© Square < i class = "fa-facebook-f self-center mx-auto" > < i class = "fab fa-LinkedIn-in-Center MX-Auto" > < i class = "fa fa-envelope self-center mx-auto" > < P >If you have D & Amp;#8217; A car (or micro) car, you know that VAT does not concern you. With this particular status, the number of amp;#8217; business goes directly into the pocket of the#8217; entrepreneur, only l ’ Ursaaf comes to take part of this money to pay various contributions.
< P > but by trying to save money, the government S & Amp;#8217; was leaning over the issue of VAT for small entrepreneurs. Concretely, the law says today#8217; < Strong > all people earning less than 37 & nbsp; 500 euros per year (for services) and 85 & amp ; nbsp; 000 euros for good trade, < Strong > are free from invoice VAT. 60 ~ P > the ministry de l ’ economy Eric Lombard had therefore added a measure in the law on budget 2025. It provided from < Strong > descend this threshold to 25 & nbsp; 000 euros . This would have made it possible to collect 400 million D & AMP;#8217; euros with VAT on more than 200 & nbsp; 000 small and medium entrepreneurs. < H2 > A lively reaction < P >Obviously such a proposal set fire to the powder. The small entrepreneurs, who earn between 25 & nbsp; 000 and 37 & nbsp; 500 euros (i.e. 3125 euros per month maximum before the passage of l ’ Ursaaf, around 24%) were the first to climb to the niche . 60 ~ P > very quickly their requests were supported by political figures of L & AMP;#8217; Opposition. The rebellious deputy Eric Coquerel spoke in this way D ’ a < EM > “ Huge scandal ” while his colleague Damien Maudet, NFP deputy high -Vienne, evokes for its part < em > “ a huge tax […] which will bring a large part of ’ between them to go bankrupt ”. 60 ~ P > de l ’ other side of the ’ hemicycle, deputies of the national rally use the same qualifiers. They speak of ’ a < em >“ Unjust measurement ” or even d ’ a < em > “ racket of the independents ”. Same story finally on the side of the unions. François Hurel, President of L & AMP;#8217; Union of auto entrepreneurs (UAE) qualifies this idea ’ ineptie ”, which goes < em > “ penalize the poorest workers ”. < H2 > a “ suspension ” Before new taxes & nbsp; ? < P > Faced with such a lifting of shields, the government has finally decided to reverse. If the law on the 2025 budget was well adopted in amp;#8217; State, the Minister of L & AMP;#8217; Economy Eric Lombard assured on the set of 20 hours of France 2 that < Strong > La measure would be “ suspended ”. < P >However, it prevents entrepreneurs that savings must be made and “ solutions ” will be found elsewhere. In other words, the state#8217; After having reduced the budget for the hospital, hospital, amp;#8217; National Education and amp;#8217; Higher education, entrepreneurs and independent will have to tighten the belt. < Blockquote > < P Class = "Text-Base text-neutral-700 Dark: text-neutral-300" > 📍 to miss any news of the Citron press, follow We on Google News and Whatsapp. < P Class = "Float-Right" > []< img class = "responsive-Img" SRC = "https://images.midilibre.fr/api/v1/images/View/67a62cb4ac95dc621c4bfc/large/image.jpg?v=1" Alt = "With Pilot Thierry Loine, the…
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