mechanically it is the far right which is the most advantaged, due to the scattering of votes between the two other candidates. In the event of a competitor withdrawing "to block off" &agrav; the far right, on the other hand, is often the loser. What will the candidates involved in triangulars do? are very important for understanding the results of legislative legislation.

  • Paris
  • Marseille
  • Lyon
  • Toulouse
  • Nice
  • Nantes
  • Montpellier
  • Strasbourg
  • Bordeaux
  • Lille
  • Rennes
  • Reims
  • Le Havre
  • Saint-Étienne
  • Toulon
  • Grenoble
  • Dijon
  • Angers
  • Nîmes
  • Villeurbanne
  • Le Mans
  • Aix-en-Provence
  • Clermont-Ferrand
  • Brest
  • Turns
  • Amiens
  • Limoges
  • Annecy
  • Perpignan
  • Besançon
  • Metz
  • Boulogne-Billancourt

All cities


How are the results of legislative elections established ?

Legislative elections in France are organized according to a single-member majority voting system. two towers. The country is divided into 577 constituencies, each electing a deputy. &agrav; the National Assembly. When the results are announced, to be elected in the first round, a candidate must obtain more than 50% of the votes cast and a number of votes at least equal to 25% of registered voters. If no candidate meets these conditions, a second round is organized.

Only candidates having received at least 12.5% ​​of the votes of registered voters during the results of the first round can run in the second round. If only one candidate meets this condition, the candidate arrives. in second position is also qualified. The second round often sees strategic alliances and withdrawals between parties to maximize the chances of victory against a common opponent.

Legislative results, majority and government

The results of legislative elections determine the majority. parliamentary à the National Assembly. The party or coalition of parties with the greatest number of seats generally forms a majority. &agrav; the Assembly, which can be absolute (289 seats) or relative, and therefore orient more or less strongly the priorities of the country and the laws that will be voted on during the mandate. A majority parliamentary stability allows the government to function effectively and carry out à well his reforms. In the event of absence of a majority, absolute for a single party, majorities and therefore coalition governments can be formed.

The government is responsible to parliament, which can validate or reject it during a vote of confidence or after the tabling ;t of a motion of censure, it must therefore be in phase with this majority. exit from the polls. After the results of the legislative elections, the President of the Republic therefore generally appoints a Prime Minister, from his party in case of victory or of the majority party if another sensitivityé wins.

If the President of the Republic and the majority parliamentary belong à opposing parties, a situation of cohabitation occurs. In this case, the Prime Minister, who holds daily executive power, may have political views that diverge from those of the President, leading to tensions and compromises.

Teilor Stone

By Teilor Stone

Teilor Stone has been a reporter on the news desk since 2013. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining Thesaxon , Teilor Stone worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my teilor@nizhtimes.com 1-800-268-7116