
“Werewolf Syndrome”: What's happening in Spain where babies have hair on their faces and bodies ?

11 cas ont été recensés en Europe. (Illustration) Envato Elements - @leungchopan Le Centre de Pharmacovigilance de Navarre, en Espagne…

2 weeks ago

Destination massages by Laurence offers moments of letting go in Mende

Laurence Durand propose des modelages adaptés à chaque client qu’elle reçoit. MIDI LIBRE - Lola Pesquié Destination massages by Laurence…

2 weeks ago

“Ex Utero”: a show to inform and raise awareness about cervical cancer, near Montpellier

A one-woman show by actress Sabrina Nanni. - DR Thursday, December 12 at 5:30 p.m., at the Théâtre Odéon in…

2 weeks ago

The bronchiolitis epidemic arrives in Occitania: why access to Beyfortus can be very expensive for parents

De plus en plus de cas de bronchiolite à l’approche de l’hiver. Midi Libre - MIKAEL ANISSET Parents have up…

2 weeks ago

“Walking for the Telethon is symbolically very important”, the Bagnolaise program highlights hiking

Michèle Fond-Thurial, 2nd deputy, and Marie-Claude Frontraille, head of the senior space, have integrated the elderly into the AFM Telethon…

2 weeks ago

National Brain Cancer Day: in Montpellier, the association Des étoiles dans la mer gives 40,000 euros to researchers

L’association Des étoiles dans la mer au côté des soignants lors de l’inauguration d’un ruban gris au CHU Gui de…

2 weeks ago

Successful inclusion thanks to UEMA, a schooling system from nursery school onwards “where we no longer distinguish one autistic child from another”

Àl’école maternelle Jean Ponsy, les enfants atteints de TSA partagent les activités de leurs camarades. Midi Libre - SYLVIE CAMBON…

2 weeks ago

“It's a source of pride that encourages us to continue”: Saint-Jean enters the top 10 of the best clinics in France

La clinique du groupe Cap Santé plébiscitée. Midi Libre - SYLVIE CAMBON Dans le traditionnel et très attendu classement du…

2 weeks ago

Hip, knee: faced with demands for savings, surgeons warn of the risk of a shortage of prostheses

Knee prosthesis fitting. Midi Libre Archives - ALEXIS BETHUNE Orthopedic surgeons are warning of the risk of implant shortages, particularly…

2 weeks ago

PRESS RELEASE. International Day of Persons with Disabilities: the HandiJoie game launched in Hérault

HandiJoie a été créé à l’occasion de la journée internationale des personnes handicapées. ILLUSTRATION UNSPLASH - Josh Appel For the…

2 weeks ago