< img width = "1500" height = "1000" src = "https://www.presse-citron.net/app/uploads/2024/09/apple-intelligence-ia.jpg" Class = "attachment- Full size-abull WP-Post-Image "Alt =" Apple Intelligence IA "Loading =" "Fetchpriority =" High "Decoding =" Async "srcset =" https://www.presse-citron.net/app/uploads/2024/09/Apple-intelligence-ia.jpg 1500W, https://www.presse-citron.net/app/uploads/2024/09/apple-intelligence-ia-504x336.jpg 504W, https: //www. Press-citron.net/app/uploads/2024/09/apple-intelligence-aia-1024x683.jpg 1024W, https://www.presse-citron.net/app/uploads/2024/09/apple-intelligence-iaia -50x33.jpg 50w, https://www.presse-citron.net/app/uploads/2024/09/apple-intelligence-ia-336x24.jpg 336w, https://www.presse-citron.net/app /uploads/2024/09/apple-intelligence-aa-1400x932.jpg 1400W, https://www.presse-citron.net/app/uploads/2024/09/apple-intelligence-ia-680x453.jpg 680W, https : //www.presse-citron.net/app/uploads/2024/09/apple-intelligence-ia-896x597.jpg 896w "Sizes =" (Max-Width: 639px) 100VW, (Max-Width: 1023px) Calc (100vw - 2rem), (Max -Width: 1279px) Calc (100vw - 26rem), 680px ">© Denphotos/Shutterstock.com < i class = "fa-facebook-f self-center mx-auto" > < i class = "fab fa-LinkedIn-in-Center MX-Auto" > < i class = "fa fa-envelope self-center mx-auto" > < P >While Apple Intelligence features have already been available on iPhone and iPad for several months, these have been blocked in the European Union. Indeed, because of the rules of Brussels, the Cupertino firm preferred to push the launch of this novelty. But the good news is that it is already working on the European launch of Apple Intelligence, as well as on a French version. We already know that Apple plans to deploy Apple Intelligence in the EU from April. And during the presentation of its quarterly results, Apple also indicated that the French version should arrive in April. < Strong > However, in a few days you may have the possibility of testing Apple Intelligence before everyone.
< P > The iOS update which should be released in April is the iOS 18.4 update. Therefore, it is very likely that it is via this that the firm will deploy Apple Intelligence in Europe, as well as the new language options. But before the release of the stable version of iOS 18.4, Apple should first carry out BETA tests, which could already allow users registered in its BETA program to take advantage of new products, before everyone else. And, < Strong >According to a recent publication by journalist Mark Gurman, the first beta version of iOS 18.4 would be released < EM > “Between the middle of next week and the beginning of the following week.” < P > For the moment, nothing is certain. < Strong > but it is possible that in France, iPhone users who install this beta version can take advantage of Apple Intelligence from this month of February. however, it is As possible as the care of French or the availability of Apple Intelligence in France is tested on another Beta of iOS 18.4, but not on the first. In any case, the wait should no longer be very long for Apple European customers who wish to take advantage of Apple Intelligence on iPhone or iPad. < H2 > Another expected novelty < P >In addition to working on an expansion of Apple Intelligence in Europe, Apple also prepares a new Apple Intelligence feature that will make Siri even more useful. As a reminder, Apple Intelligence has already made interactions with the assistant more fluid and more natural. But in addition to that, Apple plans to transform Siri into a kind of IA agent capable of carrying out new actions on the apps. < P >< EM > “Even more efficient, Siri will be able to base himself on the personal context of a user to offer him a tailor -made intelligence. Siri will also have the ability to understand information on the screen and to carry out hundreds of new actions both in the Apple apps and in third -party apps , had explained the firm at the month of December. < Ul class = "TLDR" > < li >Apple Intelligence is not available on the iPhone in France, but Apple is already preparing the deployment of this novelty 60 ~ li > and it is possible that Apple uses the iOS update 18.4, whose beta could happen very soon, to deploy Apple Intelligence in France and in the other countries of the EU < li > The firm also prepares a new version of Siri 60 ~/Ul > 60 ~ Blockquote > 60 ~ P Class = “Text-Base text-neutral-700 Dark: Text-Neutral-300” > 📍 To not miss any Citron press, follow us on Google News and Whatsapp. 60 ~/Blockquote > < P Class = "Float-Right" > [] 200% Deposit Bonus up to €3,000 180% First Deposit Bonus up to $20,000