< P Itemprop = "Description" > When Alain Delon and Romy Schneider Emm & eacute; swim together for the first time in 1959 & agrave; Paris, the young couple do not amp; Nest of love. Back on a pharaonic site.
< H2 Class = "Bloc_resume_post_title" > In short < ul class = "Bloc_resume_post_list" > < li > in the spring of 1959, Alain Delon and Romy Schneider, nickname “the fianc & Private at 22 rue de Messine & agrave; Paris. < li > The couple invests 35 million francs for r & nover Their apartment on three levels, with an amp; Georges Geffroy. < li > d & Eacute; Cover how Alain Delon adapts & agrave; This new style of luxurious life to the c & ocirc; t & s de Romy Schneider. < P >In the spring of 1959, the fian & ccedil; Delon and Romy Schneider make the headlines of the people. Young people, Beaux and amp; éacute; L & Egrave; Bres, they are nicknames “the fianc & Of Back & agrave; Paris after the c & r & monie, the lovebirds settle in a sumptuous pri; moneau park which they undertake from R & nover from bottom to top. < H2 > a h & Tel particular on three levels < P > The apartment shared Alain Delon and Romy Schneider is located at 22 rue de Messine, In the chic 8 & It is in R & eacute; of a particular hri; Georges Beaume, the Mentor by Alain Delon, and & agrave; the actor himself ecirc; me via a social & eacute; < P >The good is stretched on three levels with no less than seven pi & On the ground floor & eacute are two bedrooms and two rooms Baths. The kitchen, the room & agrave; eat and the large living room take Place in the first & tagus. Finally, the last level of 3 pi & R & eacute; serv & eacute; to the future children that the couple plans to have. Of the Housing in the Eacute; < h2 class = "marfeel_last_h2" > a d & eacute; tailor-made & agrave; 35 million of francs < P > to personalize their cocoon and bring it a touch luxurious, Alain Delon and Romy Schneider do not watch & agrave; The D & Amp; Eacute is. They pose a blue carpet throughout the apartment and install a Orn & eacute staircase; of balusters. < P > The D & Amp; Eacute; Coration int & Eacute; Georges Geffroy, a Architect of an amp; According to some sources, the invoice work would have been & the tidy sum of 35 million Francs (old), or more than 5 million euros current! A Budget Consid & eacute; < P > Si Alain Delon, from a modest background, of amp; sumptuous life with its fianc & eacute; e romy schneider, it seems Adapt very quickly. His friend Marie Lafor & Ecirc; t t & eacute; Moigne: “< em > During For a long time, Alain observed & eacute; people. He looked at how they walked, how they stood up; table. […] So he has read a lot. The history of the amp; Romy bought him books and then questioned him. “200% Deposit Bonus up to €3,000 180% First Deposit Bonus up to $20,000