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< Iframe Frameborder = "0" Scrolling = "No" Marginwidth = "0" Marginheight = "0" Hspace = "0" Vspace = "0" Webkitallowfulscreen = "True" mozallowfulllscreen = "alllow" = "Autoplay" RetrierPolicy = "No-Referrer-Ohen-Downgrade" Width = "500" Height = "300" style = "Width: 100%; Height: 100%; Position: Absolute;" data-digiteka-src = "//www.ultimedia.com/deliver/generic/iframe/mdtk/01914874/src/xkz033/zone/1/showtitle/1/sound/yes/">60~/iframe > < img class = "responsive-Img" src = "https://medialb.ultimedia.com/multi/3pps/xkz03-o.jpg" >< P Class = "Article-Full__CoPo" > A new incident on the roadway was the starting point for a incredible day on the 55th edition of the Bessèges star, which will leave a trace in the amp; It was at the opportunity of the third stage of the Gardee test, this Friday 7 & nbsp; January.

< P >Chaos is sometimes played little. Sometimes a bit of bad luck or a simple mistake is enough to (almost) everything collapses. After this incredible stage 3, the Bessèges star can testify. Here it is in an ocean of uncertainty.

< P > last night, some imagined that the 55th edition of this legendary race would be the last. The fault of an apocalyptic weather and a new poorly placed car, resulting in confusion between the peloton and the organization, and the abandonment of more than half of the runners at the start of the stage. In an hour, the star's credit over the last fifty-five years has been seriously started. Everyone is their share of responsibility.

< P Class = "Std-elt_inline" > < Strong > Read also: Replay. 3rd stage of the ' Star of Bessèges: Victory of Amp;#039; Arnaud de Lie after a chaotic race!

< P > Friday morning, however, the spirits had calmed down. After the setbacks of the day before-a counter-sense car caused a fall and the abandonment of a renowned runner (Maxime Van Gils of Sudal Quickstep)-a meeting had put things to clarify. The organization, the International Cycling Union, the gendarmerie chief and a dozen runners agreed on the need to instill more security along the route. And that at the next hitch, the runners would make a radical decision.

< P > It is necessary to recall that, unlike events of the World Tour, the organization of the star has neither the power nor the means of privatizing the roads, thus increasing the risk of Incidents.

< H2 Class = "TXT-INT" > The majority of runners were not listened to < P >< EM > “Reunion went very well. The organizers first excused for the problems of the first two days. We had to be on calm roads, with Less incidents. 60 ~/P > < P > and after twelve kilometers this Friday, Patatras. < EM > “Unfortunately, the moment when the breakaway formed ten seconds in advance, the motorcycles logically placed in front of it, and in these ten seconds, a car inserted into the circulation “, continues Thomas.

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< P > New Couac. That too much, according to the runners. The peloton then decides to set foot on the ground. Three runners designated as a union of runners (Benjamin Thomas, Dries de Bondt, Oier Lazkano) exchange with the organization, the UCI and the president of the jury. Do we continue the race ? Thomas says yes, the other two no. But the majority is not taken into account. The race goes back to everyone's surprise. Seven teams, including six foreigners, for a total of 67 runners, then decided to leave the test.

< P >In the end, sixty of them decided to continue a shortened stage of thirty kilometers and finished under the flood. Which has not taken away from the show, concluded by a brilliant Arnaud de Lie, as good on the bike as in a state of mind (see below).

< H2 Class = "TXT-INT" > The runners also have their wrongs < P > In this story, the organization is the first aim. < EM > “Our team is one among others who have decided to withdraw […] After several incidents involving unauthorized motorized vehicles on the route. It is unacceptable” , castigated the Belgian training Sudal Quick-Step, whose French Paul Magnier occupied the head of the general classification.

< P > but the organizers are far from being the only responsible for this ubiquitous situation. The attitude of the runners is to point the finger. Some specialists saw in this incident a pretext for the teams to withdraw given the weekend alert.

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< P > Others remain convinced that such decisions would not have been made on tests like Paris-Nice or Le Dauphiné. Or that the increasingly large selfishness of runners made them forget that it is thanks to volunteers and volunteers that they can run. What is more during a test filled with stories and humanity, like the Fangille family.

< P > it does not prevent this event is the third of its kind in three years on bessèges. Last year, a farmers' demonstration canceled the first step. In 2023, too many falls forced the organization to neutralize the 3rd stage before arrival. < EM > “We hope that this year will not do two without three” , blows us Tiphany Le Roux, daughter of Claudine Fangille, last Wednesday. She had felt everything.

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Teilor Stone

By Teilor Stone

Teilor Stone has been a reporter on the news desk since 2013. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining Thesaxon , Teilor Stone worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my teilor@nizhtimes.com 1-800-268-7116