< Iframe Frameborder = "0" Scrolling = "No" Marginwidth = "0" Marginheight = "0" Hspace = "0" Vspace = "0" Webkitallowfulscreen = "True" mozallowfulllscreen = "alllow" = "Autoplay" RetrierPolicy = "No-Referrer-Ohen-Downgrade" Width = "500" Height = "300" style = "Width: 100%; Height: 100%; Position: Absolute;" Data-digiteka-src = "//www.ultimedia.com/deliver/generic/iframe/mdtk/01914874/src/xkz0rpk/zone/1/showtitle/1/sound/yes/">60~/iframe > < img class = "responsive-Img" src = "https://medialb.ultimedia.com/multi/3pps/xkz0rpk-o.jpg" >< P Class = "Article-Full__CoPo" >L & AMP;#39; Education to emotional and sexual relational life will be made compulsory from kindergarten to high school, three hours a year, from the next school year. The family union (ex-Manif pour tous) s ' opposes it.
< P >< EM > “No sex at school, math and French!” About fifteen activists from the “family union” ( Who took over from “La Manif pour tous”) demonstrated in front of the rectorate this Friday, February 7. < P > They are opposed to the Evars program (Education for affective and sexual relational life) on which the Ministry of National Education has been working on since 2023. < P >This is the third version of the program that was adopted unanimously Thursday, January 30 at the Higher Education Council. The texts were published in the Official Bulletin Thursday, February 6 and will come into force at the start of the school year 2025. < H2 Class = "TXT-INT" > “Inform parents” < P >< EM > “From the age of three, it is asked to insistently fight against gender stereotypes, that is to say the representations that everyone has of man and of the woman “, deplored Ludovine de la Rochère, national president of the family union. 200% Deposit Bonus up to €3,000 180% First Deposit Bonus up to $20,000< P >< EM > “leave the children quiet, it is not a question of telling the girls that they are victims and the boys that they are guilty. Estimate that we are in A systemic patriarchy is completely next to the plate “.
< P >Under the eyes of Richard Roudier, creator of the regionalist identity group “The League of the Midi”, the president of the family union specified: < EM > “We ask that the parents be informed that we approach all these Subjects with their children. “ < H2 Class = "TXT-INT" > Emotions, Harassment, intimacy … < P > In response to many questions that children and adolescents ask themselves, the Evars program evokes emotions, consent, intimacy, harassment, prevention of sexually transmitted infections (IST), contraception. .. < P > Education for emotional and relational life will be addressed in kindergarten and primary, while sexuality education will be in college and high school. < P > Evars will make this education compulsory at the rate of three hours per week minimum, which will allow us to comply with the law of July 4, 2001. Currently, rare are the schools to approach these subjects. I subscribe to read more