Solennité et solidarité comme leitmotiv à ce rassemblement dédié aux victimes de l’ouragan. HOCINE ROUAGDIA
Greffiers, fonctionnaires, magistrats rassemblés ce lundi HOCINE ROUAGDIA
200% Deposit Bonus up to €3,000 180% First Deposit Bonus up to $20,000Hommage symboliquement rendus aux victimes de l’ouragan Chido ce lundi 23 décembre dans la salle des pas perdus de la cour d’appel de Nîmes.
Clerks, magistrates, officials of the Nîmes courthouse, lawyers gathered on Monday, December 23 to pay symbolically tribute to the victims of Hurricane Chido, which devastated Mayotte and caused many victims and left the inhabitants of this overseas department in the greatest destitution. Laurence Grosclaude, advisor in charge of the general secretariat, spoke on behalf of the first president of the court of appeal “to show our support for all the inhabitants of Mayotte with a special thought for all the members of the judicial community hit by this disaster and who are strongly committed on a daily basis to their judicial, penitentiary mission and for the judicial protection of young people, we also think of all those who have relatives in Mayotte who are sometimes severely tested and who have no or too little news of them, we join in their concerns”. The gathering was then punctuated by a speech by Bertrand Baboulenne, the attorney general representing the public prosecutor. The magistrate expressed his solidarity with Mayotte before calling for a minute of silence. Many magistrates from the Nîmes Court of Appeal and the judicial court were present at this tribute, including prosecutor Gensac.
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