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DIRECT. Results of the 2024 legislative elections: dozens of “racist” RN deputies in the Assembly ?

“DIRECT. Results of the 2024 legislative elections: dozens of 'racist' RN deputies in the National Assembly e ?”

"More than one in four RN candidates made racist, anti-Semitic or homophobic remarks", according to the Prime Minister. Médiapart identifies 80 problematic cases "oféelected or qualified" in the second round.

►Find your municipality or constituency to consult the legislative results:   The essentials

  • The result of the first round of legislative legislation placed the RN and its allies in early Sunday, in capacity get over 289 ages. Neither the left nor Together! appear able to elect enough deputies to obtain a majority. in the second round.
  • According to Gabriel Attal, more than one in four RN candidates made “racist” comments.
  • François Ruffin claims to be "à the'éevidence" "gone" of France Insoumise, while François-Xavier Bellamy denies rallying behind France Insoumise. Eric Ciotti and the RN. Gérald Darmanin will not "vote for LFI" and says he is "very opposedé to the voting instructions". 
  • The government spokesperson, Prisca Thévenot, claims to have beené victim, with his team, of an "attack during an operation of pasting ’electoral posters" . The political class unanimously condemns this aggression.
  • Russia, through its Ministry of Foreign Affairs, has contributed to this. her support for the RN during a press briefing and a post on li>
  • The withdrawals of the "republican front" to prevent the RN from having a majority absolute could bear fruit à according to the latest polls. More than 200 candidates announced their withdrawal between the two towers. Check out the latest forecasts for the second round here.


17:28 – The RN "has much fewer reservesà oppose &agrav; the left or in the center"

Auprès du Figaro, the director of the news and politics department of Ifop, François Kraus, analyzes the latest survey according to which the RN is moving away, little & ;agrave; few, of the majority absolute Sunday. "We do not see any resurgence of the RN, as if it had already refueled in the first round,” he explains. And to note:  "He has much fewer reserves than before. oppose &agrav; the left or in the center."

17:05 – The National Rally is moving away from the majority absolute

According to the Ifop-Fiducial survey for Le Figaro, LCI and Sud Radio, the National Rally seems weakened by the "Republican front" which was formed in more than 200 constituencies. His hopes of obtaining a majority absolute moves away. Despite Given his very good results in the first round of the legislative elections, he could only collect between 210 and 240 seats, far from of 240 &agrav; 270 seats envisaged during the surveys of the first round.

The results of the second round of legislative elections are already available. anticipated by the polling institutes, which carried out projections in the number of seats in the future Assembly. Here is the projection carried out by the media Grand Continent, which made fine estimates constituency by constituency, relying on the Cluster 17 survey models to take into account the most likely vote carryovers. Given here are the numbers of seats by large bloc at the top (NFP, RN and allies, Together!) as well as by political party at the bottom (LFI, PS, EELV, PC, Renaissance, Modem, Horizons, LR with Ciotti, RN). No new estimates are given after Friday, July 5.

16:52 – Gabriel Attal expected in Prisca Thevenot's constituency

The day after the attack on the government spokesperson and her team, the Prime Minister is expected this Thursday at the end of the afternoon in Meudon to give his support to the candidate of the Macron camp in the legislative elections. “What happened is absolutely unspeakable. Democracy cannot be the object of attacks and aggressions. The sanctions will be very heavy”, has already noticed, earlier in the day, Gabriel Attal during a trip to Nevers.

16:39 – RN “ghost candidates”: Marine Le Pen loses her temper

While some RN candidates are making numerous appearances and speaking engagements, others are more discreet, or even completely absent on the ground and sometimes even on posters. A phenomenon that the deputy director of the Tribune du dimanche, Bruno Jeudy, highlighted on BFMTV. He notably took the example of Élodie Babin, who without campaigning managed to achieve success. make 32.91% according to the legislative results of the first round. "We would put a kangaroo in this second constituency of the Loiret it would be the same”, had funé Bruno Jeudy. Words that stung; to the keen Marine Le Pen. On X, she didn't miss out on anything. of denouncing an "odious, contemptuous comment," racist connotation, background on the slander of political adversaries.

16:16 – A complaint for racist verbal aggression filed against an RN-LR candidate

LR-RN candidate in the 2nd constituency of the ;Aisne, Philippe Torre is the subject of a complaint filed by an employee of the company. municipal council of Saint-Quentin of North African origin, reports Le Parisien. In his version of the facts, the employee, who is responsible for the management of the City's public space, explains having been harassed. missioned to remove a poster of the candidate illegally placed on the notice board in the market hall. Seeing the main interested party present on the market, he would have benefited from it. to notify him of the infraction. Philippe Torre would initially have been ironicé : "It’s very serious, you have to call the national police". When he was asked to leave the premises, he then allegedly shrugged his head. the tone, affirming: "I am on my land, I am in my country, I am French sir." And to launch to the municipal police officers who came on site, alluding to the Moroccan origins of the employeeé from town hall: "Who is that one? who wants to make me leave my land and my country ?"

16:01 – Untilà when can you make a proxy to vote in the legislative elections ?

If you're interested, but don't have time to do it today, know that you have until now. the day before the vote to make your request. However, if you plan to do it in a police station, pay attention to the opening hours of the latter! The same, if you go via the Internet. Take care à make your arrangements so as not to realize, at the last moment, that you have forgotten; to have your identity verified in a police station.

15:41 – Où make your proxy for the legislative elections ?

You will not be able to go to the polls on Sunday even though you would like to have a voice in the results of the legislative elections which are already being announced. historical ? You need to: either go to a police station (police or gendarmerie), or directly by going to the government website. If you want to do everything online, note that you need to have an identity. already certified France Identité. Otherwise, it is possible to fill out an online form, then have your identity certified. &agrav; the national police or à the police station. All information is à find here. 

15:17 – How old could the oldest MP be? &eac;lu Sunday à the Assembly Sunday ?

He was the oldest and oldest deputy in the country. éelected in 2022. José Gonzalez, deputy RN, 81 years old, is still in the running in the 10th constituency of Bouches-de-Rhône. After having obtained 48.83% of the votes last Sunday, he could benefit from a favorable result this July 7, allowing him to lead the first parliamentary session of the Assembly during which the next president of the Assembly will be elected ;hémicycle.

15:01 – "Would you be opposedé à working with Sandrine Rousseau or Marine Tondelier ?" Attal dodges the question

On the road this Thursday at Nevers, still within the framework of the electoral campaign, the Prime Minister was asked numerous questions by the press. But it seems that Gabriel Attal is not& ;eacute;was not really inclined to reply è all the questions. As reported by Le Figaro, when a journalist asked him : "Would you be opposed to this? à working with Sandrine Rousseau or Marine Tondelier ?", the tenant of Matignon smiled and continued on his way, without responding.

14:38 – Attal, Bardella, Glucksmann and Lisnard guests at L'Événement Thursday evening on France 2

À two days of the second round of the legislative elections which will give the final result of this ballot, Caroline Roux will receive on Thursday evening the Prime Minister, Gabriel Attal, the boss of the RN, Jordan Bardella, the socialist and representative of the New Popular Front, Raphael Glucksmann, and the LR mayor of Cannes David Lisnard who came to represent Les Républicains (without Ciotti).

14:25 – 211,000 new proxies since Monday

The 3 million mark of proxies was é crossed. Since the first round, 211,000 new proxies have been issued. established, according to Ouest France. This is 3.8 times more than for the 2022 legislative elections (over a comparable period, between D-20 and D- 5 of the second round). 

14:06 – Former deportees, including Ginette Kolinka, call for help. vote against the RN

"We, the last survivors of the camps, know where to go lead to racism, anti-Semitism, the stigmatization of foreigners, the bringing of minds into line, the restriction of freedoms, " write about former deportees, including Ginette Kolinka and Francine Christophe in a column published in Libération. "All our lives, we have never stopped call on our fellow citizens, particularly the younger generations, to vigilance against the resurgence of a racist, anti-Semitic and xenophobic ideology embodied by the far right&quot ;, they say. 

13:56 – For Eric Ciotti, "everyone switchedé à left, from Madame P&eac;cresse à Xavier Bertrand"

"Everyone switchedé à left, from Madame P&eac;cresse à Xavier Bertrand", declaredé Eric Ciotti, interview on TF1. He also affirmed that that"There are tensions carried by the far left, which has always beené at the heart of the violence in recent years, during the demonstrations. 

1:40 p.m. – In Rhône, more than 900 caregivers are calling for help. vote against the RN

"To treat you, we leave aside" our beliefs and political opinions. But today the situation is serious. She demands that we call à vote against the National Rally (RN). Because the RN project is totally opposed to 900 health professionals wrote in an article published on Mediapart in an article published on Mediapart ; from the Rhône-Alpes region. 

13:28 – A local elected official attacked in Isère

“Bernard is a 77-year-old deputy mayor of La Tronche. This morning, while he was putting up my posters, a man ripped them off him before hitting him in the face,” Olivier Véran, an outgoing MP for the 1st constituency of Isáère and candidate for the 2016 presidential election, said on X. his re-election. 

13:16 – Valérie Rabault Prime Minister ?

"I know that my name has been “mentioned”, revealed the PS deputy on France Bleu. If necessary, “I will take my responsibilities”, specified the candidate in the 1st constituency of Tarn-et-Garonne.”

13:06 – Gabriel Attal reacts to the attack on Prisca Thévenot

“We can disagree, that's also democracy (…). Democracy cannot be the subject of attacks and aggression, affirms the Prime Minister, traveling in Ni`vre. He callsà "appeasement". 

12:54 – "The’time “a new resistance has come,” says Edgar Morin

"The time for a new “Resistance has come,” says Lib&eac;ration Edgar Morin,  born philosopher in 1921. "Faced with lies, illusions and collective hysteria", according to him, it is necessary to form "oases of fraternityé quot;.

12:36 – Risks of "troublesà public order" after the second round

According to a police source interviewed by 20 Minutes, the intelligence services did not rsquo;have not yet identified of precise risks, because so far there has not been a “real call for action”. demonstration after the second round. However, the authorities believe that there are “real risks of unrest” public order after the second round with à both gatherings which could give rise to à incidents but also risks of clashes between antagonistic groups.

12:20 – Jean-Luc Mé lenchon is a "ball", according to François Ruffin

"We had a tough three weeks because we have a ball and chain. You heard it. It's Mélenchon, Mélenchon, Mélenchon, Mélenchon as an obstacle to the vote,” declaredé &agrav; AFP François Ruffin. "In lands like here, in popular provincial lands, ça blockade", he added" eacute;. 

11:56 – The permanence of a tagged Macronist MP

The campaign office of the outgoing deputy for the second constituency of Lot was confirmed. tagged, Wednesday July 3.  "Born before shame", can we read on the front of the premises of the macronist Huguette Tiegna, who already ;decided to maintain his candidacy after coming third in the first round, behind the candidates of the New Popular Front and the National Rally. 

11:42 – According to Gabriel Attal, a quarter of RN candidates made “racist, anti-Semitic, or homophobic& quot;

“More than one in four candidates of the National Rally have made racist, anti-Semitic or homophobic remarks,” according to the Prime Minister. “Out of 577 candidates, there are nearly 50 anti-Semitic, homophobic or racist statements,” estimates Eric Dupond-Moretti. For its part, Mediapart reports 80 “problematic cases of elected officials or those qualified for the second round”.

11:26 – 200 mayors call for to block à the far right

200 mayors call for a vote against the National Rally, in a forum initiated by the NGO Oxfam. They claim that “the National Rally project would threaten the fundamental work that we are doing in our municipalities and departments”.

11:06 – 30,000 police officers and gendarmes mobilized on Sunday

30,000 police officers and gendarmes, including 5,000 à Paris and its suburbs will be mobilized on Sunday, announces Gérald Darmanin, so that the ultra left or the ultra right"  do not create "disorder", justifiedé the Minister of the Interior. 

10:43 – An RN candidate defends the remarks by Jean-Marie Le Pen

Laurent Gnaedig, RN candidate in the 1st constituency of Haut-Rhin affirmed that that the words of Jean-Marie Le Pen on the rooms à gas "no detail of the story", according to the latter, "was not an anti-social remark" moth". Laurent Gnaedig subsequently mentioned a "veryèbad choice" of words, before apologizing after a summons by the party leadership. 

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The first result of the first round of legislative elections, which took place this Sunday, June 30, gave the RN and its allies in the lead, able to to obtain more than 289 ages, that is to say the majority absolute in the future National Assembly. Here are the official results revealed by the Ministry of the Interior& ;nbsp;:

Among the significant results of these legislative measures, we note the victory in the first round of Marine Le Pen in Pas-de-Calais and the socialist Olivier Faure in Seine-et-Marne. François Hollande is in a favorable ballot in Corrèze, like Elisabeth Borne in Calvados, who could be elected thanks to the withdrawal of the left-wing candidate. Laurent Wauquiez is also on a favorable ballot in Haute-Loire, François Ruffin is when à him in difficulty in the Somme. Former minister Clément Beaune wasé beaten by the socialist Emmanuel Grégoire, éelected in the first round to Paris. The boss of the PCF, Fabien Roussel, is also eliminated. from the first round, just like former minister Jérôme Cahuzac.

If the election is above all national, the final result of the legislative laws must be observed locally. The results that emerge in each constituency provide valuable lessons on the political landscape in France in 2024. Find your constituency in the map below to consult the details of the results:  

200% Deposit Bonus up to €3,000 180% First Deposit Bonus up to $20,000
  • 1st constituency of Ain
  • 2nd constituency of Ain
  • 3rd constituency of Ain
  • 4th constituency of Ain
  • 5th constituency of Ain
  • 1st constituency of Aisne
  • 2nd constituency of Aisne
  • 3rd constituency of Aisne
  • 4th constituency of Aisne
  • 5th district of Aisne
  • 1st district of Allier
  • 2nd constituency of Allier
  • 3rd constituency of Allier
  • 1st constituency of the Alps- de-Haute-Provence
  • 2nd constituency of Alpes-de-Haute-Provence
  • 1st constituency of Hautes-Alpes
  • 2nd constituency of Hautes -Alpes
  • 1st constituency of the Alpes-Maritimes
  • 2nd constituency of the Alpes-Maritimes
  • 3rd constituency of the Alpes-Maritimes
  • 4th constituency of the Alpes-Maritimes
  • 5th constituency of the Alpes-Maritimes
  • 6th constituency of the Alpes-Maritimes
  • 7th constituency of the Alpes-Maritimes
  • 8th constituency of the Alpes-Maritimes
  • 9th constituency of the Alpes-Maritimes
  • 1st constituency of Ardèche
  • 2nd constituency of Ardèche
  • 3rd constituency of Ardèche
  • 1st district of the Ardennes
  • 2nd district of the Ardennes
  • 3rd district of the Ardennes
  • 1st constituency of Ariège
  • 2nd constituency of Ariège
  • 1st constituency of Aube
  • 2nd constituency of Aube
  • 3rd constituency of Aube< /li>
  • 1st district of Aude
  • 2nd district of Aude
  • < li>3rd constituency of Aude

  • 1st constituency of Aveyron
  • 2nd constituency of l 'Aveyron
  • 3rd constituency of Aveyron
  • 1st constituency of Bouches-du-Rhône
  • 2nd constituency of Bouches-du-Rhône
  • 3rd constituency of Bouches-du-Rhône
  • 4th constituency of Bouches-du-Rhône
  • 5th constituency of Bouches-du-Rhône
  • 6th constituency of Bouches-du-Rhône
  • 7th constituency of Bouches-du-Rhône
  • 8th constituency of Bouches-du-Rhône
  • 9th constituency of Bouches-du-Rhône
  • 10th constituency of Bouches -du-Rhône
  • 11th constituency of Bouches-du-Rhône
  • 12th constituency of Bouches-du-Rhône
  • 13th constituency of Bouches-du-Rhône
  • 14th constituency of Bouches-du-Rhône
  • 15th constituency of Bouches-du-Rhône
  • 16th constituency of Bouches-du-Rhône
  • 1st constituency of Calvados
  • 2nd constituency of Calvados
  • 3rd constituency of Calvados
  • 4th constituency of Calvados
  • 5th constituency of Calvados
  • 6th district of Calvados
  • 1st district of Cantal
  • 2nd district of Cantal
  • 1st district of Charente
  • 2nd district of Charente
  • 3rd district of Charente
  • 1st district of Charente-Maritime< /li>
  • 2nd constituency of Charente-Maritime
  • 3rd constituency of Charente-Maritime
  • 4th constituency of Charente-Maritime
  • 5th constituency of Charente-Maritime
  • 1st district of Cher
  • 2nd district of Cher
  • 3rd district of Cher
  • 1st constituency of Corrèze
  • 2nd constituency of Corrèze
  • 1st constituency of Côte-d'Or
  • 2nd constituency of Côte-d'Or
  • 3rd constituency of Côte -d'Or
  • 4th constituency of Côte-d'Or
  • 5th constituency of Côte-d 'Or
  • 1st constituency of Côtes-d'Armor
  • 2nd constituency of Côtes-d'Armor
  • 3rd constituency of Côtes-d'Armor
  • 4th constituency of Côtes -d'Armor
  • 5th constituency of Côtes-d'Armor
  • 1st constituency of Creuse< /li>
  • 1st constituency of Dordogne
  • 2nd constituency of Dordogne
  • 3rd district of Dordogne
  • 4th district of Dordogne
  • 1st district of Doubs
  • 2nd constituency of Doubs
  • 3rd constituency of Doubs
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  • 1st constituency of Drôme
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  • 1st district of Eure
  • 2nd district of Eure
  • 3rd district of Eure
  • 4th district of Eure
  • 5th constituency of Eure
  • 1st constituency of Eure-et-Loir
  • 2nd constituency of Eure-et-Loir
  • 3rd constituency of Eure-et-Loir
  • 4th constituency of Eure-et-Loir
  • 1st constituency of Finistère
  • 2nd constituency of Finistère
  • 3rd constituency of Finistère
  • 4th constituency of Finistère
  • 5th constituency of Finistère
  • 6th constituency of Finistère
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  • 1st constituency of Corsica-du-Sud
  • 2nd constituency of Corse-du-Sud
  • 1st constituency of Haute-Corse
  • 2nd district of Haute-Corse
  • 1st district of Gard
  • 2nd district of Gard
  • 3rd constituency of Gard
  • 4th constituency of Gard
  • 5th constituency du Gard
  • 6th constituency of Gard
  • 1st constituency of Haute-Garonne
  • 2nd constituency of Haute-Garonne
  • 3rd constituency of Haute-Garonne
  • 4th constituency of Haute-Garonne
  • 5th constituency of Haute-Garonne
  • 6th constituency of Haute-Garonne
  • 7th constituency of Haute-Garonne
  • 8th constituency of Haute-Garonne< /li>
  • 9th constituency of Haute-Garonne
  • 10th constituency of Haute-Garonne
  • 1st constituency of Gers
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  • 1st constituency of Gironde
  • 2nd constituency of Gironde
  • 3rd constituency of Gironde
  • 4th constituency of Gironde
  • 5th constituency of Gironde
  • 6th constituency of Gironde
  • 7th constituency of Gironde
  • 8th constituency of Gironde
  • 9th constituency of Gironde
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  • 1st constituency of Hérault
  • 2nd constituency of Hérault
  • 3rd constituency of Hérault
  • 4th constituency of Hérault
  • 5th constituency of Hérault
  • 6th constituency of Hérault Hérault
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  • 1st district of Ille-et- Vilaine
  • 2nd constituency of Ille-et-Vilaine
  • 3rd constituency of Ille-et-Vilaine
  • 4th constituency of Ille-et-Vilaine
  • 5th constituency of Ille-et-Vilaine< /li>
  • 6th constituency of Ille-et-Vilaine
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  • 1st constituency of Indre
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  • 1st constituency of Indre-et-Loire
  • 2nd constituency of Indre-et-Loire
  • 3rd constituency of Indre-et-Loire
  • 4th constituency of Indre-et-Loire
  • 5th constituency of Indre-et-Loire
  • 1st constituency of the 'Isère
  • 2nd district of Isère
  • 3rd district of Isère
  • 4th district of Isère
  • 5th constituency of Isère
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  • 1st constituency of Landes
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  • 1st constituency of Loir-et-Cher
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  • 1st constituency of Loire
  • 2nd constituency of Loire< /li>
  • 3rd district of Loire
  • 4th district of the Loire
  • 5th district of the Loire
  • 6th district of the Loire
  • 1st constituency of Haute-Loire
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  • < li>1st constituency of Loire-Atlantique

  • 2nd constituency of Loire-Atlantique
  • 3rd constituency of Loire-Atlantique
  • 4th constituency of Loire-Atlantique
  • 5th constituency of Loire-Atlantique
  • 6th constituency of Loire-Atlantique
  • 7th constituency of Loire-Atlantique
  • 8th constituency of Loire-Atlantique
  • 9th constituency of Loire-Atlantique
  • 10th constituency of Loire-Atlantique
  • 1st constituency of Loiret
  • 2nd constituency of Loiret< /li>
  • 3rd district of Loiret
  • 4th district of Loiret
  • 5th district of Loiret
  • 6th district of Loiret
  • 1st district of Lot
  • 2nd district of Lot
  • 1st constituency of Lot-et-Garonne
  • 2nd constituency of Lot-et-Garonne
  • 3rd constituency of Lot-et-Garonne
  • 1st constituency of Lozère
  • 1st constituency of Maine-et-Loire
  • 2nd constituency of Maine-et-Loire
  • 3rd constituency of Maine-et-Loire
  • 4th constituency of Maine-et-Loire
  • 5th constituency of Maine- et-Loire
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  • 1st constituency of Manche
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  • 1st constituency of Marne
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  • 3rd district of Marne
  • 4th constituency of Marne
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  • 1st constituency of Haute-Marne
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  • 1st constituency of Mayenne
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  • 1st constituency of Meurthe-et-Moselle
  • 2nd constituency of Meurthe-et-Moselle
  • 3rd constituency of Meurthe-et-Moselle
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  • 1st constituency of Morbihan
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  • 1st district of Oise
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  • 1st constituency of Orne
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  • 1st constituency of Pas-de-Calais
  • 2nd constituency of Pas-de-Calais
  • 3rd constituency of Pas-de-Calais
  • 4th constituency of Pas-de-Calais
  • 5th constituency of Pas-de-Calais
  • 6th constituency of Pas-de-Calais
  • 7th constituency of Pas-de-Calais
  • 8th constituency of Pas-de-Calais
  • 9th constituency of Pas-de -Calais
  • 10th constituency of Pas-de-Calais
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  • 1st constituency of Puy-de-Dôme
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  • 1st constituency of Pyrénées-Atlantiques
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  • 3rd constituency of Pyrénées-Atlantiques
  • 4th constituency of Pyrénées-Atlantiques
  • 5th constituency of Pyrénées-Atlantiques
  • 6th constituency of Pyrénées-Atlantiques
  • 1st constituency of Hautes-Pyrénées
  • 2nd constituency of Hautes-Pyrénées
  • 1st district of Pyrénées-Orientales
  • 2nd constituency of Pyrénées-Orientales
  • 3rd constituency of Pyrénées-Orientales
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  • 1st constituency of Bas-Rhin
  • 2nd constituency of Bas-Rhin
  • 3rd constituency of Bas-Rhin
  • 4th constituency of Bas-Rhin
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  • 1st constituency of Haut-Rhin
  • 2nd constituency of Haut-Rhin
  • 3rd constituency of Haut-Rhin
  • 4th constituency of Haut-Rhin
  • 5th constituency of Haut-Rhin
  • 6th constituency of Haut-Rhin
  • 1st constituency of Rhône
  • 2nd district of Rhône
  • 3rd district of Rhône
  • 4th district of Rhône
  • 5th district of Rhône
  • 6th district of Rhône
  • 7th district of Rhône
  • 8th constituency of the Rhône
  • 9th constituency of the Rhône
  • 10th district of Rhône
  • 11th district of Rhône
  • 12th district of Rhône
  • 13th district of Rhône
  • 14th district of Rhône
  • 1st district of Haute-Saône
  • 2nd constituency of Haute-Saône
  • 1st constituency of Saône-et-Loire
  • 2nd constituency of Saône-et-Loire
  • 3rd constituency of Saône-et-Loire
  • 4th constituency of Saône-et-Loire
  • 5th constituency of Saône-et-Loire
  • 1st constituency of Sarthe
  • 2nd constituency of Sarthe
  • 3rd constituency of Sarthe
  • 4th constituency of Sarthe
  • 5th constituency of Sarthe
  • 1st constituency of Savoie
  • 2nd constituency of Savoie
  • 3rd constituency of Savoie
  • 4th constituency of Savoie
  • 1st constituency of Haute-Savoie
  • 2nd constituency of Haute-Savoie
  • 3rd constituency of Haute-Savoie
  • 4th constituency of Haute-Savoie
  • 5th constituency of Haute-Savoie
  • 6th constituency of Haute-Savoie
  • 1st district of Paris
  • 2nd district of Paris
  • 3rd district of Paris
  • 4th district of Paris
  • 5th district of Paris
  • 6th district of Paris
  • 7th district of Paris
  • 8th district of Paris
  • 9th district of Paris
  • 10th district of Paris
  • 11th district of Paris
  • 12th district of Paris
  • 13th district of Paris
  • 14th district of Paris
  • 15th district of Paris
  • 16th district of Paris
  • 17th district of Paris
  • < li>18th district of Paris

  • 1st district of Seine-Maritime
  • 2nd district of Seine -Maritime
  • 3rd constituency of Seine-Maritime
  • 4th constituency of Seine-Maritime
  • 5th constituency of Seine-Maritime
  • 6th district of Seine-Maritime
  • 7th district of Seine-Maritime
  • 8th district of Seine- Maritime
  • 9th constituency of Seine-Maritime
  • 10th constituency of Seine-Maritime
  • 1st constituency of Seine-et-Marne
  • 2nd constituency of Seine-et-Marne
  • 3rd constituency of Seine-et-Marne
  • 4th constituency of Seine-et-Marne
  • 5th constituency of Seine-et-Marne
  • 6th constituency of Seine-et-Marne
  • 7th constituency of Seine-et-Marne
  • 8th constituency of Seine-et-Marne
  • 9th constituency of Seine-et -Marne
  • 10th constituency of Seine-et-Marne
  • 11th constituency of Seine-et-Marne
  • 1st constituency of Yvelines
  • 2nd district of Yvelines
  • 3rd district of Yvelines
  • 4th district of Yvelines
  • 5th constituency of Yvelines
  • 6th constituency of Yvelines
  • 7th constituency of Yvelines
  • 8th constituency of Yvelines
  • 9th constituency of Yvelines
  • 10th constituency of Yvelines
  • 11th constituency of Yvelines
  • 12th constituency of Yvelines
  • 1st constituency of Deux-Sèvres
  • 2nd constituency of Deux-Sèvres
  • 3rd constituency of Deux-Sèvres
  • 1st constituency of the Somme
  • 2nd constituency of the Somme< /li>
  • 3rd constituency of the Somme
  • 4th constituency of the Somme
  • 5th constituency of the Somme
  • 1st constituency of Tarn
  • 2nd constituency of Tarn
  • 3rd constituency of Tarn
  • 1st constituency of Tarn-et-Garonne
  • 2nd constituency of Tarn-et-Garonne
  • 1st constituency of Var
  • 2nd constituency of Var
  • 3rd constituency of Var
  • 4th constituency of Var
  • 5th constituency of Var
  • 6th constituency of Var
  • 7th constituency du Var
  • 8th constituency of Var
  • 1st constituency of Vaucluse
  • 2nd constituency of Vaucluse
  • 3rd constituency of Vaucluse
  • 4th constituency of Vaucluse< /li>
  • 5th district of Vaucluse
  • 1st district of Vendée
  • 2nd district of Vendée
  • 3rd district of Vendée
  • 4th district of Vendée
  • 5th district of Vendée
  • 1st district of Vienne
  • 2nd constituency of Vienne
  • 3rd constituency of Vienne
  • 4th constituency of Vienne
  • 1st constituency of Haute-Vienne
  • 2nd constituency of Haute-Vienne
  • 3rd district of Haute-Vienne
  • 1st district of Vosges
  • 2nd constituency of Vosges
  • 3rd constituency of Vosges
  • 4th constituency of Vosges< /li>
  • 1st constituency of Yonne
  • 2nd constituency of Yonne
  • < li>3rd constituency of Yonne

  • 1st constituency of the Territory of Belfort
  • 2nd constituency of the Territory de Belfort
  • 1st district of Essonne
  • 2nd constituency of Essonne
  • 3rd constituency of Essonne
  • 4th constituency of Essonne
  • 5th constituency of Essonne
  • 6th constituency of Essonne
  • 7th constituency of Essonne
  • 8th constituency of Essonne
  • 9th constituency of Essonne
  • 10th constituency of Essonne
  • 1st constituency of Hauts-de-Seine
  • 2nd constituency of Hauts-de-Seine
  • 3rd constituency of Hauts-de-Seine
  • 4th constituency of Hauts-de-Seine
  • 5th constituency of Hauts-de-Seine
  • 6th constituency of Hauts-de-Seine
  • 7th constituency of Hauts-de-Seine
  • 8th constituency of Hauts-de-Seine
  • 9th constituency of Hauts-de-Seine
  • 10th constituency of Hauts-de-Seine
  • 11th constituency of Hauts-de-Seine
  • 12th constituency of Hauts -de-Seine
  • 13th constituency of Hauts-de-Seine
  • 1st constituency of Seine-Saint- Denis
  • 2nd constituency of Seine-Saint-Denis
  • 3rd constituency of Seine-Saint-Denis
  • 4th constituency of Seine-Saint-Denis
  • 5th constituency of Seine-Saint-Denis< /li>
  • 6th constituency of Seine-Saint-Denis
  • 7th constituency of Seine-Saint-Denis
  • 8th constituency of Seine-Saint-Denis
  • 9th constituency of Seine-Saint-Denis
  • 10th constituency of Seine-Saint-Denis
  • 11th constituency of Seine-Saint-Denis
  • 12th constituency of Seine-Saint-Denis
  • 1st constituency of Val-de-Marne
  • 2nd constituency of Val-de-Marne
  • 3rd constituency of Val -de-Marne
  • 4th constituency of Val-de-Marne
  • 5th constituency of Val-de-Marne
  • 6th constituency of Val-de-Marne
  • 7th constituency of Val-de-Marne
  • 8th constituency of Val-de-Marne
  • 9th constituency of Val-de-Marne
  • 10th constituency of Val-de-Marne
  • 11th constituency of Val-de-Marne
  • 1st constituency of Val-d'Oise
  • 2nd constituency of Val-d'Oise
  • 3rd constituency of Val-d'Oise
  • 4th constituency of Val-d'Oise
  • 5th constituency of Val- d'Oise
  • 6th constituency of Val-d'Oise
  • 7th constituency of Val-d'Oise
  • 8th constituency of Val-d'Oise
  • 9th constituency of Val-d'Oise
  • 10th constituency of Val-d'Oise
  • 1st constituency of Guadeloupe
  • 2nd constituency of Guadeloupe
  • 3rd constituency of Guadeloupe
  • 4th constituency of Guadeloupe
  • 1st constituency of Martinique
  • 2nd constituency of Martinique
  • 3rd constituency of Martinique
  • 4th constituency of Martinique
  • 1st constituency of Guyana
  • 2nd constituency of Guyana
  • 1st constituency of La Réunion
  • 2nd constituency of La Réunion
  • 3rd constituency of La Réunion
  • 4th constituency of La Réunion
  • 5th constituency of La Réunion
  • 6th constituency of Reunion
  • 7th constituency of Reunion
  • 1st constituency of Mayotte
  • 2nd constituency of Mayotte
  • Paris
  • Marseille
  • Lyon
  • Toulouse
  • Nice
  • Nantes
  • Montpellier
  • Strasbourg
  • Bordeaux
  • Lille
  • Rennes
  • Reims
  • Le Havre
  • Saint-Étienne
  • Toulon
  • Grenoble
  • Dijon
  • Angers
  • Nîmes
  • Villeurbanne
  • Le Mans
  • Aix-en-Provence
  • Clermont-Ferrand
  • Brest
  • Turns
  • Amiens
  • Limoges
  • Annecy
  • Perpignan
  • Besançon
  • Metz
  • Boulogne-Billancourt

All cities


How are the results of legislative elections established ?

Legislative elections in France are organized according to a single-member majority voting system. two towers. The country is divided; into 577 constituencies, each electing a deputy. à the National Assembly. When the results are announced, to be elected in the first round, a candidate must obtain more than 50% of the votes cast and a number of votes at least equal to 25% of registered voters. If no candidate meets these conditions, a second round is organized.

Only candidates having received at least 12.5% ​​of the votes of registered voters during the results of the first round can stand in the second round. If only one candidate meets this condition, the candidate arrives. in second position is also qualified. The second round often sees strategic alliances and withdrawals between parties to maximize the chances of victory against a common opponent.

Legislative results, majority and government

The results of legislative elections determine the majority. parliamentary à the National Assembly. The party or coalition of parties with the greatest number of seats generally forms a majority. à the Assembly, which can be absolute (289 seats) or relative, and therefore orient more or less strongly the priorities of the country and the laws that will be voted on during the mandate. A majority parliamentary stability allows the government to function effectively and carry out à well his reforms. In the event of absence of a majority, absolute for a single party, majorities and therefore coalition governments can be formed.

The government is responsible to parliament, which can validate or reject it during a vote of confidence or after the tabling ;t of a motion of censure, it must therefore be in phase with this majority. exit from the polls. After the results of the legislative elections, the President of the Republic therefore generally appoints a Prime Minister, from his party in case of victory or of the majority party if another sensitivityé wins.

If the President of the Republic and the majority parliamentary belong à opposing parties, a situation of cohabitation occurs. In this case, the Prime Minister, who holds daily executive power, may have political views that diverge from those of the President, leading to tensions and compromises.

Teilor Stone

By Teilor Stone

Teilor Stone has been a reporter on the news desk since 2013. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining Thesaxon , Teilor Stone worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my teilor@nizhtimes.com 1-800-268-7116