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< Iframe Frameborder = "0" Scrolling = "No" Marginwidth = "0" Marginheight = "0" Hspace = "0" Vspace = "0" Webkitallowfulscreen = "True" mozallowfulllscreen = "alllow" = "Autoplay" RetrierPolicy = "No-Referrer-Ohen-Downgrade" Width = "500" Height = "300" style = "Width: 100%; Height: 100%; Position: Absolute;" Data-digiteka-src = "//www.ultimedia.com/deliver/generic/iframe/mdtk/01914874/src/xkmrzuf/zone/1/showtitle/1/sound/yes/">60~/iframe > < P Class = "Article-Full__CoPo" >Interview with Michel Garcia, one of the main organizers of the Montpellier event which is a great success.

< P Class = "Txt-Question" > Saturday, you organize the third edition of the MMA dynamite. How will the evening take place ?

< P >We know that there will be people, it motivates. On Monday, already 6,300 places had been sold, it's huge. There is a rise in combatants compared to previous editions. We already had world champions in the first two, there will be even more this time. At least six fighters on the map have already been titled on the international scene in MMA, Kick-Boxing or K1.

< P Class = "Txt-Question" > What is the ambition of the dynamite mma championship ?

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< P > The objective of succeeding each event and if this is the case, the goal is to program the next. We want to go step by step. We imagine things in the longer term but we try to stay on earth and work on the present moment. This requires so much work, financial means…

< P Class = "TXT-Question" > La Sud de France Arena de Montpellier which welcomes the gala is the perfect room ?

< P >In Montpellier, we are with us, it allows you to come from the world, to interest our relationships, from partners. In another city, it would be more complicated for us. We are fortunate to organize it in a very beautiful room, one of the most sophisticated in Europe. It lends itself perfectly to an MMA gala with an otogone in the middle.

< P Class = "Txt-Question" > Especially since you offer a real spectacle with the presence of the DJ Héraultaise of international renown Maëva Carter…

< P > We do not want to do like certain organizations that open the doors at 6 p.m. and launch the first fights at 6.30 p.m. We want spectators to benefit from the event. We will open the doors at 3 p.m., the large room at 4 p.m. The show will start at 6 p.m. with the idea that people take advantage of the moment.

< P Class = "Txt-Question" > What is your role in this device ?

< P >Among other things, I take care of building the fighting map. It’s a huge job. When we announce an evening like this, we contact the managers of combatants that we know. From there, others come to graft in the loop. So I am offered dozens of fighters. With two of my partners, we will choose some and build the confrontations to make balanced matches. This work begins four months before the event. It's always difficult, there are always hiccups but it's normal.

< P Class = "TXT-Question" > Do you need headliners known to develop the dynamite MMA Championship ?

< P > What are called headliners are combatants who have contracts with international leagues. Those, we can never have them. We still work with top level athletes.

< P Class = "Txt-Question" > Will the public encourage fighters from Montpellier or the region ?

< P > This year, there will be two Montpelliérains, Amin Bouazza and Quentin Domergue but also Edouard Bernadou who trains in our room of the Dynamite Center in Jacou.

< H2 Class = "insert_title" > Program < P > 15h & nbsp;: opening of the hall of L & rsquo; Arena

< P > 16h & nbsp;: amp; < P > 5:45 pm < P > 18h & nbsp;: D & Eacute; Purpose of the fights

Teilor Stone

By Teilor Stone

Teilor Stone has been a reporter on the news desk since 2013. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining Thesaxon , Teilor Stone worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my teilor@nizhtimes.com 1-800-268-7116