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DIRECT. Result of the 2024 legislative elections: a “coup d’état” mentioned by Le Pen

“DIRECT. Result of the 2024 legislative elections: a 'coup d'état' é invoked by Le Pen”

Two days after the first results of the legislative elections, Marine Le Pen assured that his government was ready. She also warned of "an administrative coup" of the presidential camp.

►Find your municipality or constituency to consult the legislative results:   The essentials

  • The final result of the first round of legislative elections placed the RN and its allies in the lead on Sunday, in capacity to obtain more than 289 ages, neither the left, nor Ensemble! ;eacute;puts to obtain a majority in the 2nd round.
  • At the microphone of France Inter this Tuesday, Marine Le Pen warned against "an administrative coup" from the Macron camp. According to her, a wave of nominations, whether to the head of the police, the gendarmerie, but also the prefects or ambassadors, is envisaged by the presidential camp before the possible cohabitation which could be implemented à the outcome of a possible victory for the RN in the legislative elections next Sunday. Appointments whose sole objective would be “to prevent Jordan Bardella from governing the country as he wishes”, she further argues.
  • Marine Le Pen also made it known on Tuesday that she had in mind what her party would do next. the outcome of the results of the 2nd round of these legislative elections: she affirmed that that his government was é already &eac;developedé and that all ministries had people ready for the job, including “people from the mainstream society”. civil". On the other hand, she will not be part of it. She wishes to remain president of RN deputies – the Assembly.


Relying on 'rumours', Marine Le Pen said that Emmanuel Macron was going to carry out an "administrative coup d'état" by naming &agrav; key positions: "The President of the Republic would consider tomorrow, that is to say & four days of the second round, to appoint the director general of the national police, even though he was to remain until the end of the second round. the end of the Olympics, and the director of the national gendarmerie, she explained on France Inter. She estimatedé that the head of state seeks to "counter the vote of voters, the results of elections, by appointing people to prevent it, & ;agrave; inside the state, to be able to pursue the policy that the French want.

3:17 p.m. – Marine Tondelier guest on the TF1 news this Tuesday evening

While the TF1 20 Hours received the boss last night of the RN, Jordan Bardella, the Prime Minister, Gabriel Attal, the socialist Raphael Glucksmann and the Republican Xavier Bertrand, this Tuesday evening, it is the turn of the secretary ;national association of environmentalists to be invited. Marine Tondelier will answer questions from Gilles Bouleau.

The results of the second round of legislative elections are already available. anticipated by the polling institutes, which carried out projections in the number of seats in the future Assembly. Here is the Ipsos Talan projection for France 2. Given here are the numbers of seats by large bloc at the top (NFP, RN and allies, Ensemble!) as well as by party politics at the bottom (LFI, PS, EELV, PC, Renaissance, Modem, Horizons, LR with Ciotti, RN). These estimates will be refined with the results of voting intentions until Friday July 5.

15:06 – The vice-president of the outgoing Assembly withdraws

Élodie Jacquier-Laforge, outgoing deputy of the MoDem, and vice-president of the National Assembly, arrived in Paris third in the 9th constituency of Isère, announced withdraw his candidacy in favor of Sandrine Nosb&eac; (NFP), arriving second, behind RN candidate Cécile Bene. His team explained: in a press release : "Although vote carryovers would place her in a better position to fight the RN in the second round, it’s responsibility and faithful à These seven years of commitment, that she made the decision not to leave the far right in the capacity to attack. to govern".

14:52 – Jacques Toubon calls à "&eac;build a global Republican front" with LFI

In an interview with Le Monde, Jacques Chirac's former minister, Jacques Toubon, called for &agrav; beat the RN. "For me, we must establish a global republican front as quickly as possible, including with LFI", explained" the former Defender of Rights.

His position contradicts that of the current Minister of the Economy, Bruno Le Maire, who called, this Monday, & agrave; withdraw to beat the RN, but without winning LFI.

14:38 – A candidate attackedé &agrav; Cherbourg

According to Le Figaro, Nicolas Conquer, LR candidate invested by Éric Ciotti in the 4th constituency of La Manche wasé attacked &agrav; Cherbourg after a leaflet, this Monday. "The leaflets were repacked and we were saying goodbye to each other when, suddenly, a group of people were leaving. around ten young people, like 25-30 years old, jumped in our direction, throwing stones and various objects found on the road at us, to the cries of "dirty racists, motherfuckers,” he explained.

Four of the perpetrators of this violence wereé arrested by the police. The candidate carriedé complaint in the evening for "violence in meetings".

14:21 – Nigel Farage criticizes the economic program of the National Rally

The leader of the British far-right Reform UK party, Nigel Farage, who supported Marine Le Pen in 2017, said he was concerned about the Rally's economic program national. According to him, it would be "a disaster" and "even worse for the economy" than the current government, he indicated to the British media UnHerd.

14:03 – A thousand historians call à vote against the National Rally

In an article published in the daily Le Monde, a thousand historians called for à vote against the National Rally during the second round of legislative elections.

13:49 – &amp ;Eacute;ric Ciotti wants to send François Hollande "à retirement"

In a message published on the social network to the deputy LR Francis Dubois to retire to "beat François Hollande in Corrèze". The LR candidate arrived third behind François Hollande (37.63%) and RN candidate Maïtey ​​Pouget (30.89%). "You must call à vote for the candidate of the national unity coalition, the only one who can send François Hollande & retirement,” he explained.

And the deputyé LR to answer him: "Éric, we see that you don't know Corr&egraveze and that you have never set foot there. If that were the case, you would support a candidate who was truly implanted in the field. in the territory, the only one capable of beating François Hollande.

13:31 – Haute-Corse: an RN candidate withdraws

The National Rally candidate in the second constituency of Haute-Corse, Sylvie Fernandez, who came in third position in the first round of the early legislative elections, is ready to vote for the second constituency of Haute-Corse. I resist and call for help. vote in the second round for the various right-wing candidate, announced the RN.

13:18 – Loïc Signor explains his choice to maintain

Spokesperson for the Renaissance party and candidate in the 3rd constituency of Val-de-Marne, Loïc Signor has decided to join the party. to maintain his candidacy despite its third position in the first round of the legislative elections: "There is no risk RN, which has arrived; two points in front of me and very far from the candidate of La France insoumise Louis Boyard,” he explained. And add: "On the other hand, if I withdraw I could run the risk of having a vote postponed in favor of the RN against Louis Boyard."

13:06 – A Macronist candidate retires to the Alpes-de-Haute-Provence

Christiane Hoang, Dominique Blanc's deputy in a constituency in Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, announced that his candidate was withdrawing. Arriving third, Christiane Hoang leaves the MP behind. Outgoing LFI Léo Walter (32.99%), and Sophie Vaginay-Ricourt (40.89%), ex-LR invested under the RN banner, in her constituency.

12:52 – Crif takes position before the 2nd round

À the image of Bruno Le Maire, the Representative Council of Jewish Institutions of France (Crif) gave its position à five days of the second round of legislative elections: "The Crif calls on the Frenchçais to mobilize to prevent the National Rally from coming to power by voting massively for candidates from democratic and republican parties, and categorically refuse any compromise with La France insoumise,” he wrote in a press release.

12:39 – An RN candidate withdraws her application after the publication of a photo

In Calvados, RN candidate Ludivine Daoudi, questioned by her opponent for having worn a Nazi cap a few years ago, withdrew her candidacy. his candidacy. The delegateé departmental RN in the department has specified é : "She does not deny, she took this photo several years ago in an arms exchange in Paris. Saint-Pierre-sur-Dives. He agrees that the photo is in bad taste. In any case, the application will be withdrawn today."

12:26 – After Marine Le Pen, Jordan Bardella castigates anti-RN rap

In a message published on X, Jordan was indignant; of the song against the National Rally published by around twenty rappers: "The famous « incisive punchlines » : calls for murder, violent misogynism, crass anti-Semitism and conspiracy. The mental universe of the far left is increasingly toxic. And the media which endorse this have lost all decency,” wrote the president of the RN.

Among the rappers' lyrics: "Fuck the mother à Bardella" ; "If the fascists come by, I'll bring out with a big caliber" ; "The inside of their souls is withered, they deserve to die".

According to a final published statement, by Le Monde à At midday, 204 candidates withdrew to face the National Rally. 107 triangular ones would still be planned.

12:10 – Unions are calling for more vote against the extreme right

An inter-union made up of the CFDT, CGT, Unsa, FSU and Solidaires, judging the reé result of the first round of legislative elections "worrying", called for "à to block à the far right" by voting on Sunday "for the candidates best placed to beat the far right".

In a message published on X, Dominique Faure, Minister Delegate in charge of Territorial Communities and Rurality; finally announced withdraw his candidacy in the 10th constituency of Haute-Garonne "in responsibilityé." The day before, she had announced; maintain oneself despite his third place and Gabriel Attal's line.

11:42 – Gabriel Attal challenged; on a market à Paris

On the move to a market in the 15th arrondissement of Paris, Gabriel Attal was é taken à part by a young man  who supported the New Popular Front. He accusedé the Prime Minister to "deliver the country to the RN".

11:26 – Song against the RN: Marine Le Pen hopes that justice will take up the case

About twenty rappers have released a song against the National Rally. In a post on the social network X, Marine Le Pen castigated the lyrics and said she hoped “that the public prosecutor (will take up) this abjection.”

11:12 – A radical left candidate thanks Xavier Bertrand for his support

Sébastien Jumel, MPé left-wing radical elected in Seine-Maritime, thanked the president of the Hauts-de-France region, Xavier Bertrand for his support, on the social network oacute; Our differences in sensitivity, we work together in the sense of general interest on substantive subjects.

On BFMTV, the coordinator of La France insoumise, Manuel Bompard, refusedé the Plural Assembly proposed by Gabriel Attal: “The Insoumis will only govern to apply their program, nothing but the program,” he said said. And to add: "I am in a countryside whereù the objective is to have a majority to be able to govern with a government of the New Popular Front on Sunday." 

10:54 – Rappers mobilize against National gathering

This Monday, around twenty rappers published; the title "No Pasaran", in which they denounce and attack the National Rally. Among these artists:  Fianso, ISK, Zola, Pit Baccardi, Cokein, Ashe 22, UZI, RK, Alkpote,  Akhenaton, Kore, Nahir, Seth Gueko, Demi portion, Soso Maness.< /p>

10:47 – Clément Beaune calls à "vote systematically" for the candidates "facing the RN"

On BFMTV, the former minister, deputyé outgoing and defeated in his Paris constituency, affirmedé that' "we must vote systematically for the candidate, who is facing the National Rally." While the presidential camp's line is not certain, Clément Beaune called for his party &agrav; êbe "clear".

10:23 – "Emmanuel Macron is largely responsible for this chaos", says Anne Hidalgo

On the set of France 2, the mayor of Paris declared that Emmanuel Macron had acted on "a stroke of madness" and was "responsible for this chaos”. She also called for help. &agrav; vote against the National Rally, and wishes the withdrawal of the candidates in third position to block the RN.

L'édile nevertheless remindedé that she had disagreements with Jean-Luc Mélenchon: "It’s not my cup of tea, I am not in harmony with what it advocates.

10:09 – A qualified ineligible RN candidate in the second round

Thierry Mosca, candidate of the National Rally in the 2nd constituency of Jura, qualified. in the second round of the legislative elections, in second position behind outgoing MP Marie-Christine Dalloz (LR). However, he is ineligible due to his placement under the curatorship of the Departmental Union of Family Associations (Udaf) of Jura in November 2023. Also, according to Le Progrè s, a procedure targeting him for "hidden work" has also beené dismissed at the beginning of June due to a "édeficient mental state", we addedé ;.

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The first result of the first round of legislative elections, which took place this Sunday, June 30, gave the RN and its allies in the lead, able to to obtain more than 289 ages, that is to say the majority absolute in the future National Assembly. Here are the official results revealed by the Ministry of the Interior& ;nbsp;:

Among the significant results of these legislative measures, we note the victory in the first round of Marine Le Pen in Pas-de-Calais and the socialist Olivier Faure in Seine-et-Marne. François Hollande is in a favorable ballot in Corrèze, like Elisabeth Borne in Calvados, who could be elected thanks to the withdrawal of the left-wing candidate. Laurent Wauquiez is also on a favorable ballot in Haute-Loire, François Ruffin is when à him in difficulty in the Somme. Former minister Clément Beaune wasé beaten by the socialist Emmanuel Grégoire, éelected in the first round to Paris. The boss of the PCF, Fabien Roussel, is also eliminated. from the first round, just like former minister Jérôme Cahuzac.

If the election is above all national, the results of the legislative elections must be observed locally. The results that emerge in each constituency provide valuable lessons on the political landscape in France in 2024. Find your constituency in the map below to consult the details of the results:  

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  • 1st constituency of Ain
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  • 3rd constituency of Ain
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  • 4th constituency of Aisne
  • 5th district of Aisne
  • 1st district of Allier
  • 2nd constituency of Allier
  • 3rd constituency of Allier
  • 1st constituency of the Alps- de-Haute-Provence
  • 2nd constituency of Alpes-de-Haute-Provence
  • 1st constituency of Hautes-Alpes
  • 2nd constituency of Hautes -Alpes
  • 1st constituency of the Alpes-Maritimes
  • 2nd constituency of the Alpes-Maritimes
  • 3rd constituency of the Alpes-Maritimes
  • 4th constituency of the Alpes-Maritimes
  • 5th constituency of Alpes-Maritimes
  • 6th constituency of Alpes-Maritimes
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  • 8th constituency of the Alpes-Maritimes
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  • 2nd district of the Ardennes
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  • 1st constituency of Ariège
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  • 3rd constituency of Bouches-du-Rhône
  • 4th constituency of Bouches-du-Rhône
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  • 15th constituency of Bouches-du-Rhône
  • 16th constituency Bouches-du-Rhône
  • 1st constituency of Calvados
  • 2nd constituency of Calvados
  • 3rd constituency of Calvados
  • 4th constituency of Calvados
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  • 1st constituency of Corrèze
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  • 3rd constituency of Côte -d'Or
  • 4th constituency of Côte-d'Or
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  • 1st constituency of Côtes-d'Armor
  • 2nd constituency of Côtes-d'Armor
  • 3rd constituency of Côtes-d'Armor
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  • 1st constituency of Dordogne
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  • 3rd constituency of Gard
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  • 1st constituency of Haute-Garonne
  • 2nd constituency of Haute-Garonne
  • 3rd constituency of Haute-Garonne
  • 4th constituency of Haute-Garonne
  • 5th constituency of Haute-Garonne
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  • 2nd constituency of Loire-Atlantique
  • 3rd constituency of Loire-Atlantique
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  • 3rd constituency of Maine-et-Loire
  • 4th constituency of Maine-et-Loire
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  • 2nd constituency of Pas-de-Calais
  • 3rd constituency of Pas-de-Calais
  • 4th constituency of Pas-de-Calais
  • 5th constituency of Pas-de-Calais
  • 6th constituency of Pas-de-Calais
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  • 1st district of Haute-Saône
  • 2nd constituency of Haute-Saône
  • 1st constituency of Saône-et-Loire
  • 2nd constituency of Saône-et-Loire
  • 3rd constituency of Saône-et-Loire
  • 4th constituency of Saône-et-Loire
  • 5th constituency of Saône-et-Loire
  • 1st constituency of Sarthe
  • 2nd constituency of Sarthe
  • 3rd constituency of Sarthe
  • 4th constituency of Sarthe
  • 5th constituency of Sarthe
  • 1st constituency of Savoie
  • 2nd constituency of Savoie
  • 3rd constituency of Savoie
  • 4th constituency of Savoie
  • 1st constituency of Haute-Savoie
  • 2nd constituency of Haute-Savoie
  • 3rd constituency of Haute-Savoie
  • 4th constituency of Haute-Savoie
  • 5th constituency of Haute-Savoie
  • 6th constituency of Haute-Savoie
  • 1st district of Paris
  • 2nd district of Paris
  • 3rd district of Paris
  • 4th district of Paris
  • 5th district of Paris
  • 6th district of Paris
  • 7th district of Paris
  • 8th district of Paris
  • 9th district of Paris
  • 10th district of Paris
  • 11th district of Paris
  • 12th district of Paris
  • 13th district of Paris
  • 14th district of Paris
  • 15th district of Paris
  • 16th district of Paris
  • 17th district of Paris
  • < li>18th district of Paris

  • 1st district of Seine-Maritime
  • 2nd district of Seine -Maritime
  • 3rd constituency of Seine-Maritime
  • 4th constituency of Seine-Maritime
  • 5th constituency of Seine-Maritime
  • 6th district of Seine-Maritime
  • 7th district of Seine-Maritime
  • 8th district of Seine- Maritime
  • 9th constituency of Seine-Maritime
  • 10th constituency of Seine-Maritime
  • 1st constituency of Seine-et-Marne
  • 2nd constituency of Seine-et-Marne
  • 3rd constituency of Seine-et-Marne
  • 4th constituency of Seine-et-Marne
  • 5th constituency of Seine-et-Marne
  • 6th constituency of Seine-et-Marne
  • 7th constituency of Seine-et-Marne
  • 8th constituency of Seine-et-Marne
  • 9th constituency of Seine-et -Marne
  • 10th constituency of Seine-et-Marne
  • 11th constituency of Seine-et-Marne
  • 1st constituency of Yvelines
  • 2nd district of Yvelines
  • 3rd district of Yvelines
  • 4th district of Yvelines
  • 5th constituency of Yvelines
  • 6th constituency of Yvelines
  • 7th constituency of Yvelines
  • 8th constituency of Yvelines
  • 9th constituency of Yvelines
  • 10th constituency of Yvelines
  • 11th constituency of Yvelines
  • 12th constituency of Yvelines
  • 1st constituency of Deux-Sèvres
  • 2nd constituency of Deux-Sèvres
  • 3rd constituency of Deux-Sèvres
  • 1st constituency of the Somme
  • 2nd constituency of the Somme< /li>
  • 3rd constituency of the Somme
  • 4th constituency of the Somme
  • 5th constituency of the Somme
  • 1st constituency of Tarn
  • 2nd constituency of Tarn
  • 3rd constituency of Tarn
  • 1st constituency of Tarn-et-Garonne
  • 2nd constituency of Tarn-et-Garonne
  • 1st constituency of Var
  • 2nd constituency of Var
  • 3rd constituency of Var
  • 4th constituency of Var
  • 5th constituency of Var
  • 6th constituency of Var
  • 7th constituency du Var
  • 8th constituency of Var
  • 1st constituency of Vaucluse
  • 2nd constituency of Vaucluse
  • 3rd constituency of Vaucluse
  • 4th constituency of Vaucluse< /li>
  • 5th district of Vaucluse
  • 1st district of Vendée
  • 2nd district of Vendée
  • 3rd district of Vendée
  • 4th district of Vendée
  • 5th district of Vendée
  • 1st district of Vienne
  • 2nd constituency of Vienne
  • 3rd constituency of Vienne
  • 4th constituency of Vienne
  • 1st constituency of Haute-Vienne
  • 2nd constituency of Haute-Vienne
  • 3rd district of Haute-Vienne
  • 1st district of Vosges
  • 2nd constituency of Vosges
  • 3rd constituency of Vosges
  • 4th constituency of Vosges< /li>
  • 1st constituency of Yonne
  • 2nd constituency of Yonne
  • < li>3rd constituency of Yonne

  • 1st constituency of the Territory of Belfort
  • 2nd constituency of the Territory de Belfort
  • 1st district of Essonne
  • 2nd district of Essonne
  • 3rd district of Essonne
  • 4th district of Essonne
  • 5th constituency of Essonne
  • 6th constituency of Essonne
  • 7th constituency of Essonne
  • 8th constituency of Essonne
  • 9th constituency of Essonne
  • 10th district of Essonne
  • 1st district of Hauts-de-Seine< /li>
  • 2nd constituency of Hauts-de-Seine
  • 3rd constituency of Hauts-de-Seine
  • 4th constituency of Hauts-de-Seine
  • 5th constituency of Hauts-de-Seine
  • < li>6th constituency of Hauts-de-Seine

  • 7th constituency of Hauts-de-Seine
  • 8th district of Hauts-de-Seine
  • 9th district of Hauts-de-Seine
  • 10th constituency of Hauts-de-Seine
  • 11th constituency of Hauts-de-Seine
  • 12th constituency of Hauts -de-Seine
  • 13th constituency of Hauts-de-Seine
  • 1st constituency of Seine-Saint- Denis
  • 2nd constituency of Seine-Saint-Denis
  • 3rd constituency of Seine-Saint-Denis
  • 4th constituency of Seine-Saint-Denis
  • 5th constituency of Seine-Saint-Denis< /li>
  • 6th constituency of Seine-Saint-Denis
  • 7th constituency of Seine-Saint-Denis
  • 8th constituency of Seine-Saint-Denis
  • 9th constituency of Seine-Saint-Denis
  • 10th constituency of Seine-Saint-Denis
  • 11th constituency of Seine-Saint-Denis
  • 12th district of Seine-Saint-Denis
  • 1st constituency of Val-de-Marne
  • 2nd constituency of Val-de-Marne
  • 3rd constituency of Val -de-Marne
  • 4th constituency of Val-de-Marne
  • 5th constituency of Val-de-Marne
  • 6th constituency of Val-de-Marne
  • 7th constituency of Val-de-Marne
  • 8th constituency of Val-de-Marne
  • 9th constituency of Val-de-Marne
  • 10th constituency of Val-de-Marne
  • 11th constituency of Val-de-Marne
  • 1st constituency of Val-d'Oise
  • 2nd constituency of Val-d'Oise
  • 3rd constituency of Val-d'Oise
  • 4th constituency of Val-d'Oise
  • 5th constituency of Val- d'Oise
  • 6th constituency of Val-d'Oise
  • 7th constituency of Val-d'Oise
  • 8th constituency of Val-d'Oise
  • 9th constituency of Val-d'Oise
  • 10th constituency of Val-d'Oise
  • 1st constituency of Guadeloupe
  • 2nd constituency of Guadeloupe
  • 3rd constituency of Guadeloupe
  • 4th constituency of Guadeloupe
  • 1st constituency of Martinique
  • 2nd constituency of Martinique
  • 3rd constituency of Martinique
  • 4th constituency of Martinique
  • 1st constituency of Guyana
  • 2nd constituency of Guyana
  • 1st constituency of La Réunion
  • 2nd constituency of La Réunion
  • 3rd constituency of La Réunion
  • 4th constituency of La Réunion
  • 5th constituency of La Réunion
  • 6th constituency of Reunion
  • 7th constituency of Reunion
  • 1st constituency of Mayotte
  • 2nd constituency of Mayotte
  • Paris
  • Marseille
  • Lyon
  • Toulouse
  • Nice
  • Nantes
  • Montpellier
  • Strasbourg
  • Bordeaux
  • Lille
  • Rennes
  • Reims
  • Le Havre
  • Saint-Étienne
  • Toulon
  • Grenoble
  • Dijon
  • Angers
  • Nîmes
  • Villeurbanne
  • Le Mans
  • Aix-en-Provence
  • Clermont-Ferrand
  • Brest
  • Turns
  • Amiens
  • Limoges
  • Annecy
  • Perpignan
  • Besançon
  • Metz
  • Boulogne-Billancourt

All cities


How are the results of the legislative elections established ?

Legislative elections in France are organized according to a single-member majority voting system. two towers. The country is divided; into 577 constituencies, each electing a deputy. à the National Assembly. When the results are announced, to be elected in the first round, a candidate must obtain more than 50% of the votes cast and a number of votes at least equal to 25% of registered voters. If no candidate meets these conditions, a second round is organized.

Only candidates having received at least 12.5% ​​of the votes of voters registered during the results of the first round can run in the second round. If only one candidate meets this condition, the candidate arrives. in second position is also qualified. The second round often sees strategic alliances and withdrawals between parties to maximize the chances of victory against a common opponent.

Legislative results, majority and government

The results of legislative elections determine the majority. parliamentary à the National Assembly. The party or coalition of parties with the greatest number of seats generally forms a majority. à the Assembly, which can be absolute (289 seats) or relative, and therefore orient more or less strongly the priorities of the country and the laws that will be voted on during the mandate. A majority parliamentary stability allows the government to function effectively and carry out à well his reforms. In the event of absence of a majority, absolute for a single party, majorities and therefore coalition governments can be formed.

The government is responsible to parliament, which can validate or reject it during a vote of confidence or after the tabling ;t of a motion of censure, it must therefore be in phase with this majority. exit from the polls. After the results of the legislative elections, the President of the Republic therefore generally appoints a Prime Minister, from his party in case of victory or of the majority party if another sensitivityé wins.

If the President of the Republic and the majority parliamentary belong à opposing parties, a situation of cohabitation occurs. In this case, the Prime Minister, who holds daily executive power, may have political views that diverge from those of the President, leading to tensions and compromises.

Teilor Stone

By Teilor Stone

Teilor Stone has been a reporter on the news desk since 2013. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining Thesaxon , Teilor Stone worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my teilor@nizhtimes.com 1-800-268-7116