< img class = "responsive-Img" SRC = "https://images.midilibre.fr/api/v1/images/view/67a7edb4e5afe179ba058139/lange/image.jpg?v=2" Alt = "Sébastien Castella triumphed in Valdemorillo during his first Paseo in Spain in 2025." >Sébastien Castella triumphed in Valdemorillo during his first Paseo in Spain in 2025. Midi Libre – Stéphan Guin < img class = "responsive-Img" src = "https://images.midilibre.fr/api/v1/images/view/67a7eda32f98084e6ffe58/lange/image.jpg?v=2" Alt = "Sébastien Castella triumphed in Valdemorillo during his first Paseo in Spain in 2025." >Sébastien Castella triumphed in Valdemorillo during his first Paseo in Spain in 2025. Midi Libre – Stéphan Guin < IMG Class = "Responsive-Img U-Portrait-Bg" SRC = "https://images.mamidilibre.fr/api/v1/images/view/67a7edae48d89b510a60bdb9/lange/image.jpg?v=2" Alt = "Sébastien Castella triumphed in Valdemorillo during his first Paseo in Spain in 2025." > < IMG Class = "U-Portrait-Img" SRC = "https://images.midilibre.fr/api/v1/images/view/67a7edae48d89b510a60bdb9/full/image.jpg?v=2" Alt = "Sébastien Castella triumphed in Valdemorillo during his first Paseo in Spain in 2025." >Sébastien Castella triumphed in Valdemorillo during his first Paseo in Spain in 2025. Midi Libre – Stéphan Guin < IMG Class = "Responsive-Img U-Portrait-Bg" src = "https://images.midilibre.fr/api/v1/images/view/67a7edaf761db81ec2661c99/lange/image.jpg?v=2" Alt = "Sébastien Castella triumphed in Valdemorillo during his first Paseo in Spain in 2025." > < IMG Class = "U-Portrait-Img" SRC = "https://images.midilibre.fr/api/v1/images/view/67a7edaf761db81ec2661c99/full/image.jpg?v=2" Alt = "Sébastien Castella triumphed in Valdemorillo during his first Paseo in Spain in 2025." >Sébastien Castella triumphed in Valdemorillo during his first Paseo in Spain in 2025. Midi Libre – Stéphan Guin < img class = "responsive-Img" SRC = "https://images.midilibre.fr/api/v1/images/view/67a7edb0942855501a7ac9d9/lange/image.jpg?v=2" Alt = "Sébastien Castella triumphed in Valdemorillo during his first Paseo in Spain in 2025." >Sébastien Castella triumphed in Valdemorillo during his first Paseo in Spain in 2025. Midi Libre – Stéphan Guin < img class = "responsive-Img" SRC = "https://images.midilibre.fr/api/v1/images/view/67a7edb5469dd367b9736859/large/image.jpg?v=3" Alt = "Sébastien Castella triumphed in Valdemorillo during his first Paseo in Spain in 2025." >Sébastien Castella triumphed in Valdemorillo during his first Paseo in Spain in 2025. Midi Libre – Stéphan Guin < img class = "responsive-Img" src = "https://images.midilibre.fr/api/v1/images/view/67a7edb78acf4574193e2689/large/image.jpg?v=3" Alt = "Sébastien Castella triumphed in Valdemorillo during his first Paseo in Spain in 2025." >Sébastien Castella triumphed in Valdemorillo during his first Paseo in Spain in 2025. Midi Libre – Stéphan Guin < img class = "responsive-Img" SRC = "https://images.mamidilibre.fr/api/v1/images/view/67a7edb5989d7b3d20735579/lange/image.jpg?v=2" Alt = "Diego Ventura also came out through the large door with two ears." >Diego Ventura also came out through the large door with two ears. Midi Libre – Stéphan Guin < img class = "responsive-Img" src = "https://images.midilibre.fr/api/v1/images/view/67a7edadef56de57e35475e8/large/image.jpg?v=2" Alt = "José Maria Manzanares was more unlucky in Sorto." >José Maria Manzanares was more unlucky in Sorto. Midi Libre – Stéphan Guin < P Class = "Article-Full__CoPo" > For the first bullfight of a temporada where he celebrates his 25 years of an alternative, the Biterrois bullfighter experienced a marking triumph in Valdemorillo. He cut three ears and opened the large door with Diego Ventura.
< P >Like the great vintages, Sébastien Castella gaining power, flavor and finesse over time. Because the Biterrois bullfighter is now a veteran from the age of 44 and 25 years of alternative. < P > This anniversary temporada is of particular interest in French who could not celebrate his two decades of Matador de Toros as he imagined by the fault of the covid. < P > It seems incongruous to say it for the first bullfight of the temporada in Europe, but Sébastien Castella produced one of the three or four faenas which mark a temporada, this Saturday, in Valdemorillo against < Em > Vichanero , a toro of Carmen Lorenzo overflowing with class and depth in its charges. < H2 Class = "TXT-INT" > Four series of magnificent natural and two ears < P >From reception to the cape to the last muletazo, all French passes were of formidable technical precision and each series showed the slowness and artistic dimension of the Maestro. After a gentle cape reception, Castella began her faena with the top and the two initial right -handers showed her the exquisite class of the Carmen Lorenzo on the left horn during tasty conclusions by change of hand. 200% Deposit Bonus up to €3,000 180% First Deposit Bonus up to $20,000< P > Four sets of natural followed everything in temple, slowness, sweetness and verticality. Four works of art.
< P > At the end of this faena of a large toreria in front of a class opponent, the public asked with force the grace of < EM > Vichanero, rightly refused by the presidency. A sincere and disoriented sword put an end to the Concerto and Castella ensured his first big door of 2025 with two ears.< P >Faced with his last toro who had neither the same class nor the same depth, the Biterrois took advantage of his technique to increase his accounting assessment.
< P > Sébastien Castella was accompanied by Diego Ventura who justified his rank of undisputed number of rejoneo by winning a trophy from his two opponents.
< P > José Maria Manzanares was less lucky in Sorto, but he will have deserved some laurels with two beautiful series full of aplomb in front of his last Carmen Lozenzo. < P > 60 ~/P > < H2 Class = "Incart_titre" > the bullet of corrida < P > ar & Egrave; nes de ValdeMorillo Plaines. < P >< Strong > Toros de Capea (1 and 4) and Carmen Lorenzo (2,3, 5 and 6). < P > le 2e, vichanero 24, prim & eacute; D & rsquo; a posthumous vuelta. < P >< Strong > Diego Ventura & nbsp;: ear and ear. < P >< Strong > s & eacute; bastien castella & nbsp; : two ears apr & Egrave; Sgrave; Opinion and ear apr & 60 ~/P > < P >< Strong > jos & eacute; Maria Manzanares & Nbsp; Silence and Salvation. I subscribe to read more< img class = "responsive-Img" SRC = "https://images.mamidilibre.fr/api/v1/images/view/679bbd742bf06039f90ab967/lange/image.jpg?v=1" Alt = "Founding a family is not…
< img class = "responsive-Img" SRC = "https://images.midilibre.fr/api/v1/images/view/67a4e6331445220b015731a9/lange/image.jpg?v=1" Alt = "This Tuesday, in the National…
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< P Itemprop = "description" > in comp & eacute; suffers from the lack of…
< P Itemprop = "description" > according to a journalist from the Echos, st &…