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Electric vs thermal car: what advantages and disadvantages ?

© Unsplash/Aleksandr Popov

This is the first decision to make when you want to get a new vehicle: is it more advantageous to opt for an electric car or a thermal car? There are advantages and disadvantages to both models, it is therefore essential to know weigh the pros and cons before making a concrete choice. Here, we therefore come back to the main advantages and disadvantages of a thermal car and an electric car, by comparing them.

What is the difference in operation between a thermal car and an electric car ?

The fundamental difference between the thermal car and the electric car lies in its engine. The electric car uses an electric motor, whose energy comes from a battery. The motor then uses electromagnetism produced by alternating or direct current. Electric vehicles therefore do not have no gearbox or component to convert the vertical motion of the pistons into rotary motion in the wheels.

Electric vs thermal car: what advantages and disadvantages ?

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For its part, the thermal vehicle needs (most of the time) a gearbox. It has a thermal engine powered by gasoline or diesel, which also makes it a polluting device. This is its main difference from an electric vehicle.

Which type of vehicle is the most environmentally friendly ?

We saw it just above& nbsp;: the electric vehicle is undoubtedly the most advantageous from an ecological point of view, since it does not emit any greenhouse gases during its use phase. Over its entire life cycle (including production, use and recycling), the electric car is between 2 and 6 times less polluting than a thermal vehicle< /strong>.

Electric vs thermal car: what advantages and disadvantages ?

© Pexels/Torsten Dettlaff

Despite everything, its carbon footprint is not zero either. Building an electric car requires large quantities of water (in regions where it can sometimes be quite scarce), and the extraction of materials (lithium) to design the battery. Overall therefore, it is more advantageous to purchase an electric car compared to a thermal one, even if its construction proves less advantageous in terms of the environment.

Which type of vehicle is less restrictive to maintain ?

If both types of vehicles require a regular technical inspection (every two years) to check the usual tires, shock absorbers and bodywork, the electric car nevertheless proves less restrictive overall when it comes to maintenance. In fact, it does not require any oiling or replacement of the timing belt, unlike the thermal vehicle, which has a combustion engine.

Electric vs thermal car: what advantages and disadvantages ?

© Presse-citron

Note, however, that the electric car requires on average a battery change approximately every 8 years (in fact, it is guaranteed for about the same amount of time for most models). Be careful though, if your electric car breaks down and needs to have certain parts replaced, the maneuver will generally be more expensive.

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Price-wise, which solution has the most advantages?

Here, we will have to distinguish two things: the purchase price, and the usage price. If we simply talk about the purchase price, the average cost of an electric car is generally higher (even if the electric car market ;second-hand benefits from big price reductions). In fact, you have to count on around €25,000 on average for a classic electric model (and this can quickly rise to €30,000, €50,000). A new thermal vehicle can be purchased for less than €15,000.

Electric vs thermal car: what advantages and disadvantages ?

© Citroën

However, this higher purchase price for an electric car can quickly be amortized with the cost per use. In fact, it costs on average around €2 for home charging for 100 kilometers in an electric car, compared to €6 to €10 in fuel costs for 100 kilometers with a thermal vehicle. In other words, the electric car is more expensive to purchase, but it will be less expensive in the long term.

So what are the main advantages of an electric car compared to a thermal car ?

The electric car has many advantages compared to its big thermal sisters. On the one hand, they are more environmentally conscious, since they do not consume greenhouse gases during their use. On the other hand, they are comfortable to use (no gearbox) and simple to maintain, in the absence of a combustion engine.

They are also much quieter, precisely because they do not have a thermal engine. Finally, they are overall cheapersince recharging the battery is less expensive than the price of fuel (petrol, diesel).

And conversely, what are the advantages of a thermal car compared to an electric car ?

If the electric car presents many advantages, it also has disadvantages which are largely overcome when you have a thermal model. For example, refueling a thermal car is much faster than that of an electric car.

< p>Allow a few quick minutes to fill the fuel tank of a thermal vehicle. For an electric car, you will sometimes need to count on a few hours to recharge the battery (depending on the model and the power of the charging station obviously).

Electric vs thermal car: what advantages and disadvantages ?

© Presse-citron

Furthermore, the autonomy of a thermal car is generally superior to that of an electric car. Indeed, for long journeys, it is rather recommended to use a thermal vehicle, since it can travel between 550 and 1000 kilometers on a single tank of gasoline or diesel. An electric car, on the other hand, reaches an average of 200 and 490 kilometers before requiring a recharge. There are certainly electric models capable of reaching 700 kilometers without requiring recharging, but they are much more expensive.

Which model to choose ?

Once all this data is taken into account, how to choose your next car ? It's not that complicated. If you are ready to invest a little more money on the purchase, if you value the environment and if you want to benefit from a comfortable, low-maintenance vehicle for short trips, then the electric car is ideal for your situation.

If, on the other hand, you plan to make long journeys on a regular basis, if you do not want to wait for sometimes several hours before being able to use your car again, then the thermal vehicle will be more suited to your situation.

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Teilor Stone

By Teilor Stone

Teilor Stone has been a reporter on the news desk since 2013. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining Thesaxon , Teilor Stone worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my teilor@nizhtimes.com 1-800-268-7116