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I earn 2000 euros per month, here is the future amount of my retirement

“I earn 2000 euros per month, here is the future amount of my retirement”

Using information provided by pension funds, here is how much you could receive.

This is the big question when leaving retirement: what will be the amount of pension that I will receive? The transition into the post-professional world is a moment as awaited as it is feared, mainly because of the question financial. Pensions are obviously not as high as salaries and the loss of purchasing power is not insignificant. Especially since between the organisms ' contact, documents à provide or even the calculation formulas à sleeping standing up, difficult to have visibility on his withdrawal budget. However, online simulators as well as the elements provided by pension funds make it possible to give an order of magnitude.

Let's take an employee private. For him, his basic pension will be calculated based on his salary. from the 25 years during which he wasé the best paid. An average of these best salaries is then taken. For a person who has generally woné around 2,000 euros net per month throughout his career, this therefore represents, on average, 32,000 euros gross annually. Once the legal age (64) and the required number of quarters (172) are reached, the basic pension will be in the amount of 1212' nbsp;net euros per month. A loss of almost 800 euros? Not so fast.

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I earn 2000 euros per month, here is the future amount of my retirement

In addition to the first, a supplementary pension is paid by another organization: Agirc-Arrco. This pension fund mainly concerns former private sector employees. The method of calculating the pension is more complex here. But for a career around 2000€ net per month, one withdrawalé will receive approximately 500 euros net additional each month. In total, the person will therefore receive around 1712 euros (1212 euros basic pension + 500 euros supplementary pension) when they move to retirement.

For established civil servants, the amount of the pension is a little higher than that of civil servants. after a career è 2000 euros net per month. Depending on the profession performed, the basic pension is paid by the CNRACL or the SRE. The method of calculation remains the same. This would amount to à 1818 euros net per month.

But that's not all. Civil servants are also entitled to a supplementary pension. This is very different from private sector employees. This Additional Civil Service Scheme (RAFP) only calculates the supplement based on bonuses and other exceptional remuneration received during career. And again, not all bonuses are taken into account. However, given the very individualized character of From the calculation, it is not possible to make an estimate of this additional income.

These figures are only hypotheses based on a linear career, without a disrupted professional path. For example, they do not take into account the arrival of one or more children in the household. The objective is not there. than to give an order of magnitude of the remuneration that could be received. Only refined work can be done. à Using your income will allow you to have precise elements. The info-retraite.fr portal already brings together the necessary elements about your career and will give you a more precise evaluation.

Teilor Stone

By Teilor Stone

Teilor Stone has been a reporter on the news desk since 2013. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining Thesaxon , Teilor Stone worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my teilor@nizhtimes.com 1-800-268-7116