Grave collision en Occitanie : 10 blessés dont 4 gravement sur la RN20, la voie fermée dans les deux sens

2 weeks ago

La collision implique trois véhicules et s’est produite sur la route nationale RN 20 (photo d'illustration). fxquadro - ENVATO ELEMENTS Un…

“Il faut faire attention d’avoir le bon chirurgien” : quelles opérations a subies Jocelyne Wildenstein, surnommée la “femme chat” ?

2 weeks ago

Jocelyne Wildenstein a complètement transformé son apparence avec la chirurgie esthétique. MAXPPP - ROGER WALSH Jocelyne Wildenstein, qui est morte…

Bag straps stick out slightly: Ryanair threatens traveller with boarding gates closed if he doesn't pay extra

2 weeks ago

A Ryanair passenger had to pay almost €150 more because the straps of his backpack were slightly longer than the…

RSA reform: registration with France Travail, 15 to 20 hours of compulsory activities, sanctions… what you need to remember

2 weeks ago

The reform of the active solidarity income (RSA) has been generalized to some 1.8 million beneficiaries since this Wednesday, January…

“The Second Act”: When AI Derails Actors

2 weeks ago

DR Pure Quentin Dupieux. The darling of movie buffs takes us on a journey in a delightful satire of the…

RSA reform: registration with France Travail, 15 to 20 hours of compulsory activities, sanctions… what you need to remember

2 weeks ago

The reform of the active solidarity income (RSA) has been generalized to some 1.8 million beneficiaries since this Wednesday, January…

Liam Payne's death: The singer's psychiatrist makes worrying revelations about his former client's state of health

2 weeks ago

The psychiatrist of the former member of One Direction, spoke about the young artist Liam Payne who died after falling…

Fin de partie pour le Vision Pro d’Apple ?

2 weeks ago

D’après des rumeurs, il est possible qu’Apple ait déjà mis fin à la production du casque Vision Pro. 0 𝕏…

Voici pourquoi le tarif de l’abonnement Netflix pourrait augmenter très bientôt

2 weeks ago

L’arrivée de nouvelles catégories de programme sur Netflix risque de faire grimper les prix de la plateforme. 0 𝕏 ©…

Classes threatened with closure in Cévennes: parents of pupils could not be more “determined” before an interview with the Dasen

2 weeks ago

Elected officials from the Borgne Valley have given their support to the parents' group. MIDI LIBRE - DR For several…