< P Itemprop = "Description" > The couple pr & A new house in Touquet! According to Marianne magazine, Brigitte and Emmanuel Macron would have had an & ldquo; for a new home.
< IMG Fetchprierity = "High" width = "750" Height = "410" src = "https://sf2.closermag.fr/wp-content/uploads/closermag/2025/01/emmanuel-et-brigitte- Macron-750x410.jpg "Class =" Img-responses single-post__Featured-Image Zoom-it "Alt =" Emmanuel and Brigitte Macron "Decoding =" Async "Loading =" Lazy "Data-Lazyloading =" False "itemprop =" Image "> < H2 Class = "Bloc_resume_post_title" > In short < ul class = "Bloc_resume_post_list" > < li > In January, Marianne magazine claimed that the Villa of the couple pre -amp; < li >It is in the Nord-Pas-de-Calais that the pre-president of the R & public and the first lady like to rest, when their use time allows them. S & rsquo; they have amp; A house in Touquet, This is on sale. C & rsquo; are what & The magazine Marianne, January 20. But on the 6 f & THE < Strong > new real estate projects of the couple pr & eacute; Sidential. Due are & agrave; The search for a new accommodation in this m & city. 200% Deposit Bonus up to €3,000 180% First Deposit Bonus up to $20,000< H2 > Brigitte and Emmanuel Macron visit new residences < P > l & information comes from a real estate agent of the Touquet. According to him, & ldquo; < em > Mme Macron searches in the & rsquo; triangle d & rsquo; or amp; call here the sector between the beach, the lighthouse and the city center & RDQUO;.
< P >With this new acquisition, the pr & PRO; Macron. And still according to Marianne, it seems that the couple pr & < Strong > a new pearl Rare. < H2 > & agrave; What will look like the new house of the pri -amp; sidential couple ? < P > according to our confrve; C & oelig; ur for two houses. As we can read in the Gala magazine, they are estimated & & ldquo; < em > several million d & rsquo; euros & RDQUO; , just like their old house which is on sale.< P > n & eacute; AMOIRS, A close to Brigitte Macron assures that & ldquo; < em > nothing n & rsquo; is made & rdquo; Propri & t & eacute;. We know how the prices help want to have a < Strong > Office which gives view of a garden.
< H2 Class = "Marfeel_last_H2" > What are the stars who have a house au touquet ? < P > Si Brigitte and Emmanuel Macron seem to be attached & this city From the c & opal, they are not the only ones. Many Personality & s like Spend time at Touquet-Paris-Plage, & Eacute; also nicknames & eacute; THE & ldquo; garden of the English Channel & Rdquo;. < P > Among them, the Stella McCartney, certain members of the royal families, or even of the eacute; sportsmen. The Baln station; also by its architectural heritage. It is also a < Strong > City & agrave; l & rsquo; shelter of looks o & ugrave; the personalities & sacute; can rest.Brigitte Macron Emmanuel Macron