< img width = "1500" height = "1000" src = "https://www.presse-citron.net/app/uploads/2025/02/248c4831-fbdb-46f6-b4a3-1d515a7708a9.jpg" = "Attachment-Full Size-Full WP-Post-Image" Alt = "Apocalypse" Loading = "" "Fetchprierity =" High "Decoding =" Async "srcset =" https://www.presse-citron.net/app/Uploads/2025/02/248C4831-FBDB-46F6-B4A3-1D515A7708A9.JPG 1500W, https://www.presse-citron.net/upp/uploads/2025/02/248c4831-fbdb-46f6-b4a3-1D515A7708 36 .jpg 504W, https://www.presse-citron.net/app/uploads/2025/02/248c4831-fbdb-46f6-b4a3-1d515a7708a9-1024x683.jpg 1024W, https://www.pres-citron.net /app/uploads/2025/02/248c4831-fbdb-46f6-b4a3-1d515a7708a9-50x33.jpg 50w, https://www.presse-citron.net/app/uploads/2025/02/24831-fbdb-46f6- B4A3-1D515A7708A9-336X224.JPG 336W, https://www.presse-citron.net/upp/uploads/2025/02/248c4831-fbdb-46f6-b4a3-1d515a7708a9-1400x932.jpg 1400W w. press-citron.net/app/uploads/2025/02/248c4831-fbdb-46f6-B4A3-1D515A7708A9-680x453.jpg 680W, https://www.presse-citron.net/app/uploads/2025/02/248c4831 -FBDB-46F6-B4A3-1D515A7708A9-896x597.JPG 896W "Sizes =" (max-width: 639px) 100VW, (Max-Width: 1023px) Calc (100vw-2REM), (Max-Width: 1279px) Calc (100vw - 26rem), 680px "> © Image generated by Dall-E AI for Citron Press < i class = "fa-facebook-f self-center mx-auto" >< i class = "fab fa-LinkedIn-in-Center MX-Auto" > < i class = "fa fa-envelope self-center mx-auto" > < P > C ’ is in the ocean depths that life took its first steps, there are more than 3.5 billion D & Amp;#8217; years. C ’ is where the octopuses appeared, 500 million from#8217; years later; These have developed such a sophisticated biology < Strong > qu ’ they could be the perfect candidates to replace the amp;#8217; Human species once we have disappeared . A global warming to which we could not resist, a nuclear war, serial pandemics … Even s ’ It is impossible to predict with precision when this moment will arise, like any animal species on earth, we will one day be striking This world.
< P > At that time, the octopuses will be able to take over, c ’ is in any case the amp;#8217; hypothesis formulated by Tim Coulson de l ’ University of ’ ; Oxford. 60 ~ H2 > An exceptional biological organization < P > l ’ Neuronal organization of the stakes represents a wonder of l ’ Parallel evolution. Their nervous system < Strong > includes 500 million neurons , two thirds are distributed in their eight arms. Each tentacle has its own network of 40 million neurons, capable of independently processing sensory and motor information. < P > This cognitive decentralization allows them < Strong > a form of ’ Distributed intelligence unique in the animal kingdom . Regardez plutôt comment se débrouille Sashimi, la pieuvre du YouTubeur Mark Rober lorsqu’il lui lance des défis, c’est assez hallucinant. According to Coulson, reported in this article of < EM > the European : “& nbsp; < EM > The stakes are among the most intelligent creatures , adaptable and ingenious from our planet “. 60 ~ Iframe Loading =” Lazy “Title =” Octopus vs Underwater Maze “Width =” 500 “Height =” 281 “SRC =” About: Blank “Frame =” 0 “Allow =” Acceleometer; Cross-Origine “Allowfullscreen Data-Rocket-Lazyload =” FitvidSCompatible “src =” https://www.youtube.com/embed/7__r4fvj-ei?feature=oembed “> 62 > 62 ~ Subscribe to press-citron < P >The octopuses have three hearts and blue blood based on copper (hemocyanine), adaptations that allow them to survive in oxygen -poor environments. Their ability to modify their genetic expression in response to environmental changes, in particular by edition of the#8217; RNA, < Strong > gives them incredible plasticity : they can produce different proteins according to their needs. 200% Deposit Bonus up to €3,000 180% First Deposit Bonus up to $20,000< H2 > l ’ Accelerated evolution as Darwinian advantage 60 ~ P > The octopuses have a much higher genetic mutation rate than the average of marine species, facilitating their rapid adaptation. Their short life cycle – 6 months to 2 years – allows an accelerated natural selection. Professor Coulson stresses that this combination could lead to evolutionary innovations < Strong >in a few thousands of#8217; years only . A very short period if l ’ We consider the classic rhythm of ’ Evolution of species.
60 ~ P > Genomic studies reveal that the stakes have segments of ;#8217; particularly dynamic DNA, especially in genes linked to neuronal development and amp;#8217; environmental adaptation. These “& nbsp; hot spots & nbsp;” evolutionary could < Strong > Facilitate L ’ Emergence of new cognitive and physiological capacities . < H2 > The primates discarded from The list < P > We could instinctively say that the monkeys, by evolving enough, could gradually replace us; In reality, c ’ is more complex than that. Unlike primates, including the#8217; Cognitive evolution < Strong >is limited by strict anatomical and social constraints , the octopuses show ’ a form of ’ highly adaptive intelligence. The main difference & nbsp;: their ability to solve complex problems does not depend on a rigid social structure, but a amp;#8217; an individual flexible intelligence. < P > We have already observed in certain species of octopuses < Strong > behaviors which defy the keth observation learning, individual recognition of humans. Capacities, once combined with their propensity to s ’ adapt, which gives them an immense evolutionary potential. 60 ~ P >Even if Coulson's theory remains speculative, it is completely exciting. We tend to think of the evolution as a slow and linear process, with the human#8217 at the top of the scale, < Strong > but c ’ is completely False . On the contrary, Coulson reminds us that the evolution is bushy, with multiple possible paths, and that < Strong > l ’ Intelligence can take very different forms . Theoretically, the oceans could well be the cradle of the octopuses, < strong > dominating the world in a few billions of ’ years. A form of life just as distant from our model as we are of the first fish that left the seas 375 million d ’ years.60 ~ Ul class = “TLDR “> < li > Les Pieuvres have a unique distributed intelligence and a highly adaptable biology, allowing them to survive extreme environments.
< li >Their rapid evolution, facilitated by a high mutation rate and exceptional genetic plasticity, could allow them to develop new capacities in a short time.
60 ~ li > Unlike primates, their Intelligence does not depend on a rigid social structure, which makes it serious candidates to prosper after the disappearance of humanity.
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