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Bagnols, Pont-Saint-Esprit, Laudun… what is the number of inhabitants in the communes of Gard rhodanien according to INSEE figures

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Bagnols-sur-Cèze perd 68 habitants au 1er janvier 2022 selon les chiffres de l'Insee. Midi Libre – Midi Libre

L'Insee a publié en fin d'année 2024 les populations de référence. Dans le Gard rhodanien, le nombre d'habitants recule dans quelques communes. 

Insee published its statistics on the number of inhabitants on January 1, 2022 at the end of December. The municipal population, i.e. the people who live in the municipality, are taken into account.

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In the Gard rhodanien, among the municipalities with more than 1,500 inhabitants, three lost a few inhabitants on January 1, 2022: only 68 for Bagnols-sur-Cèze with 18,124 compared to 18,192 in 2016 (18,349 in 2011); 13 in Saint-Laurent-des-Arbres with 2,984 compared to 2,997 in 2016 (up from 2011 when the municipality had 2,587 inhabitants); 80 for Sabran which goes to 1,596 for 1,676 in 2016 and 1,800 in 2011.

Other municipalities with more than 1,500 residents are gaining. Pont-Saint-Esprit, the second largest municipality in the Gard Rhodanien conurbation, has reached 10,759 inhabitants (compared to 10,405 in 2016 and 10,640 in 2011). Laudun is also on the rise with 6,673 inhabitants on January 1, 2022, compared to 6,204 in 2016 and 5,851 in 2011. Saint-Victor-la-Coste is also progressing with 2,222 inhabitants compared to 2,053 in 2016.

Tavel and Saint-Geniès-de-Comolas above
2,000 inhabitants

Tavel passes the threshold of 2,000 inhabitants (2,032) on January 1, 2022, as does Saint-Geniès-de-Comolas (2,013). This is not yet the case for Saint-Paulet-de-Caisson, which gains 94 inhabitants between 2016 and 2022 with 1,894 inhabitants. Connaux exceeds 1,700 inhabitants (1,702 for 1,662 in 2016).

The commune of Montfaucon crosses the 1,500 inhabitants mark (1,525 for 1,478 in 2016), like Saint-Julien-de-Peyrolas, at just 1,501, or 119 more than in 2016.

The Tresquois are as many on January 1, 2022 as in 2016 (1,803).

On the Greater Avignon Gard side, Pujaut (3,911 for 4,243 in 2016) and Sauveterre (2,013 for 2,028) are in decline. Villeneuve-lès-Avignon and Rochefort-du-Gard are the two municipalities with the strongest growth, with respectively 1,049 more Villeneuvois (for a total of 12,950) and 569 more Rochefortais (for a total of 8,067).

Teilor Stone

Teilor Stone has been a reporter on the news desk since 2013. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining Thesaxon , Teilor Stone worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my 1-800-268-7116

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