
Will Free or Bouygues Telecom buy SFR?

© Presse-citron One thing is practically certain at this stage: SFR will not be in the fold of Altice for…

11 months ago

In France, YouTube is still at the top

© Unsplash/Szabo Viktor YouTube and France, it's a love story that lasts. For years, the platform has been doing particularly…

11 months ago

Euphoria at Fortuneo, the bank unveils a free triple-XL bonus

< /p> © Stock Birken - Unsplash On the home page of the Fortuneo site, the bank tries to attract…

11 months ago

Squeezed lemon: GPS while driving, iOS 17.1, optical fiber and the “only real solution” against canvassing

© Presse-citron In summary this week: in which cases it is prohibited to use your smartphone GPS while driving, why…

11 months ago

Cinema: 5 major films expected by the end of the year

© Sony Pictures The year 2023 is already well underway, but there are still great celebrations to come at the…

11 months ago

How to save on heating? Our 7 tips

© Julian Hochgesang - Unsplash The government has decided. It intends to gradually end its energy tariff shield. For millions…

11 months ago

Want something sweet? Netflix is ​​getting into animal lives and you will love it

© Unsplash/Brian Mann Definitely, Netflix never ceases to surprise subscribers. While the platform had an excellent quarter against all expectations…

11 months ago

Greenhouse gas: definition, impact, ecology, understand everything

© catazul/pixabay The ecological question often revolves around the notion of “greenhouse gases” (GES). This term comes up almost every…

11 months ago

Zoom meetings: remember these valuable tips to shine in video

© Zoom How to make a good impression during professional video calls? While many employees are now teleworking, these remote…

11 months ago