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Several thousand people are affected.

"Hello, please regularize your payment as soon as possible." Thousands of people have received this kind of message, by SMS or e-mail. In principle, the authorities warn against this type of communication, which is often fraudulent. But for thousands of people, it is a real alert before their subscription is suspended, whether it is with a third-party operator by telephone (Free) or on one of the most popular merchant sites (Amazon and Ebay among others).

Typically, a certain number of these subscriptions are paid each month. When you have subscribed à a contract of this type, the companyé asked you to fill in a RIB in order to collect it monthly. Since that day, the flow rate has always been the same, at least once. the same date, and you can benefit from the service without asking any questions. Except that in recent weeks, some users have had the unpleasant surprise of receiving a restraining order. pay their debts as quickly as possible. because they could not be collected.

They all have one thing in common: having an account with HSBC. Or at least, CCF. This is the "new" bank which succeeded to the British group since January 1st. After 19 years under the HSBC flag, Cré commercial de France has resumed its name, abandoned by in 2005. For customers, switching automatically from HSBC to CCF should have been painless. But some will ultimately have to take steps.

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Customers of this bank should be careful, several direct debits risk being suspended

Since July 1, 2024, RIB issued under the HSBC banner are no longer valid. So, if you had provided it & agrave; Amazon, American Express, Ebay, Free, Paypal or any company not domiciled in France to pay for a subscription with one of them, it is necessary to send the new &agrav; these companies. The CCF was not able to automatically switch your old RIB to the new one with the companies ;s who are not based in France. 

Customers must therefore send their new banking details to pay for their subscriptions. Otherwise they risk receiving reminder letters, possibly incurring late payment interest. pay late interest and, above all, see their subscription end.

For establishments domiciled in France, on the other hand, no steps are required. undertake. The CCF assures that it has informed the systematically informs companies affected by the change in their customers' banking details. "The only cases of samples being "stopped" by organizations have been for direct debits based on credit cards currently being renewed and not for IBAN/RIB issues, affirms the bank's management.

Furthermore, in order to be certain of receiving the money that you must receive at the beginning or end of the month, your new RIB must imperatively to be communicated &agrav; your employer, your pension fund, France Travail (formerly P&ole emploi) or any other entity; who pays you. You should also not forget to make the change to the tax office.

Teilor Stone

By Teilor Stone

Teilor Stone has been a reporter on the news desk since 2013. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining Thesaxon , Teilor Stone worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my teilor@nizhtimes.com 1-800-268-7116