Une quarantaine d’entreprises ont participé samedi 1er février aux Rencontres Jeunes et Entreprises à la salle multiculturelle. C.B.
Samedi matin, une quarantaine d’exposants ont participé aux Rencontres Jeunes et Entreprises à Bagnols-sur-Cèze. Parmi elles, de nombreux représentants de la filière nucléaire qui recrute.
Health, banking, tourism, civil service, insurance, but especially nuclear power… Saturday morning, at the multicultural hall in Bagnols-sur-Cèze, around forty exhibitors spoke with visitors during the 7th edition of the Rencontres Jeunes et Entreprises (RJE) co-organized by the Campus des métiers et des qualifications and the group of business associations le Collectif. One of the first events to launch the National Week of Nuclear Careers (from February 3 to 7).
“Nuclear power is very well represented at the RJE, as it is in the Gard rhodanien region”, explains Corine Negre, operational director of the Campus des métiers. “In this sector, there are all the professions“. Marie-Céline Pacquetet, head of Human Resources at CEA Marcoule confirms. “On a site like Marcoule, we have a wide range of jobs like in any company, and not just in technical and scientific jobs. Out of 1,800 employees at Marcoule, 580 are in support functions (purchasing, management control, HR, communication, etc.)“.
The “bulk of the troops” remain of course the technicians and scientists, recalls Sylvain Grignon, in charge of communication at CEA Marcoule. With varied profiles: chemists, physicists, mechatronics engineers, bioinformaticians, nuclear safety specialists. “We are looking for profiles with a Bac + 5, BTS, DUT. We also take on young people on apprenticeship contracts, 80 new ones each year, and interns” he emphasizes. “The nuclear sector has been attractive since the government relaunched nuclear power”.
“We talk positively about nuclear power with decarbonization, low-carbon electricity”
An attraction also noted by Philippe Lacognata, representative for Occitanie of the university of nuclear professions, a national association whose objective is to “make the link between companies and establishments that offer training to work in this sector of activity as the Einstein high school does. We make these training courses, from CAP to Bac + 5, known to young people”. And the needs are there: 100,000 recruitments expected in the next 10 years. “Nuclear energy attracts because we talk about it today in a positive way with decarbonization, low-carbon electricity… these are subjects that concern families“.
200% Deposit Bonus up to €3,000 180% First Deposit Bonus up to $20,000Annick Millet, Séverine Thery and Christine Rostaing, all three engineers, promote careers in their nuclear sector, particularly to women, through the Win (women in nuclear) association. C.B.
Also present at the RJE, the Win (women in nuclear) association, represented by three female engineers who came to explain their professions.“All nuclear jobs are open to women, there are 25% women in nuclear, 32% at Marcoule because it is a research center, and there are more women chemists” emphasizes Annick Millet, vice-president of Win France and engineer at Marcoule. To attract women but not only, Win will also host a round table on retraining in nuclear at the Sud nucléaire trade fair, organized by France Travail (Tuesday February 4, in the morning at the Halle des Eyrieux).
“We can't find internships even though we contact many companies” deplore two BTS students
Nouhael Ech-Chkhaima and Imad Louissa, both first-year students in the BTS Cira (industrial control and automatic regulation) at the Einstein high school in Bagnols, went to the Rencontres Jeunes et entreprises to advance their search for an internship, “ required to move up to the second year“. But once again, they were disappointed. “We've been looking for several weeks. We contacted “Around thirty companies, we are present at all events… But without relationships, we have no response or negative responses” they deplore. Nouhael, who received a scholarship to study nuclear careers last year, is bitter. Companies come to see us at the high school, saying they need young people, but our efforts are not moving forward.On Tuesday, they will go to the Sud Nucléaire exhibition in Bagnols, for again, try to get an internship.
Imad Louissa and Nouhael Ech-Chkhaima, two students from the BTS Cira in Bagnols, who came to see companies at the RJE, have not found any internships so far despite their research. C.B.
Hospitals and civil service recruit in various professions
Hospital. "We have professions in tension at the hospital" recalls Aziza Collard, HR manager at the Bagnols-sur-Cèze hospital, present at the Youth and Business Meetings, Saturday February 1st. Physiotherapists, radiographers, operating room nurses, doctors, etc. are all professions that are likely to attract young people when choosing their path on Parcoursup. “Hospital professions are not just those in health, there are also all the logistics”. The hospital center “takes on apprentices and often these work-study placements lead to a position” she specifies.
Civil service. The city of Bagnols and the Gard Rhodanien conurbation held a joint stand at the RJE. “There is more to the civil service than just administration. “We need all professions and not just civil servants,” recalls Nathalie Ledoux, director of the education and solidarity department at the town hall. “We must keep in mind the notion of general interest, we are at the service of users,” underlines Yoann Rappeneau, director of attractiveness at the Gard Rhodanien urban area. “There are sectors where we are always looking for: entertainment, after-school activities, personal services…
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