< img width = "1500" height = "1000" src = "https://www.presse-citron.net/app/uploads/2024/12/drapeau-france.jpg" Class = "attachment-full size -full wp-pos-imaging "alt =" flag france "lOading =" "fetchpriority =" high "decoding =" async "srcset =" https://www.presse-citron.net/app/uploads/2024/12 /drapeau-france.jpg 1500W, https://www.presse-citron.net/app/uploads/2024/12/drapeau-france-504x336.jpg 504W, https://www.presse-citron.net/app /uploads/2024/12/drapeau-france-1024x683.jpg 1024W, https://www.presse-citron.net/app/uploads/2024/12/drapeau-france-50x33.jpg 50W, https: //www .presse-citron.net/app/uploads/2024/12/Drapeau-France-336x224.jpg 336w, https://www.presse-citron.net/app/uploads/2024/12/drapeau-france-1400x932. JPG 1400W, https://www.presse-citron.net/app/uploads/2024/12/drapeau-680x453.jpg 680w, https://www.presse-citron.net/app/uploads/2024/12/Drapeau-France-896x597.JPG 896W "Sizes =" (max-width: 639px) 100VW, (max-width: 1023px) Calc (100vw-2REM), (Max-Width: 1279px) Calc (100vw-26rem) , 680px ">© Unsplash/Jossuha Théophile < i class = "fa-facebook-f self-center mx-auto" > < i class = "fab fa-LinkedIn-in-Center MX-Auto" > < i class = "fa fa-envelope self-center mx-auto" > < P > If the media speak mainly about the advances of Chatgpt or Gemini, France also has some very efficient AI laboratories. For example, the startup Mistral has already created a Chatgpt competitor which, this week, has launched a mobile version of its AI called “Le Chat”. We also have the artificial intelligence laboratory Kyutai, founded in 2023 by Iliad (Xavier Niel), CMA-CGM and Schmidt Sciences.
< P >In July 2024, this laboratory launched an AI with which one can discuss in real time with the voice, called Moshi. It was < EM > “The very first Vocal order openly accessible to all” , since Kyutai publishes the products of his research in open source. And this week, the French laboratory publishes another technology called Hibiki, which could revolutionize the instantaneous translation. 60 ~ P >~ 60 > “Hibiki (“ & nbsp ; Écho & nbsp; ”in Japanese) allows simultaneous translation while preserving the speaker's voice and optimally adapting its rhythm to the semantic content of source discourse. Hibiki thus produces in real time an oral translation, as well as ’ written, in the target language ”, we read in the press release. Currently, Hibiki's training allows it to translate from French to English. And according to Kyutai, its technology exceeds the competition for this task (a demonstration is available here). 200% Deposit Bonus up to €3,000 180% First Deposit Bonus up to $20,000< H2 > A technology available for all < P > like Moshi, Hibiki is open source. The code and documentation are shared via licenses, Apache and Creative Commons. Kyutai specifies in its press release that the project can be exploited by the researchers and the community of the IA.
< P > and elsewhere, thanks to the open source, d ' Others will even be able to adapt this new technology to their language. In any case, for Kyutai, this project marks the beginning of a new era in voice technology. 60 ~ ul class = “TLDR” > < li > After the launch of Moshi in 2024, the French artificial intelligence laboratory Kyutai, founded by Iliad (Xavier Niel), CMA-CGM and Schmidt Sciences, launches a new technology called Hibiki 60 ~ Li >It is a real -time translation system that exceeds all similar technologies for the translation from French to English < li > The project is published in open source And other researchers will even be able to adapt technology to other languages ~ 60 > for Kyutai, a new step has been taken in voice technologies60 ~ Blockquote > 60 ~ P Class = “Text-base text-neutral-700 Dark: text-neutral-300” > 📍 to miss any news Citron press, follow us on Google News and WhatsApp.
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