Le parc photovoltaïque serait implanté sur la commune d’Autignac, sur le site de l’ancienne décharge, au lieu-dit Peyre-Grosse.
The park, managed by a private company, would be located on the site of the town's former landfill. Its opponents deplore the lack of communication and transparency surrounding this project and the absence of debate on its usefulness.
The current is not flowing well… The future installation of a photovoltaic park in the commune of Autignac has recently caused quite a stir among the population, some of whom are frightened by the scale of the project. And this is even though the village is going through a troubled period with the resignation of a fifth municipal councilor and the organization of partial municipal elections on February 2 and 9 (if there is a second round).
The affair dates back to August 2023 when “the municipal council adopted the principle of a photovoltaic plant with six votes for, five votes against, all the same, and one abstention, indicates Antoine Barxias-Casties, member of a group of opponents. The problem is that nothing filters through. Municipal information is distilled via a bulletin, L’Autignacois, which appears twice a year. However, there was nothing in the December 2023 issue or in the June 2024″.
A solar power plant on a former landfill
But the project ends up leaking “via Facebook posts from elected officials who voted against and deplore the fact that there was no public inquiry or clear information”. Residents are then offended by the lack of information and transparency and especially the lack of consultation with the population. “We are simply contesting the way the project was put together”, confirms Kentin Marais.
The solar power plant with a capacity of 3 MWc (megawatts-peak) would be installed on the site of the former municipal landfill, at a place called Peyre-Grosse. “A formerly polluted space where nature has reclaimed its rights, thanks to time and public funding (Ademe and the Department having spent €30,000 for the rehabilitation of the site, Editor's note)”, relates the group of opponents in a leaflet, distributed in the mailboxes of Autignac.
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It would be built and operated by the private company Cévennes Energy through a long-term lease “whose duration would be between 25 and 55 years on an area of more than 7 hectares of communal plots, continues Antoine Barxias-Casties. A project that would have a lasting impact on our landscapes since hectares of scrubland would have to be cleared and fenced off, even though the residents would not benefit from this electricity”, except for the rent of €15,000/year per fenced hectare.
However, the group is surprised by the vagueness surrounding the subject:“In the deliberation, it is noted that the municipality will request compliance with the PLUi (Intercommunal Local Urban Planning Plan) but when we question the Avants-Monts community of municipalities, they tell us that they don't know what we're talking about… Today, the mayor tells us, in the December 2024 bulletin, that “given the very negative opinions of part of the population”, he is referring to the prefect.”
Landscapes for all heritage
Not to mention the surface area: “We are told about 7 hectares, then 3 or even 1 hectare. In short, we don't know anything about it anymore. On the town hall side, we are told that the project is on hold, but on the other hand, Cévennes Energy is continuing its prospecting. What we are asking for is a more coherent project in relation to the size of the town and the number of inhabitants. In Autignac, our only heritage is our landscapes. We have vines in AOC Faugères and we are developing wine tourism. This project risks ruining everything.”
The position of the mayor, Jean-Claude Marchi
Contacted by telephone, Mayor Jean-Claude Marchi confided his reluctance to discuss the subject while he must present his wishes to the population on Sunday, January 12, and an electoral campaign must soon open for the partial municipal elections of February 2 and 9. He nevertheless indicates that“All the information is on the town hall website, in particular the deliberation of August 3, 2023. The long-term lease promise concerns a photovoltaic park of just over 3 ha, out of the 7 ha of the former landfill, with 1.1 ha for the Angelotti company (*) and 3 ha for Cévennes Energy.”As for the public inquiry, I do not know the dates because it is Cévennes Energy that must specify the terms. But I strongly encourage residents to participate, to express their questions and to speak out.” Regarding organizing a public meeting, “the climate is too tense at the moment, it could add fuel to the fire.” He concludes by recalling that the installation of such a solar power plant “would bring in 50,000 euros/year to the municipality over 25 years, as well as the property tax”.
(*) The company Angelotti Énergies specifies, through its director Vincent Valiente, that it has not been selected by the municipality as an operator and is not involved “in any way in the development of the project". It also indicates : “We do not wish to be associated with a project that raises local protest”. I subscribe to read the rest