
This is why Microsoft will not offer its Xbox Cloud Gaming on iOS

© Kamil S/Unsplash Yesterday evening, Microsoft offered players its “Xbox Podcast”, a highly anticipated event, during which the American firm…

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Go out without worrying about the weather: these clothes adapt to all temperatures!

© Ali Kazal/Pexels Researchers from Nankai University in China have published an article in the prestigious journal Sciences. This describes…

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Smartphones: why the French sustainability index will not be implemented

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With an annual rate boosted to 5.5%, the BforBank savings account is the solution to pamper your savings

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An edition of the Apple Vision Pro for 7,000 euros is available

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OpenAI unveils Sora, its impressive AI for generating ultra-realistic videos

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Tomb Raider 1-3 Remastered review: beautiful as we remember ?

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Dozens of Apple Vision Pros leave their new home

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Will your PC be abandoned in 2025 ? Google offers a free solution

© Lemon squeezer In 2025, Microsoft will stop providing updates to the majority of Windows 10 users. In fact, the…

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The hegemony of GAFAM shaken by the meteoric growth of a founder

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