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Disappearance of Lina: searches underway in the Vosges, the main suspect committed suicide

A large-scale search operation is underway in the Vosges to try to find Lina's body. The main suspect committed suicide after the seizure of the vehicle in which the teenager's DNA was found last week.


  • After the disappearance of Lina, 15, in September 2023 in the Vosges, major search operations for the teenager's body have been underway since Tuesday morning by the gendarmerie. 
  • The investigation took a new turn after the identification of a man, the main suspect in the girl's kidnapping. He is the driver of the vehicle that has been wanted since the beginning of the investigation.
  • While the car was seized to take DNA samples, the driver committed suicide, greatly fueling suspicions about his guilt.
  • At around 5 p.m. this Tuesday, the Strasbourg prosecutor announced that despite the means put in place to find the body of the teenager, the latter “have not yet allowed to find any trace whatsoever of Lina”.


19:17 – How did the investigators come to want to search the places combed through this Tuesday ?

In a press release, the public prosecutor's office provided more information on the reasons that led investigators to take an interest in the search locations searched on Tuesday. “The analyses carried out regarding the geolocation of the stolen vehicle in which Lina's genetic profile […] had been found, led investigators, still mobilized, to “to focus on certain areas of the region today,” said Public Prosecutor Yolande Renzi. It was by looking at the places where the vehicle could have passed that investigators came to this conclusion.

18:36 – New searches to find Lina planned after this Tuesday ?

According to information gathered by franceinfo, after this first day of fruitless searches, investigators plan to continue their investigations on the ground on Wednesday. However, it has not been specified which location or locations they will be held at.

17:44 – Where are the searches located ?

Despite searches that are carried out “without precise indication of location and in a large sector” as revealed by France Info This Tuesday, it is possible to provide some details on the search area for Lina's body. Investigators, dogs and other specialists are concentrating this Tuesday afternoon around small towns in the Vosges, “about half an hour's drive from La Plaine” where Lina disappeared, according to information from the Police/Justice department of Parisien.

17:26 – The suspect is said to have offered to Lina to get into his car, before killing her

According to information from Parisienand the scenario retained for the moment by the justice system and the gendarmes, the main suspect would have kidnapped Lina when passing her on her way. "He would have proposed to heré to take her in a car and then allegedly kill her in circumstances that remain unclear. &eac;clear" specifies everyday life. The DNA found in the car in question already allows us to investigate the problem. to confirm the hypothesis according to which the 15-year-old girl was murdered. transported é bord.

17:07 – 80 gendarmes à the search for Lina in the Vosges

This Tuesday July 30, 2024, no less than 80 gendarmes are currently engaged in the search for the body of Lina, 15 years old , disappeared in September 2023. A figure communicated this afternoon by the prosecutor of the Republic of Strasbourg. 

The Strasbourg public prosecutor has just announced that despite the significant effort deployed to try to get their hands on Lina's body, investigators, IRCGN experts, canine teams, dogs specializing in human remains and the georadar “were unable to find any trace of Lina”.

16:45 – What happened? for Lina ?

Lina disappeared on September 23, 2023, late in the morning after leaving her home in Plaine to take a train to Saint-Blaise-la-Roche station and meet her boyfriend in Strasbourg. When she didn't arrive, the young man alerted Lina's mother. Several witnesses, including the village mayor, said they saw the young woman heading towards the station between 11:15 and 11:30. And the investigation revealed that her phone had stopped ringing. to be broadcast at 11:22. Since then, the body of the teenager has not been found.

16:14 – Suspect found dead in Besançon

According to information from BFMTV, the suspect was found having committed suicide in Besançon (Doubs) at the beginning of July. The car, a gray Renault Clio, was found in Languedoc-Roussillon, between the end of May and the beginning of June. It was one of the dozens of cars being searched for, in connection with Lina's disappearance, the media reports.

15:58 – An anthropologist and a georadar present for the excavations

During the excavations currently taking place to try to get their hands on Lina's body, significant resources have been deployed, in addition to the police force. Dogs specializing in human remains are mobilized, as is an anthropologist from the IRCGN and a georadar, in the Valle de la Bruche, this Tuesday, July 30.

15:42 – Lina is said to have gotten into a gray Renault Clio

At the center of the debates, the car in which Lina is said to have gotten into before disappearing. It is a gray Renault Clio. According to several testimonies, the teenager is said to have gotten into it. Since the end of January, the gendarmes of the investigation unit were interested in a man who was driving a gray Renault Clio. He is said to have approached young girls, in the weeks around Lina's disappearance. 

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15:24 – "We are anxiously awaiting what will happen" concedes Lina's mother's lawyer

“I have complete confidence in the “research section team” of the gendarmerie, Matthieu Airoldi, lawyer for Lina's mother, said on Tuesday. “My client and I are waiting, with concern of course, to see what will happen,” he continued. For her part, Marylène Correia, the lawyer for Olivier Delsarte, Lina's father who is separated from the teenager's mother, did not want to make additional comments.

15:10 – “Research in a broad sector”

According to information from France Info, the searches that began this Tuesday, July 30, are taking place “without any precise indication of location and in a large area.” “Investigations are continuing in order to find Lina and this in various places,” the Strasbourg public prosecutor told France Bleu Alsace. Fifty gendarmes including those from the National Gendarmerie Criminal Institute (IRCGN) and dog squads are engaged.

14:53 – What was the profile of the suspect ?

The main suspect who committed suicide appeared to be a “petty common law offender” according to the words of Le Parisien. He was not known for sexual violence, but was still described as a “local thug” who allegedly kidnapped Lina when he came across her, without knowing her. This prime suspect then allegedly killed the teenager.

After his death, investigators were only able to look at his telephone data and his car journeys. They still managed to establish a search perimeter, on which the searches are focused, this Tuesday, July 30.

This Tuesday, July 30, the investigation took a new turn. After the seizure of the vehicle in which Lina's DNA was found, the driver, and main suspect for the moment, committed suicide, Le Parisien tells us, greatly fueling suspicions about his guilt

14:45 – Lina's DNA discovered in a stolen car

These searches follow the announcement by the Strasbourg prosecutor's office indicating the presence of Lina's “genetic profile” in a stolen car, discovered in the south of France a few weeks earlier. This blue car, and its driver, had been in the investigators' sights since the start of the investigations. Nine months after Lina's disappearance, “there is hope of locating Lina, but there are so many questions behind it, where, when, how…” indicated Marylène Correia, lawyer of Olivier Delsarte, Lina's father, on Friday.



Excavations began this Tuesday, July 30 in the Grand-Est region, to find the body of Lina, this young girl who disappeared in September 2023 in Bas-Rhin in Alsace, according to information from Le Parisien. Several investigators from the Gendarmerie Criminal Research Institute (IRCGN), as well as dog brigades and dogs specializing in the search for human bodies are here to help. stranded since this morning in the Bruche valley, the area in which the teenager mysteriously disappeared on September 23. An anthropologist and a georadar are also deployed on site.

These searches follow the announcement by the Strasbourg public prosecutor's office indicating the presence of Lina's “genetic profile” in a stolen car, discovered in the south of France a few weeks earlier. This blue car and its driver had been in the investigators' sights since the start of the investigations and the interviews of several witnesses, as well as the analysis of video surveillance and telephone images had allowed them to establish that the man was “not far from where Lina disappeared last September”, the prosecutor's office indicated.

The main suspect was suicide

The kidnapping trail, quickly favored by the justice system and the gendarmes, according to Le Parisien, describes this ;man like a "local thug", who allegedly kidnapped Lina when passing her on her way, without knowing her. This main suspect then allegedly killedé the teenager. And the analyzes of the car went in the direction of the gendarmes who suspected the criminal trail,  ;an important step forward while the investigation has been slipping from the start.

However, investigators were unable to hear the driver who committed suicide shortly after the vehicle was seized, fueling suspicions about his guilt. He had not been heard by the police even though he had been identified as the individual behind the wheel when the car passed through the area where the teenager disappeared. It is a grey Renault Clio. According to several witnesses, the teenager had indeed gotten on board. Since the end of January, the gendarmes of the investigation unit had been interested in a man who was driving a grey Renault Clio. He had apparently approached young girls, in the weeks around Lina's disappearance. After the man's death, investigators were only able to look at his phone data and his car journeys. They still managed to establish a search perimeter, on which the searches are focused, this Tuesday, July 30.

An investigation that has been floundering for several months

As a reminder, Lina disappeared on September 23, 2023, late in the morning after leaving her home in Plaine, to take a train, at Saint-Blaise-la-Roche station and find her boyfriend in Strasbourg. Not seeing her arrive, the young man alerted Lina's mother. Several witnesses including the mayor of the village said they saw the young woman heading towards the station between 11:15 and 11:30. And the investigation revealed that her phone had stopped transmitting at 11:22.

At the beginning of the investigation, suspicions focused on Lina's boyfriend, but the police quickly cleared him. Last March, three men were taken into custody at seen before being released due to lack of “incriminating evidence”. And in May, a new lead was being investigated after a local business owner said one of his employees had disappeared in September, around the same time as Lina. The man in question had vanished overnight, even though he had been on a permanent contract with the company for twelve years. The company manager added that his employee lived “very close” to Lina's.

Teilor Stone

By Teilor Stone

Teilor Stone has been a reporter on the news desk since 2013. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining Thesaxon , Teilor Stone worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my teilor@nizhtimes.com 1-800-268-7116