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Falling the birth rate: “France dies slowly,” worries Samir Hamamah, author of a national report on infertility

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< img class = "responsive-Img" SRC = "" Alt = "Samir Hamamah is sounding the alarm." >Samir Hamamah is sounding the alarm. Midi Libre – Michael Esdourubailh < P Class = "Article-Full__CoPo" > In February & nbsp; 2022, Pr Samir Hamamah, head of the Biology Service for the Reproduction of the Montpellier University Hospital, presented Emmanuel Macron a report on the causes of the infertility, and proposed a control strategy. Three years later, nothing was changed, he worries.

< P >Professor Hamamah was auditioned on January 29 by the Social Affairs Committee of the National Assembly: “We are in the middle of a demographic winter, all the data now demonstrates it”, hammers the Montpellier, which is also president of the French company reproduction study.

< P Class = "Txt-Question" > You bind the drop in fertility, of which you are an expert, downwards the birth rate…

< P > Fertility decreases, in men and women, from 0.3% to 0.4% per year. It is enough that we increase the success rate of the assisted medical procreation to slow down the drop in the birth rate. In France, 30,000 to 35,000 children are born each year by PMA, it is 4% of births. In South Korea and Japan, it is up to 17%. < P > We close the schools, or opens nursing homes… One person in four is over 65 years old in France. < P Class = "TXT-Question" >But you have already given, just three years ago, an “infertility” plan to the President of the Republic! < P > Yes. It has still not been achieved. We obtained 30 million euros to increase the success rate in PMA and improve care paths, pilot teams have been chosen, but we are still waiting for money to be issued by the National Research Agency. We are in total inertia. When Frédéric Valletoux was Minister of Health, we advanced on two subjects: to propose a so -called long consultation to young men and young women of childbearing age, as thirty approaches, to take stock of their fertility. And establish a pre-conception consultation, 100 days before the start of a baby, to identify risk factors, endocrine disruptors for example. 200% Deposit Bonus up to €3,000 180% First Deposit Bonus up to $20,000

< Iframe Frameborder = "0" Scrolling = "No" Marginwidth = "0" Marginheight = "0" Hspace = "0" Vspace = "0" Webkitallowfulscreen = "True" mozallowfulllscreen = "alllow" = "Autoplay" RetrierPolicy = "No-Referrer-Ohen-Downgrade" Width = "500" Height = "300" style = "Width: 100%; Height: 100%; Position: Absolute;" Data-digiteka-src = "//">66~/iframe>~ < img class = "responsive-Img" src = "" > < P >The information was sent to the High Authority for Health to quantify the necessary budget. In France, infertility represents a cost for the community of 850 million euros, it is not huge in the face of 250 billion of the social security budget. We have not advanced.

< P > with Catherine Vautrin, Minister of Health of Gabriel Attal, whom I met at length, it was also planned to try to raise awareness among the Oréal, Vuitton and Chanel when creating a logo informing Consumers on the presence of endocrine disruptors, and any substance that can alternate fertility, in shampoo, perfume … Then we dissolved the National Assembly. Whenever the ministers change, I get in touch with the teams, and we start from scratch. < Blockquote > < H2 Class = "TXT-INT" > The preservation of fertility has still not entered the mores. < P Class = "TXT-Question" > < P Class = "Txt-Question" > and we do nothing… < P >We play with fire, there is no other word because there is the fire! China, Vietnam, Japan, are reassessing their strategy, with concrete actions to boost fertility. Two weeks ago, Vladimir Putin signed a decree to offer a scholarship to all students who wish to have children, and women who do not want children are exposed to a sanction equivalent to 4000 euros if they are express in public!

< P Class = "TXT-Question" > You do not still want us to come there…

< P >Of course not, but you have to face reality. Starting with the average age of the first delivery. In Paris, he is 34 years for women. Fertility falls with age and preservation of non -medical fertility, which has been offered for two and a half years, has still not entered customs: in Montpellier, the 600 women we have received are executives, I still haven't seen Madame everyone. And I only received two men. It is badly communicated on these subjects. < P > Between 2010 and 2024, 22% of births were lost. From 2040, if it continues, we will lose 3% GDP. < P Class = "Txt-Question" > Make children, it's good for the economy ? < P > Of course, all sectors of activity will be impacted. < Blockquote Class = "TXT-CIT" > < H2 Class = "TXT-INT" > It is time to allow women to reconcile their maternity and their professional life, the account is not there. < P Class = "TXT-Question" >Infertility is only one of the aspects of the drop in birth rate, 30% of young people of childbearing age do not want children today …

< P > Yes, but let us keep them a chance to have a child “in case”. In China, Japan, South Korea, people who want to have children for 4 -day week. In Japan, there is also a guaranteed place in free crèche … The first trimester, a pregnant woman works one hour less per day, the second, two hours less, the third, three hours a day. It's incentive!

< P Class = "Txt-Question" > we must get there ? < P >In the 1970s and 80s, there were 950,000 births per year in France. We built schools that saved villages. Today, we are 662,000 births per year. South Korea, which had a small million births per year, like France, in the 80s, arrived in 2023 at 232,000 births. At this rate, the country will disappear in 2250. For Japan, it will take 650 years. < P > France also dies at low fire. Our family and natalist policy, which dates back 80 years, must be completely redesigned. I am very worried about the inertia of the political class, all parties combined. I want to say to them: “Wake up!” < P Class = "Txt-Question" > Emmanuel Macron is right to call for the “rearmament” of France ? < P > The words are clumsy, but when we measure the issues… The replacement threshold of the population is at 2.1 children per woman. We are 1.60. In 2010, it was 2.04. The European average is 1.3! Today, there are four people at work for a person over 65. From 2040, it will be one or two. It is time to get out of denial, and to allow women to reconcile their maternity and professional life. The account is not at present. I subscribe to read more
Teilor Stone

Teilor Stone has been a reporter on the news desk since 2013. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining Thesaxon , Teilor Stone worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my 1-800-268-7116

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