< P Itemprop = "description" > marion cotillard a & eacute; voqu & eacute; her children in the & mission the Papotin meetings. Guillaume's partner Canet has given & eacute; rare confidences.
200% Deposit Bonus up to €3,000 180% First Deposit Bonus up to $20,000< H2 Class = "Bloc_resume_post_title" > In short < ul class = "Bloc_resume_post_list" > < li > Marion Cotillard, Invit & eacute; e of the & Papotin on 8 f & virrier on France 2, a parl & eacute; of his children Marcel and Louise.
< li > she shared & eacute; fun anecdotes on his children.
< li > Marion Cotillard expresses that the public perception of his Personality & eacute; is often & Foss & eacute; between c & eacute; britte & and life Priv & eacute; e.
< P > Invit & eacute; E in < EM > The Papotin meetings, diffus & eacute; The 8th f & eacute; vrier on France 2, Marion Cotillard has parl & eacute; of his < Strong > Children . The actress is very < Strong > Discr & egrave; te On his private life with his companion, Guillaume Canet. She is the mother of two children: a gar & ccedil; pr & name & eacute; < Strong > Marcel n & eacute; & nbsp; pr & eacute; name & eacute; e < Strong > Louise n & eacute; e March 10, 2017.
< P > the Com & eacte; questions about his Two children, who have d & sorbusted < Strong > 13 years and 7 years old. And she tenderly tealed the eacute; spectators of France 2 as well as everything The plateau of the mission. < H2 > Marion Cotillard confides in his children < P > it is the young ada who has & The children of Marion Cotillard on France 2. “< Strong >< EM > Does your son say 'Wesh' ?” she questions. Amus & Eacute; e, the com & eacute a r & < Strong > “< em > he said wesh. And my daughter says wesh also. “ & nbsp; “< em > Does your daughter love Rapunzel ? “then asked her the journalist.” < em > she likes Rapunzel. Me too, by the way. < Strong > we have a look & eacute; set. “& nbsp; < P > The mother of Marcel and Louise then & its relationship & agrave; her image & agrave; the & cran. “< em > leave me a little bit of time. Yes, < Strong > I have trouble; R & eacute; laying & agrave; This question. I have < Strong > not really pleasure & agrave; See me & agrave; the & eacute; Cran. but In m & ecirc; time, I need < Strong > see if the work I have Make makes the film well . So, < Strong > I need it, but This is not a pleasure. “ < H2 Class = "Marfeel_last_H2" >The dienne believes that the public know & t bad< p > a young man he then cited & eacute; a passage on a biography Albert Einstein. < em > “in the R & eacute; EINSTEIN & AMACTE; < Strong > c & eacute; l & egrave; Bre, & ccedil; Say that everyone knows you & t bad. ' & nbsp; Is it let you know you are badly ? Are there things you would like us to know of you that we do not know & t not ? “ he asks & agrave; Marion Cotillard.
< P >< EM > “The c & eacute; L & eacute; BritTe & eacute; s, we imagine < Strong > Many things of them, of their life, whether it is fantasy or Judgment. and & agrave; from the moment o & ugrave; We have a priori, o & ugrave; We imagine things about someone without really knowing him, & ccedil; a cr & eacute; eacute & eacute; an esgrave; of < strong > Foss & eacute; with the real Personality & eacute; of this c & eacute; l & eacute; Brit & eacute; “ & nbsp; affirms Marion Cotillard. < em > “I do not know if it is me & Any case, < Strong style = "Font-Style: Italic" > I do not Not often recognize in what one can say about me. < EM > It's quite 60 ~ Strong style = “Font-Style: Italic” > bizarre < EM >, to have people who have A < Strong style = "Font-Style: Italic" > Opinion < EM > On You, who have < Strong style = "Font-Style: Italic" > Judgments < EM >, which are < Strong style = "Font-Style: Italic" > so far from what I am deep & But I do With. “