
How bad translations are ruining the Internet ?

© Pixabay In today's world, more than 7000 different languages ​​coexist. However, the Internet brings us together in a virtual…

7 months ago

Electric car at 100 euros per month: how to benefit from it ?

© Peugeot It’is within the framework of the strategy France Nation Verte that the government launched at the beginning of…

7 months ago

How this little bird revolutionized TGVs ?

© Pixabay/Bergadder Eiji Nakatsu is a Japanese engineer who works on the Tokyo-Hakata train line. At the beginning of the…

7 months ago

Beverly Hills Cop: Why Eddie Murphy's Return is Complicated ?

©Paramount Pictures In the summer of 2024, Netflix will hit hard with this return of the popular saga: Beverly Hills…

7 months ago

Where will the huge out-of-control satellite that worries the ESA crash ?

© ESA Launched on April 21, 1995, ERS-2 is a rather imposing observation satellite, with its mass of 2516 kg.…

7 months ago

Faced with tech giants, the EU wants to ensure the integrity of elections

© Unsplash/Christian Lue Today, a few behemoths have control over the Internet. Google, Amazon, Apple, Meta, and the DMA (Digital…

7 months ago

4 things to know about Supersex, the Netflix series which traces the life of pornstar Rocco Siffredi

© Netflix After serial killers and political figures, Netflix continues to show its interest in biopics and is interested in…

7 months ago

Job interview: here is the mistake you should never make when finding a job

© Pexels/Andrea Piacquadio What are the mistakes to avoid when having a job interview? To answer this question that many…

7 months ago

Generative AI: Apple finally enters the race with “MGIE”

© Presse-citron.net Unlike other digital giants, such as Amazon, Google, Meta or Microsoft, Apple is quite discreet about generative artificial…

7 months ago

Best smartphone 2024: which one to choose for Christmas ?

© Lemon squeezer We reassure you right away: best smartphone of 2024 is not “the most expensive”. Obviously, the most…

7 months ago