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Trump predicts 'incredible victory' in presidential election as Republican convention closes

Photo: Alex Wroblewski Agence France-Presse Donald Trump said Thursday that he accepted the Republican Party nomination for the November presidential election, on the last day of the party's convention in Milwaukee.

Fabien Deglise in Milwaukee

Published yesterday at 7:56 p.m. Updated yesterday at 8:45 p.m.

  • United States

Just a few days after surviving an assassination attempt, Donald Trump officially accepted his party's nomination for next November's presidential election on Thursday evening, at the end of the Republican National Convention which has been held since Monday in Milwaukee.

In front of a crowd of ecstatic supporters and delegates, coming from all states of the country to celebrate the moment, the ex-president presented himself as a survivor “protected by God”, but also as a fighter, assuring his faithful that “ nothing will stop us.” “I will never stop fighting for you and for our magnificent country,” he said after accepting “proudly, with faith and devotion” the “nomination as candidate for President of the United States”.< /p>

Despite his numerous, well-documented attempts to reverse the results of the 2020 vote and his contribution to the insurrection of his troops against the seat of American legislative power, on January 6, 2021, the populist also posed as a “savior of democracy for the people”, calling in passing on the Democratic Party to “immediately stop politicizing the judicial system and qualifying their political opponent as an enemy of democracy”. “Especially since it’s not true,” he insisted.

“It’s a great day,” said Julie Baker, delegate from South Carolina, while behind her a woman waved her sign calling to “bring common sense” back to Washington. “This evening marks the launch of the presidential race that we have been waiting for four years to bring Donald Trump back to the White House. He must become president again to save our country.”

Also read

  • The announced coronation of Donald Trump in Milwaukee
  • Donald Trump's running mate pleases, but not everyone
  • A White House with a history tinged with red

The President of “All America”

Sometimes dropping his vindictive tone, the ex-president opened his speech with a call for unity by affirming that he was running “for the presidency of all America, not of half of the 'America “. “We are one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all,” he said. And we must not criminalize dissent, nor demonize political disagreement, which is prevalent in our country today at a level no one has ever seen before.”

In the following minutes, however, he attacked Nancy Pelosi, the former Democratic leader in Congress, again, calling her “crazy” as usual, and accusing the Democrats to “destroy the country”.

“In November, I predict a landslide victory,” said Bruce Houseman, who came to represent Texas voters at the Convention. And you're not only going to see strong support in the popular vote, but also in Congress. And we're going to take back California and even New York.”

“A normal life is what we want,” said Nirmal Paul, a delegate from New York, met earlier in the day, while complaining about the high cost of now refueling of his Jaguar since the Democrats came to power. “Everything is expensive today. We need someone a little more serious in Washington. »

Trump predicts &#39;incredible victory&#39; in presidential election as Republican convention closes

Photo: Fabien Deglise Le Devoir New York delegate Narmil Paul hopes for Trump's return to the White House to “return to a normal life,” he said

“It’s going to be better than the first time,” said South Carolina activist Rhonda Billingsley. We are going to have a Trump 2.0 who will bring the country into peace and unity. »

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Program for the presidential election

The coronation of Donald Trump concludes four days of a great republican mass which maintained the cult of personality of the populist, but also highlighted the broad outlines of his political project, amplified by the numerous speakers who since Monday have followed one another on the stage.

In the metropolis of Wisconsin, thousands of supporters of Donald Trump were treated to speeches, several of which called for the closure of borders, to secure the country, while fighting against a “migrant invasion” bringing in, according to the loyalists of the ex-president, “assassins, rapists, human traffickers, drug cartel members, spies and terrorists”. A theme taken up by Donald Trump in his speech who once again accused immigrants of “stealing” American jobs.

On Monday, the Republican delegates adopted the party's program for the presidential election, a document of barely 16 pages, which promises, among other things, to carry out the “largest deportation operation” of immigrants without paper of the history of the country.

Crime has been declining since 2022, according to the latest FBI data, and is now at its lowest level in nearly 50 years.

In a video presented each evening, Donald Trump also reiterated his attacks on the American electoral system and his unfounded accusations of fraud which would have cost him the presidency in 2020. He also called the crowd gathered to Fiserv Forum to “keep your eyes open, because these people [the Democrats] want to cheat and they cheat. And frankly, that’s the only thing they do well,” he said. “We will protect the vote.”

Trump predicts &#39;incredible victory&#39; in presidential election as Republican convention closes

Photo: Fabien Deglise Le Devoir In the streets of Milwaukee, Uncle Sam (that's what he calls himself) wore a bandage on his ear on Thursday in support of the wounded populist.

The Kremlin delighted with the choice of Vance as running mate

On Wednesday evening, Donald Trump's running mate, the young senator from Ohio, J.D. Vance, made his official debut as a vice-presidential candidate by displaying his working-class roots in the Appalachian region, a region where Democrats and Republicans have been fiercely courting the vote for years. He also held Joe Biden responsible for the wars and global geopolitical instability of the moment, while repeating Trump's speech on the foreign policy that he promises to put in place. “We will ensure that our allies share the burden of securing world peace,” he said. No more gifts to nations that betray the generosity of the American taxpayer.”

The choice of J.D. Vance as running mate in this Republican campaign was warmly applauded Wednesday by the activists gathered at the convention, but also by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia, Sergei Lavrov, who, since New York, where he attended a meeting of the UN Security Council on Wednesday, praised this politician who is “in favor of peace and in favor of the end of military assistance” provided by the United States and the allies to Ukraine. The country has been facing ongoing Russian aggression for more than two years.

“We can only welcome this [of this appointment], it is what we need to stop supplying weapons to Ukraine. So the war will end and we can then look for solutions,” said the head of Kremlin diplomacy.

The hold of Donald Trump and his Make America Great Again (MAGA) movement on the Republican Party was confirmed all week by the absence of more moderate politicians and establishment figures from the party at this convention, but also by the constant promotion of Trump's obsessions which fuel the alternate realities that the man has brought America into.

“On financial issues, it is clear that the party has now adopted a program of economic populism which promises many things but which says nothing about reducing the national debt, about slowing down spending and which does not respond to the concerns about the size of the deficit, subjects that are traditionally fundamental to Republicans,” commented Kathleen Dolan, professor emeritus of political science at the University of Wisconsin, in an interview.

Thursday evening, Donald Trump promised that he would “bring prices down, and bring them down very, very quickly.” “By reducing energy costs, we will reduce the cost of transportation, manufacturing and all consumer products. It all starts with energy. And don’t forget that we have more black gold under our feet than any other country,” he added.

The Republican electoral campaign will continue Saturday with a political rally by Donald Trump with his running mate, J.D. Vance, in Grand Rapids, Michigan, the first to be held, in the wake of the Convention, since the attempted assassination of the ex-president in Pennsylvania less than a week ago.

This report was financed with the support of the Transat- Le Devoir.< International Journalism Fund /i>

Teilor Stone

By Teilor Stone

Teilor Stone has been a reporter on the news desk since 2013. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining Thesaxon , Teilor Stone worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my teilor@nizhtimes.com 1-800-268-7116