< img width = "1920" height = "1280" src = "https://www.presse-citron.net/upp/uploads/2025/02/yiming-2mzsuqdg8c0-unsplash.jpg" Class = " Attachment-Full Size-Full WP-Post-Image "Alt =" Yiming Ma 2Mzsuqdg8c0 Unsplash "Loading =" "Fetchprirrority =" High "Decoding =" Async "srcset =" https://www.pres-citron.net/app /uploads/2025/02/yiming-ma-2mzsuqdg8c0-unsplash.jpg 1920w, https://www.presse-citron.net/app/uploads/2025/02/yiming-2mzsuqdg8c0-splash336.jpg 504W , https://www.presse-citron.net/app/uploads/2025/02/yiming-2mzsuqdg8c0-unnsplash-1024x683.jpg 1024W, https://www.presse-citron.net/upp/upload 2025/02/YIMING-MA-2MZSUQDG8C0-UNSPLASH-50X33.JPG 50W, https://www.presse-citron.net/app/uploads/2025/02/yiming-2mzsuqdg8c0-splash-336x24.jpg 336W https://www.presse-citron.net/app/uploads/2025/02/yiming-ma-2mzsuqdg8c0-unnsplash-1400x932.jpg 1400W, https://www.presse-citron.net/app/uploads/2025 /02/yiming-ma-2mzsuqdg8c0-Unsplash-680x453.jpg 680w, https://www.presse-citron.net/app/uploads/2025/02/yiming-2mzsuqdg8c0-splash-896x597.jpg 896w, https : //www.presse-citron.net/app/uploads/2025/02/yiming-ma-2mzsuqdg8c0-unsplash-1792x1195.jpg 1792W "Sizes =" (Max-Width: 639px) 100VW, (Max-Width: ) Calc (100vw - 2rem), (Max -Width: 1279px) Calc (100vw - 26rem), 680px ">© Yiming MA/UNSPLASH < i class = "fa-facebook-f self-center mx-auto" > < i class = "fab fa-LinkedIn-in-Center MX-Auto" > < i class = "fa fa-envelope self-center mx-auto" > < P > On December 22, in the streets of Rhode Island, a cybertruck became a viral phenomenon on social networks. Not content with#8217; naturally attract l ’ beware with its futuristic design and angular lines, its driver decided to push the vice further by pressing frankly on L & Amp;#8217; Accelerator. < Strong > Result & nbsp;: 20 km/h above the authorized limit and an inevitable meeting with the forces of L & Amp;#8217; Order.
< P >Until then, nothing of an abnormal. But < Strong > l ’ attitude of the driver scandalized the witnesses of the scene. Facing the agents, the owner of the cybertruck n ’ presented neither remorse ni remorse excuse. On the contrary, he posted a total indifference which rekindled a feeling of distrust at the ’ regard for the owners of luxurious vehicles. < P > The scene captured by a witness And shared on Reddit quickly set fire to the powder. Internet users have not failed to underline the amp;#8217; Irony of the situation & nbsp;: a vehicle supposed to represent l ’ future of the Automobile, driven by someone#8217; One that seems straight out of the worst shots of the past. < em > “ kind of behavior puts everyone in danger ” , can we read in the comments, while D & Amp;#8217; Others call for a hardening of the sanctions for the owners of overpowered vehicles. < P > l ’ also brought back a feeling of disgust to the ’ regard for this kind of character & nbsp;: power and prestige of amp;#8217; a vehicle give -The the right of s ’ Enter rules & nbsp; ? For many observers, this episode perfectly illustrates < Strong > The growing gap between a certain elite and the rest of the company. Le Cybertruck, with its provocative design and its impressive performance, becomes despite itself the symbol of ’ a form of ’ technological arrogance. 200% Deposit Bonus up to €3,000 180% First Deposit Bonus up to $20,000< 60 < 60 < 60 < H2 > in the amp;#8217; shadow of ’ Elon Musk < P > This simple news item revived the debate on regulations at L & AMP;#8217 ; regard for < EM > Supercars electric. Some call for a reflection on the regulation of these overpowered models, suggesting that their speed potential should be s ’ accompanying d ’ a more important responsibility of their owners.
< P > on social networks, two s ’ camps. D & AMP;#8217; Tesla defenders see this controversy a new attack on the brand. From the#8217; other, this incident is considered to reveal a deeper problem & nbsp;: l ’ impunity felt by certain owners of luxury vehicles. < P >L ’ attitude of the driver of the Cybertruck also raises the question of L & AMP;#8217; Tesla brand image, widely tapped by the positions and attitudes of#8217; Elon Musk, Son CEO. While amp;#8217; company seeks to democratize electric vehicles, its boss creates a certain distrust, including with its own clients. < Ul class = "TLDR" > < li > A Tesla Cybertruck driver flashed at 20 km/h above the limit to Rhode Island60 ~ li > his casual attitude in front of the forces of L & AMP ;#8217; Order causes an uproar on social networks
60 ~ li > l ’ incident relaunches the debate on the need for ’ stricter control of vehicles Surpooling 60 ~/Ul > 60 ~ Blockquote > 60 ~ P Class = “Text-Base Text-Neutral-700 Dark: Text-Neutral-300” > 📍 To not miss any Citron press, follow us on Google News and Whatsapp.
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