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Escape of Mohamed Amra: the accomplices motivated by money ?

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Some 350 investigators are tracking down the slightest clue to find the commando who attacked the city. the prison convoy in Eure, Tuesday May 14, to free Mohamed Amra. The motivations of his accomplices raise questions.

The images terrified France, Tuesday May 14. Assailants armed with heavy weapons opened fire without warning on prison officers in the attack on two p's vans. Prisoners transporting detainee Mohamed Amra to a toll at Incarville in Eure. In a few minutes, the commando killed two agents, Fabrice Moello and Arnaud Garcia, and seriously injured three others, before fleeing with the prisoner. Mohamed Amra and his accomplices are on the run. The hunt for the fugitives has only just begun. A meticulously prepared operation, but we still do not know the motivations of the commando. that 350 investigators are mobilized to search for the perpetrators of this attack. The next day, Interpol broadcast a red notice &agrav; at the request of the French authorities. 

If the slightest clue allowing finding the commando is sought  According to investigators, the reasons for this escape remain, for the moment, unexplained. A lawyer, who auditioned Mohamed Amra, a few days before the attack on his van, wonders. "He did not strike me as someone who still had liquidity that could be mobilized' I need to be able to organize this, and so I wonder if in reality this is going to happen. he would not be an essential element in organized crime, which would have needed to recover him to question him on a subject. If the goal was to stop him from talking, he would have killed him. on site,” explains Maître Grégory Kagan, lawyer at the Paris bar with France 3.

Several possible motivations

The investigators have various elements at their disposal for their investigations: the marking of telephones, the interview of relatives and former cods. detainees of Mohamed Amra, or even DNA analyzes at the scene of the attack. "The accomplices deployedé a lot of resources. Which means either that he is someone worthy of interest, or that he should not be in prison to master a certain number of things. Even though it is not defined as a first grade caïd, it's still a guy who must have notable importance,” says a source. 20 minutes.

For journalist Brendan Kemmet, three motivations could explain the passage à the act of the commando. The first is linked to; friendship with "former comrades ready   risk their lives or years in prison to do “that”, indicates the specialist in banditry and criminal affairs to 20 minutes . The second motivation "is that of remuneration". "It could be people paid to do çthis. We know that drug trafficking generates a lot of money. However, we find killers in the streets of large cities in France who can be employed for not very expensive, as we saw in particular in the Pastor affair,” he continues. . Last option put forward by the specialist, a “return of service”. "We can imagine that this is a return of service. This is a track that should not be forgotten. We do not know what services Mohamed Amra may have provided in his career, emphasizes Brendan Kemmet.

Teilor Stone

Teilor Stone has been a reporter on the news desk since 2013. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining Thesaxon , Teilor Stone worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my 1-800-268-7116

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