< img class = "responsive-Img" SRC = "https://images.midilibre.fr/api/v1/images/view/67a79d5574e7b56a1d771da7/lange/image.jpg?v=1" Alt = "The gray wolf returned to France by the & Italy in the early 90s." >The gray wolf returned to France by Italy in the early 90s. – Midi Libre – Yves Estivals < P Class = "Article-Full__CoPo" > An Official Journal order specifies the conditions under which cattle breeders can request derogatory shots against wolves. This does not change, however, the number of animals that can be shot dead each year.
< P >A decree published on Saturday in the Official Journal specifies the conditions under which cattle breeders can request derogatory shots against wolves, whose presence has extended to France. Depending on the details of the Ministry of Ecological Transition to AFP, breeders of cattle and/or equine herds will be able to benefit from prefectural derogations from the wolf under conditions, if their herd has undergone at least one predation by the wolf within 12 last months. 200% Deposit Bonus up to €3,000 180% First Deposit Bonus up to $20,000< P > The text specifies that the granting of these derogations is done “< EM > Subject to initiated approaches (by breeders, editor's note) < EM > in terms of vulnerability reduction attested by the prefect “, as the closing installation for example.
< P > the decree “< EM > does not change absolutely nothing to the number of wolves (Ceiling of 192 individuals for 2025) < EM > being killed each year “, added the ministry. < EM >” It clarifies the way in which breeders cattle and equine can access derogatory shots when they are victims of an attack due to the increase in the population of wolves and their greatest presence on the territory “, a- T-we explained. < H2 Class = "TXT-INT" > more than 1,000 wolves identified in France < P > According to the French Biodiversity Office (OFB), the average wolf population in France is 1,013 animals, a figure given at the last meeting of the National Wolf Group (LNG) in mid-December , in the region's prefecture in Lyon. Historically present in the alpine areas, mostly threatening breeding of sheep and goats, the wolf is gradually descended in the plain and its presence now extends to all French regions. The threat now also weighs on cattle herds, 200 of which were attacked in 2024, according to government figures.< p >< EM > “Due to the difficulties of protecting cattle and equine herds, access to shooting authorizations for these breeders is strongly limited and has given rise to numerous litigation testifying of the fragility of the legal framework “ which prevailed until then, explained the ministry.
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