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Too much minerals or gas... What is the real effect of mineral water on the kidneys ?

The harm of alcohol and sugary drinks on health are no longer &agrav; prove. Is mineral water flawless ?

In a country where Drinking water is omnipresent in homes, half of it is ubiquitous. of French people say they prefer bottled mineral water rather than bottled water ;tap water. According to an interactive Toluna Harris survey for the health observatory PRO BTP, published on January 12, 2024, 51% of those surveyed find that bottled mineral water has a good effect. better taste and for 41%, it would even be better for the body. However, mineral water is the subject of comments, and it is not recommended to use mineral water. to consume it daily, but do we know why ? &Agrave? To tell the truth, the French seem to have little interest in the provenance and &agrav; the composition of the water they consume.

Bottled water, still or sparkling, what are we talking about when we talk about natural mineral water? It is ;#39;is a 'microbiologically healthy" of underground origin, and which is distinguished by "its nature" and "its purityé original", indicates the Health Codeé public, which strictly regulates this designation. Its marketing is also subject to à important controls. According to UFC-Que Choisir, mineral waters "do not meet the requirements of UFC-Que Choisir. the same regulations as tap water. Some cannot integrate the public distribution network, because they can reach high mineral contents which are not tolerated for the tap water, but does that mean they are bad for your health?

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Too much minerals or gas... What is the real effect of mineral water on the kidneys ?

In reality no, mineral waters are not bad for your health; or for the kidneys, although due to their high mineral content it is recommended not to consume it daily. À In this respect, the WHO asks consumers to pay attention to the composition of the water they drink and insists on the absence of water. stopped consuming water high content of calcium and magnesium.

The question arises more about sparkling mineral water whose acidity and the presence of sodium are sometimes associated with a risk for the kidneys. Sparkling water is acidic due to the gasification of the water, i.e. the gasification of the water. addition of carbon dioxide à water. But it does not make the body more acidic, because it easily eliminates the excess carbon dioxide it ingests, thanks to It affects the kidneys and lungs. There is no scientific proof that the mineralization of carbonated water is linked to the appearance of kidney stones.

An Australian study suggests that “bottled sparkling water […] can be Preferred for the prevention of calcium oxalate stones, the main components of kidney stones, as it provides "on average higher levels of calcium, bicarbonate and magnesium" than tap water. It also helps the body à Eliminate kidney toxins and cramps, and can even be used to improve kidney function. reduce soda consumption. Nothing to worry about, water remains the best drink in the world.

Teilor Stone

By Teilor Stone

Teilor Stone has been a reporter on the news desk since 2013. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining Thesaxon , Teilor Stone worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my teilor@nizhtimes.com 1-800-268-7116