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Back to school 2024: a list of important new features and a lot of uncertainty

“Back to school 2024: a list of important new features and a lot of uncertainty”

The school year started this Monday, September 2 for the approximately 12 million French students from kindergarten to higher education. New measures come into force for students.

The approximately 12 million French students will be returning to school this Monday, September 2, 2024. A return to school that is accompanied by many new features and just as many uncertainties, with the next tenant of the Ministry of Education being far from being known, as is his wish or not to continue the policy of Gabriel Attal and then Nicole Belloubet on rue de Grenelle in the coming months… The resigning Minister of Education has also left cast doubt on some of the orientations of this 2024 return to school, by presenting them at a press conference on August 27.

This 2024 school year should mark a significant turning point with the introduction of several unprecedented measures, which affect both students' clothing habits and their use of new technologies. At the heart of these changes, two major initiatives have been put in place: the experimentation of school uniforms in certain establishments and the introduction of a digital break in several middle schools. These new features, still in the testing phase, are generating various reactions among students, parents and education professionals.

School uniform, stop or still ?

Among the most notable changes, the introduction of school uniforms in about 100 schools across the country has attracted attention. The move, which aims to promote equality among students, is seen by many as a way to erase social disparities that can be reflected in through clothing and restore a form of discipline in schools. These uniforms, jointly financed by the state and municipalities, are distributed free of charge to students, a financial advantage for families. The outfits are made up of simple clothes: a gray sweater and a white polo shirt, with a single color imposed for the bottom, navy blue. However, Nicole Belloubet did not give indication on the continuation of the test or on a possible generalization. 

Another measure tested this year is attracting attention: the digital break in 200 middle schools. This initiative requires students to deposit their mobile phones in lockers upon arrival at school and to no longer have access to them throughout the day, including during recess. The objective is twofold: to reduce exposure to screens and prevent online violence, an increasingly worrying phenomenon among young people. The digital break could be generalized to all middle schools from January 2025, but once again, its future is uncertain.

One constant, however, for this 2024 school year as for previous ones, the ministry has decided to focus on fundamental knowledge – French and mathematics – but also on supporting students with more support or better care.

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  • Assessments are becoming more widespread in primary school: they are being introduced this year in CE2 and CM2
  • “The doubling of kindergarten classes in the senior section continues” in a priority education zone, insisted indicated that the resigning minister on August 27.
  • The new secondary school certificate “is taking shape”, the minister indicated, and the new assessment methods for the 2025 session have been revised: continuous assessment is increasing to 40% of the grade compared to 50% today. Obtaining the diploma will not be mandatory to enter secondary school, as Gabriel Attal had promised.
  • A “secondary prep” will be offered to volunteer students who have not obtained the brevet to strengthen their knowledge.
  • The mobile phone is banned in middle school, first during an experiment in 200 middle schools, then in all middle schools in France, in January 2025.
  • The primary French and maths programs have been rewritten “to be clearer, more detailed and provide guidance on what students need to know at the end of each year” and will come into effect “as soon as current affairs close and come into effect in September 2025”.

The date of the “big” school year in September has been set for Monday, September 2, 2024 for all students, from elementary school to high school. Depending on the level and the establishment, the start of the school year may, however, be spread out over the entire week. Each establishment is responsible for communicating to families the official start dates for each level. For example, a display may be provided at the entrance to the establishment.

The 2024 school year is suffering from recruitment difficulties and a lack of teachers. A complication to which the ministry has tried to respond by using contract teachers and through the “teacher pact”. This system should encourage teachers to provide replacements to limit the loss of class hours, but teachers are not convinced by these measures. The objective of placing a teacher in front of each class from the start of the school year and throughout the year could, however, be difficult to achieve. fill.

So what to do if your child doesn't have a teacher in the weeks following the start of the school year?? Your child will be taken care of and will be able to stay at school, which must provide a permanent presence. Thus, the law states that “Any child in school” in a public nursery or elementary school is welcomed during school hours to follow the lessons provided for in the programs. He benefits from a free reception service when these lessons cannot be delivered to him due to the unforeseeable absence of his teacher and the impossibility of replacing him. The same applies in the event of a strike.” However, the parents' unions recommend that you notify the rectorate immediately so that a replacement can take over your child's lesson time slot.

The start of the school year has a cost, and many households receive the back-to-school allowance or back-to-school bonuses each year. The receipt of aid is based on family income. For the year 2024, for example, those of 2022 are taken into account. The back-to-school allowance (ARS) is paid during the month of August, subject to resource conditions, to families with children aged 6 to 18 enrolled in a public or private institution or in a distance learning organization such as the Cned.

Teilor Stone

By Teilor Stone

Teilor Stone has been a reporter on the news desk since 2013. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining Thesaxon , Teilor Stone worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my teilor@nizhtimes.com 1-800-268-7116