Fanny Heurteau, responsable RSE Caf Hérault, et Samuel Coudert-Bonnafous. DR – DR
Moins de voitures, plus de vélos et de trottinettes et de transports en commun. Le Plan de mobilité employeur est renouvelé jusqu’en 2027.
Helping employees to use their cars less for business and home-work travel. This is the objective of the Caf de l’Hérault, which has been involved since 2018, as part of its CSR approach, in setting up an Employer Mobility Plan (PDME).
200% Deposit Bonus up to €3,000 180% First Deposit Bonus up to $20,000Over the period 2018-2023, this PDME resulted in a 35% reduction in emissions on these car journeys. The use of electric bikes, scooters and carpooling has been encouraged and facilitated by this plan.
After five years, the car remains the main mode of transport, but cycling and soft mobility have progressed, thanks to the support of the Métropole, which is very committed to these issues.
In 2023, 21% of CAF employees (i.e. 172 employees) benefited from the sustainable mobility package, 96 employees carpooled and 147 electric bikes were loaned.
Enough to encourage both partners to go even further. This partnership has just been renewed for the years 2024-2027 by Thierry Mathieu, director of the Caf de l’Hérault, and Julie Frêche, delegate for active mobility of the Métropole.
It will make it possible to purchase electric cars, develop teleworking and continue efforts in the use of public transport and cycling.
Employee and manager of the Caf Hérault, Samuel Coudert-Bonnafous took advantage of the PDME to change his mode of transport between his home in Écusson and Celleneuve, where the Caf Hérault headquarters are located. “Before, I came by car or tram, but it took me at least 25 minutes, and sometimes double that. I took advantage of the electric bike loan to test one, and I realized that it only took me 15 minutes. And since the Métropole offered a purchase aid of €500, I bought one in 2022.”
“It saves time, since my journeys last between two and four times shorter. And it saves money, since the CAF bonus covers the maintenance costs of the bike. A repair workshop has also just been set up at the CAF. Another change is that I use the car much less during the week, and I also cycle more (mechanical) the weekend.”
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